

South Dakota's Senate Bill 112, which would, if enacted, provide that "[n]o school board or school administrator may prohibit a teacher in public or nonpublic school from providing instruction on intelligent design or other related topics," was killed in the Senate Education Committee on February 6, 2014, according to the Rapid City Journal (February 6, 2014).

The bill was killed at the request of its primary sponsor, Jeff Monroe (R-District 24), who told the Associated Press (February 6, 2014) that he decided that it was poorly written: "Some [members of the Senate Education Committee] agreed with the bill, but they would have had to vote against it, based on the fact that it was written poorly."

成立すれば「公立及び私立学校の教師がインテリジェントデザインあるいは関連するトピックの授業を行うことを、学区委員会あるいは学校管理者が禁じることを、禁じる」サウスダコタ州上院のSB112が、Rapid City Journalの2014年2月6日付の報道によれば、州上院教育委員会で廃案になった。

州法案は主提案者Jeff Monroe(共和党District24)の要請によるもので、彼はAssociated Press(2014/02/06)に対して「州法案文には欠陥があると判断した。州上院教育委員会の中には州法案に賛成してくれた委員もいたが、彼らは、案文に欠陥があることを理由に反対票を投じざるをえなかった。」と語った。

Monroe told the Sioux Falls Argus Leader (February 6) that the bill "was getting too big for the amount of benefit that would come of it. ... I think there are better ways to do this that don't scare the daylights out of school boards and get everybody riled up." He also told the newspaper that he thought that students should be allowed to "see both sides."

Monroe州上院議員はSioux Falls Argus Leader(2014/02/06)に対して「州法案はその利点に比して大きくなりすぎていた。同じことを実現するのに、学区教育委員会を怖がらせず、誰も怒らせない、より良い方法があると考えている」と述べた。彼は新聞に対して、生徒たちは「両論を見る」のを許されるべきだと考えていると語った。

[South Dakota "intelligent design" bill killed (2014/02/06) on ncse]
インテリジェントデザインを可能とする条文は、Kitzmiller et al v. Dover Area School District et al(2005)裁判の判例により違憲であるため、成立したとしても裁判で勝ち抜けないことは明らかだった。提案者であるMonroe州上院議員は、それに後から気が付いたのかわからないが、審議日程を浪費するわけにはいかず、審議を断念した模様。




  • サウスダコタ州上院のインテリジェントデザイン教育州法案SB112が提案者の要請で廃案 (2014/02/08)





posted by Kumicit at 2014/02/08 23:59 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


リコール後もOxyElite Proを入手して、摂取して、肝臓障害になった人々がいる

ハワイを中心として発生した肝臓障害に関連するとみられるダイエットサプリOxyElite Pro(第1世代製品の成分DMAAが心臓疾患と関連するとみられため、代替成分Aegelineを配合した第2世代製品)が2013年11月に製造元USP Labによりリコールされた。しかし、その後も、OxyElite Pro第2世代によるとみられる肝臓障害が2014年1月にも発生している。
"We're still seeing people who are sick... with yellow jaundice. So it's still happening," said Dr. Naoky Tsai, director of Queen's Medical Center's Liver Center.

More than 50 people nationwide, including 33 people in Hawaii, have gotten sick from taking the OxyElite Pro supplement, including a Maui mother of seven who died in October.

The Liver Center said its latest patient came in just last week.

"In a way it makes me sad that despite the effort we put in, the Department of Health put in, the CDC, the FDA. Patients are still taking it and they're still able to get it, and they get hurt," said Dr. Marina Roytman, an Internist at the Liver Center.

Today, leaders from the Queen's Liver Center told state lawmakers they're almost certain that the harmful ingredient is aegeline, a synthetic version of a natural substance found in bael trees.

