An analysis authored by epidemiologist William Finkle and researchers at UCLA of insurance claims for more than 55,000 men looked at the rate of heart attacks within 90 days of starting testosterone. In men 65 and older, the risk more than doubled. In men younger than 65, with a history of heart disease, the risk almost tripled.
Testosterone treatment is approved by the Food and Drug Administration only for conditions linked with so-called "low T" - documented low testosterone levels. But many men without low T are being treated for a variety of symptoms such as fatigue and diminished libido. A study earlier this month found 43 percent of men receiving the hormone had a normal level.
"We don't know very much about this therapy," said Dr. Steve Nissen, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic. "What's going on is a giant experiment with American men's health at stake because we don't have the long-term data on the safety of these products."
One possible way testosterone might be causing problems is by increasing clotting within arteries supplying the heart. The FDA said that right now heart attack is not on the warning label and that the agency is reviewing today's study.
UCLAの疫学者William Finkleと研究者たちは、55000人以上の男性の保険金請求の分析で、テストステロン使用開始から90日以内の心臓発作を調べた。65歳以上の男性では、リスクが2倍以上になっていた。65未満の男性で、心臓の病歴がある場合、リスクはほぼ3倍になっていた。
テストステロン治療は、いわゆる"low T"すなわち文書化された低テストステロンに関連した症状についてのみ、FDAに認可された治療法である。しかし、"low T"ではない多くの男性の、疲労や性欲減退など様々な症状の治療にテストステロンが使われている。今月初めに発表された研究によれば、テストステロン治療を受けている男性の43%は、テストステロンのレベルは正常だった。
Cleveland ClinicのDr Steve Nissenによれば「我々のこの治療法について多くを知らない。これらの製品についての長期的安全性のデータがないので、米国の男性の健康を危機にさらして、大規模な実験を進めているようなものである。」
[ONATHAN LAPOOK: "Testosterone supplements linked to heart attacks in new study" (2014/01/29) on CBS NEWS]
Smithsonian Magazineによれば...
[Rachel Nuwer: A Surprising Number of College Students Struggle to Find Enough Food (2014/01/29) on Smithsonian Magazine]
Food insecurity, a problem normally associated with poverty, also plagues college campuses
Food insecurity, defined as the "limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways," is a problem normally associated with economic hardship. In 2011, around 15 percent of all U.S. households suffered from food insecurity, many of which also fell well below the poverty line.
According to new research, however, this problem might also impact another cohort of people: college students. In a study conducted at Western Oregon University, scientists found that 59 percent of around 350 surveyed students reported conditions qualifying them as food insecure during at least one point in the last year. In a statement, the researchers said they expected to find some degree of food insecurity on the campus, but that the actual prevalence revealed by the study was "shocking."
Increasing cost of tuition, rent, books, supplies and other higher education-related expenses may be drying up funds that students would otherwise use to feed themselves and maintain a healthy diet, the researchers hypothesize. Lacking in nutrients, the researchers say, might also impact a student's ability to perform well cognitively and excel at school.
While the study was confined to a single university, the team speculates that the results would likely apply to other campuses across the country.
新たな調査によれば、しかし、この問題は別なコホートの人々、すなわち大学生にも及んでいる。Western Oregon Universityの研究によれば、科学者たちは、調査対象の約350名の大学生の59%が、昨年1年間に少なくとも1回は食料不安の状態に陥っていたと回答した。ステートメントの中で、研究者たちはある程度の食料不安が見つかることは予期していたが、研究によって明らかになった実際の数値は「衝撃的」だと述べている。
A sixth-grade teacher's advocacy of creationism is at the center of the complaint in a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana on January 22, 2014. The lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Louisiana on behalf of Scott Lane, Sharon Lane, and their three children, including their son, C. C., a Buddhist of Thai heritage. Documents from the case, Lane et al. v. Sabine Parish School Board et al., are available from the ACLU's website.ここまで露骨な例は多くないかもしれないが、似たような例は他にもある。これを機に、ACLUとしてはルイジアナは進化論州法Act473に対しても影響を及ぼしたいところだが...
2014年1月22日に合衆国ルイジアナ州西部地裁が受理した訴状によれば、訴えの中心は6学年担当教師の創造論の宣伝にある。訴訟はScott LaneとSharon Laneと、 タイ仏教徒であるC.Cを含む3人の子供たちに代って、ACLU(米国自由人権協会)及びルイジアナ州ACLUが行ったものである。Lane et al. v. Sabine Parish学区裁判の訴状は、ACLUのサイトで読める。
According to the complaint (PDF), C. C.'s former sixth-grade teacher "treats the Bible as scientific fact, telling students that the Big Bang never happened and that evolution is a 'stupid' theory that 'stupid people made up because they don’t want to believe in God.'” She tells her students that "if evolution were real, it would still be happening: Apes would still be turning into humans today." She "repeatedly instructed students that evolution is not valid as a scientific theory and that God made the world 6,000 years ago." She skipped the chapter on evolution in the science textbook. In addition, she includes religious material on her science tests. On one examination, students were expected to fill in the blank in the sentence "ISN'T IT AMAZING WHAT THE __________ MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" C. C. was penalized for not supplying the word "LORD." The teacher similarly grants extra credit for writing "Isn't it amazing what the Lord has made" on assignments and examinations.
[Creationism in Louisiana lawsuit (2014/01/28) on ncse]
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- テネシー州の反進化論州法HB368/SB893成立 (2012/04/11)
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
「さて、太陽も月も星もなく、第一日目には天すら存在しなかったのに、「第一日」、「第二日」、「第三日」と言われ、おまけに「朝」と「晩」があったとされているのを、合理的である解釈する人が誰かいるだろうか、私は尋ねたい」と書いたオリゲネス(184/185 – 253/254)は、他にも聖書を字義通り読むことの奇妙さの例を挙げていた。
10. 「主はこう言われる。あなたたちは、慎んで、安息日に荷を運ばないようにしなさい。エルサレムのどの門からも持ち込んではならない。」 (エレミヤ書17章21節)
11. 「作り話や切りのない系図に心を奪われたりしないようにと。このような作り話や系図は、信仰による神の救いの計画の実現よりも、むしろ無意味な詮索を引き起こします。」 (テモテへの手紙一/1章4節)
c. バビロニアのタルムード Sabbath VI,2
[オリゲネス(小高毅 訳): 諸原理について (第4巻3章一, p.298)]
MISHNA III.: One who carries out anything in the right or in the left hand or in his bosom or on his shoulder is culpable, as so was the manner in which the sons of Kehath carried (their burdens). 1 But one who carries out a thing on the back of his hand or with his foot, with his mouth, with his elbow, with his ear, with his hair, with his waist bag, the opening of which is at the bottom, or between his belt and his shirt, with the edge of his shirt, with his shoe or sandal, is not culpable, because he carries it in an unusual manner.遵守不能の規定に抜け道のような解釈を与えることで、「字義通り」を捨てないという方法がとられていたようだ。そして、それをオリゲネスはネタにしていた。
GEMARA: R. Elazar said: "One who carries out a burden ten spans above the ground [not on his shoulder, but in the air] is culpable, because in this manner the sons of Kehath carried their burdens." Whence do we know that the sons of Kehath carried their burdens in this way? It is written [Numb. iii. 26]: "Which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round about." Hence he compares the tabernacle to the altar. As the tabernacle was ten ells, so was also the altar ten ells; and whence do we know that the tabernacle itself was ten ells? Because it is written [Ex. xxvi. 16]: "Ten ells shall be the length of the boards." Or we may say that we know that the sons of Kehath carried their burdens in this manner from the ark, as the Master said: The ark was nine spans high, and with the cover, which was one span higher, it was ten. Experience is to the effect that when a burden was carried on the shoulders by means of poles, one-third of the burden was above the poles and two-thirds below; then as the ark was ten spans high and one-third of it was carried above the shoulders, it was certainly more than ten spans above the ground.
Elazar師は言った「肩の上ではなく、空中で、地上から10スパンの高さで荷物を運んだ場合は違反である。Kehathの子らが荷をそのようにして運んだからである。」どうやって、我々がKehathの子らがそのように荷物を運んでのを知っているのか? 民数記3章25節に「幕屋と祭壇を囲む庭の周りの幕とその入り口の幕、綱、およびそれにかかわる仕事をすることである。」と書かれている。したがって、彼は幕屋と祭壇を比較している。幕屋は10アンマであり、したがって、祭壇は10アンマだった。では、どうやって、幕屋が10アンマだったことがわかるのか? それは出エジプト記26章16節にある。「一枚の壁板は縦十アンマ、横一・五アンマ」 あるいは、Kehathの子らが彼らの荷をそのようにしてアークから運んだことを知っていると言ってもいいかもしれない。主が言われるように、アークは9スパンの高さがあり、1スパンの高さのカバーがあった。したがって、10スパンである。ポールを用いて肩の上で運べば、荷物の1/3はポールの上に、2/3はポールの下になる。アークは10スパンあり、1/3が肩の上で運ばれたので、確かに地上より10スパン以上ある。
[Babylonia Talmud Sabbath X (English Translation]
Missouri's House Bill 1587, introduced and given its first reading in the Missouri House of Representatives on January 23, 2014, is the fourth antiscience bill of the year and the second in the state. As is increasingly common with antiscience legislation, HB 1587 would, if enacted, in effect encourage science teachers with idiosyncratic opinions to teach anything they pleased − proponents of creationism and climate change denial are the usual intended beneficiaries of such bills − and discourage responsible educational authorities from intervening. The bill specifically cites "the theory of biological and hypotheses of chemical evolution" as controversial.ミズーリ州1個目の反進化論州法案HB1472の提案者Rick Brattinは、これの共同提案者となっている。HB1472が親に対して子供に進化論教育を受けさせないようにする権利を与えるのに対して、このHB1587はよくある「強いところと弱いところ」州法案である。
HB 1587 would require state and local educational authorities to "assist teachers to find more effective ways to present the science curriculum where it addresses scientific controversies and permit teachers "to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of the theory of biological and hypotheses of chemical evolution"; it would prevent such authorities from "prohibit[ing] any teacher in a public school system of this state from helping students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of biological or chemical evolution whenever these subjects are taught."