「我々は今も、肝臓障害となる人がいるのを見ている。まだ、問題は続いている」とQueen's Medical Centerの肝臓センター長Dr. Naoky Tsaiは言う。

ハワイの33名を含む、全米で50名以上がOxyElite Proサプリの摂取により病気になっており、2013年10月には7人の子供を持つ女性が死亡している。肝臓センターによれば、先週にも肝臓障害となった患者が出ている。

「我々や、ハワイ州保健省や、CDCやFDAが努力しているだけに、とても悲しい。患者たちは今も摂取していて、今も入手できていて、そして障害を発生させている」と内科専門医Dr. Marina Roytmanは言う。

本日(2014/01/28)、Queen's Medical Centerの肝臓センター長はハワイ州議会に対して、有害な成分が、Bael Treeの実から見つかる成分の合成品であるaegelineであることはほぼ確実であると通知している。

[Rick Daysog:"Months after recall, new OxyElite Pro illnesses reported" (2014/01/28) on HawaiiNewsNow]
実際、リコール後にOxyElite Proを入手して、肝臓障害になった人物についての報道記事がある。

OxyElite Proを摂取し、運動をして、23kgの減量に成功し、とても健康的になったが、肝臓を悪くして、今はOxyElite製造元と販売店を訴えている、南フロリダ在住のEric Rizzoは、リコール後にOxyElite Proを購入したという。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration had been sending warning letters to Oxy Elite Pro’s maker, which recalled the product in November. But Rizzo’s lawyer says his client was still able to buy it in Fort Lauderdale after the recall.

“I couldn’t find it in the store, and the salesgirl had taken it out from underneath the counter and sold me two,” Rizzo said.

米国FDAが警告書簡をOxy Elite Proの製造元に送付し、製造元が製品のリコールを2013年11月に行った。しかし、Rizzoの弁護士によれば、彼はリコール後に、Fort Lauderdaleで購入できた。


[Willard Shepard |: "South Florida Man Blames Liver Disease on Weight Loss Product" (2014/02/06) on NBC Miami]


posted by Kumicit at 2014/02/07 02:15 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




Rickets is a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. It leads to softening and weakening of the bones.

Infants who are breastfed only may develop vitamin D deficiency. Human breast milk does not supply the proper amount of vitamin D. This can be a particular problem for darker-skinned children in winter months (when there are lower levels of sunlight).

Not getting enough calcium and phosphorous in your diet can also lead to rickets. Rickets caused by a lack of these minerals in diet is rare in developed countries, because calcium and phosphorous are found in milk and green vegetables.



[Rickets -- MedlinePlus]

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that exclusively and partially breastfed infants receive supplements of 400 IU/day of vitamin D shortly after birth and continue to receive these supplements until they are weaned and consume ≥1,000 mL/day of vitamin D-fortified formula or whole milk. Similarly, all non-breastfed infants ingesting <1,000 mL/day of vitamin D-fortified formula or milk should receive a vitamin D supplement of 400 IU/day.

Paediatric dietician Helen Wilcock, a member of the British Dietetic Association, says she tries not to be judgmental about the rights and wrongs of vegan diets for young children, but any parent wanting to raise their child as a vegan needs to be very well-informed. "Vegan children can be deficient in vitamin D, calcium, iron and possibly vitamin B12, so they need supplements," she says.

Another big issue is that a vegan diet isn't very energy-dense: you have to eat a lot of it to get enough energy. But children typically don't eat a lot, so getting enough calories into them can be difficult. "I recommend adding oil to their food," Wilcock says, "because that gives them more calories."

Another difficulty is protein. "If a child eats meat and fish, it's easy to get all the right amino acids. But if a child is getting protein from pulses, the problem is that one type of bean might not provide every amino acid, so there has to be a good balance of pulses. In other words, a child who only eats chicken will get all the amino acids – but a child who only eats one type of bean won't."

[Is veganism safe for kids? (2010/04/20) on Theaguardian]

一方、Adventist Chuechは、Nkosiyapha Kunene(36)とVirginia Kunene(32)は, 宗派には登録されていたが、実際には教会に来ていなかったと発表した。
The Adventist Church’s British Union Conference released a statement last week saying that while the couple was registered as members of the denomination at the time of their marriage in 2009 they do “not appear to have attended any specific Adventist church on a regular basis after that time.”
Sharon Platt-McDonald, Health Ministries director for the British Union Conference. said Adventist health professionals “would always advise church members to seek and listen to medical advice.” 