The sponsor of HB 1587 is Andrew Koenig (R-District 99); its cosponsors are Rick Brattin (R-District 55), Donna Lichtenegger (R-District 146), Kurt Bahr (R-District 102), Galen Higdon (R-District 11), Sandy Crawford (R-District 129), and Paul Wieland (R-District 112). Koenig was the sponsor of a string of similar bills: HB 179 in 2013, HB 1276 in 2012, and HB 195 in 2011. All failed. Koenig is also a cosponsor of House Bill 1472 in 2014, a bill that would require equal time for "intelligent design" in Missouri's public schools, including introductory courses at colleges and universities. He cosponsored the similar HB 291 in 2013 and HB 1227 in 2012; both failed.
[A second antievolution bill in Missouri (2014/01/27) on ncse]
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- テネシー州の反進化論州法HB368/SB893成立 (2012/04/11)
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
- ミズーリ州下院に2個目の反進化論州法案HB1587登場(2014/01/28)
- ミズーリ州下院に反進化論州法案HB1472登場 (2014/01/19)
- オクラホマ州上院に反科学州法案SB1765登場 (2014/01/18)
- ヴァージニア州下院に反科学州法案HB207登場 (2014/01/09)
- ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案 HB291とHB179が廃案 (2013/05/21)
- テキサス州下院のインテリジェントデザイン州法案HB285が廃案 (2013/05/08)
- オクラホマ州下院の反進化論州法案HB1674が廃案 (2013/03/15)
- カンザス州下院の反気候変動州法案HB2306が廃案 (2013/03/03)
- インディアナ州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2013/02/27)
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2013/02/26)
- アリゾナ州上院の反進化論州法案 (2013/02/26)
- ヴァージニア州で進化論の授業を受けなくて済む州決議案が立ち消え (2013/02/24)
- モンタナ州下院の反進化論州法案が棚上げ (2013/02/07)
- コロラド州下院の反進化論州法案が、事実上、廃案 (2013/02/05)
- インディアナ州上院で準備中だった反進化論州法案は消滅 (2013/01/27)
- 2012年ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案2個は会期切れで廃案 (2012/05/20)
- オクラホマ州上院で、廃案になった反進化論州法案の文言を別の州法案に入れる試みは失敗 (2012/05/01)
- 復活したオクラホマ州下院の反進化論州法案は州上院で廃案 (2012/04/06)
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案は委員会で時間切れ廃案 (2012/03/13)
- ニューハンプシャー州下院の2つの反進化論州法案が委員会否決 (2012/02/17)
- インディアナ州上院の反進化論州法案は事実上、廃案 (2012/02/16)
- テネシー州下院の反進化論州法案が本会議可決 (2011/04/08)
- テキサス州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2011/06/01)
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2011/05/30)
- ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2011/05/14)
- フロリダ州上院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2011/05/11)
- ニューメキシコ州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案 (2011/03/30)
- ケンタッキー州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案(2011/03/12)
- オクラホマ州下院の反進化論州法案が委員会で否決 (2011/02/25)
- ミズーリ州下院に反進化論州法案が廃案 (2010/05/17) [HB1651]
- ケンタッキー州下院に反進化論州法案登場&廃案(2010/04/18) [HB 397]
- ミシシッピ州下院の反進化論州法案HB586が廃案 (2010/02/06) [House Bill 586]
- サウスカロライナ州上院に反進化論州法案が廃案 (2010/06/06) [SB873]
- テキサス州下院の反進化論州法案HB4224とICR大学院による学位授与をみとめる州法案HB2800が廃案 (2009/06/03) [HB4224, HB2800]
- ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案HB656が廃案 (2009/05/17) [HB656]
- アラバマ州下院の反進化論州法案HB300が廃案 (2009/05/16) [HB300]
- フロリダ州上院の反進化論州法案SB2396が廃案 (2009/05/03) [SB2396]
- ニューメキシコ州上院の反進化論州法案SB433が廃案 (2009/03/023)[SB433]
- アイオワ州下院の反進化論州法案HF183が廃案 (2009/03/14) [HF183]
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案SB320が廃案 (2009/02/18) [SB320]
- ミシシッピ州下院の反進化論州法案HB25が廃案 (2009/02/08) [HB25]
- 忘れた頃にミシガン州反進化論州法案が委員会審議時間切れで廃案 (2008/12/21) [HB6027]
- サウスカロライナ州の反進化論州法案が廃案に (2008/06/07) [SB1286]
- ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案に (2008/05/21) [HB2554]
- アラバマ州下院の反進化論州法案が廃案に (2008/05/11) [HB923]
- フロリダ州の反進化論州法案は廃案に (2008/05/03) [SB2692]