[ Adventist News 2014/02/04]
posted by Kumicit at 2014/02/06 06:04 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



Virginia's House Bill 207, which would deprive administrators of the ability to prevent teachers from miseducating students about "scientific controversies," is in search of a home. On February 3, 2014, the House Committee on Education referred the bill to the House Committee on Courts of Justice on a 14-8 vote. But, unusually, the latter committee refused to accept the bill, so it returns to the former committee, which is expected to consider it again at its February 5, 2014, meeting.

The referral was recommended by the House Subcommittee for Elementary and Secondary Education, which voted 4-3 for it at its January 30, 2014, meeting, according to the Washington Post (January 31, 2014). The bill's sponsor Richard P. "Dickie" Bell (R-District 20), who chairs the subcommittee, was one of the three voting against the referral, so the vote is regarded as a setback for the bill.


Washington Postによれば、司法委員会への送付は、2014年1月30日に、州下院初等中等教育小委員会で4:3で推奨されたものである。州法案の提案者Richard P. "Dickie" Bell (共和党District20)は、この小委員会委員長であり、司法委員会への送付に対する反対票3票のうちの一人である。したがって、この採決は州法案を後退させるものだと見なされている。

[Mixed news from Virginia (2014/02/03) on ncse]







posted by Kumicit at 2014/02/05 01:38 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Seventh-Day Adventistの教義の定める厳格な食餌ルールに従おうとして、生後5か月の息子をくる病で死なせた夫婦

Telegraphの報道によれば、ジンバブエ生まれの夫婦が、Seventh-Day Adventistの教義の定める厳格な食餌ルールに従おうとして、生後5か月の息子をくる病で死なせた。
Nkosiyapha Kunene, 36, and his wife Virginia, 32, were told at the Old Bailey on Monday that they could face jail after admitting the manslaughter of their son Ndingeko.

Acute rickets, from which Ndingeko died on June 14, 2012, sees the bones soften because of a deficiency of vitamin D, phosphorus or calcium. The case comes after health professionals raised concerns that the Victorian disease is returning to Britain as a result of poor diets and children not being exposed to sufficient sunshine.

It is believed Ndingeko’s parents belong to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, whose members follow a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet – one that allows milk and eggs, but not animal flesh.

Richard Whittam QC, prosecuting, described five-month-old Ndingeko’s death from rickets as “tragic”.

Ndingeko’s parents were born in Zimbabwe, although Mrs Kunene is now a British citizen. They were arrested soon after his death and later charged with manslaughter and cruelty to a child between Jan 1, 2012 and June 15, 2012. The pair both deny cruelty, but have admitted manslaughter.

月曜日に、Nkosiyapha Kunene(36)と妻のVirginia(32)は息子Ndingekoの故殺を認めた後、ロンドン中央刑事裁判所から実刑の可能性があることを告げられた。


Ndingekoの両親はSeventh-Day Adventist Churchの所属していると考えらている。この宗教の信者は、牛乳と卵は良いが、肉食はみとめられないというlacto-ovo菜食主義に従っている、

訴追にあたっているRichard Whittam QC(Queen's Counsel=勅撰弁護士)は、生後5か月のNdingekoのくる病による死を「悲劇的」と評した。

Ndingekoの両親はジンバブエで生まれたが、Virginia Kuneneは英国の市民権を取得している。夫婦は息子の死後、逮捕され、故殺と2012年1月1日〜6月15日の間の虐待で訴追された。夫婦はともに虐待を否認したが、故殺は認めた。

[Nicola Fifield:"Baby dies of rickets from vegetarian mother" (2014/01/27) on Telegraph]

なお、このLacto-ovo菜食主義を教義としているのは、Seventh-Day Adventists以外に、20世紀に中国で生まれた一貫道(I-Kuan Tao, Yiguandao)がある。
posted by Kumicit at 2014/02/05 01:04 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする