[Figure 2: Global prevalence of HCV-specific antibodies, of David L Thomas:"Global control of hepatitis C: where challenge meets opportunity", Nature Medicine 19, 850–858 (2013) doi:10.1038/nm.3184]
Egypt's military leaders have come under ridicule after the chief army engineer unveiled what he described as a "miraculous" set of devices that detect and cure AIDS, hepatitis and other viruses. The claim, dismissed by experts and called "shocking to scientists" by president's science adviser, strikes a blow to the army's carefully managed image as the savior of the nation. ...事態はネットのお笑いネタから、エジプト軍の信頼性や政権の支持に影響を与える実問題になり始めているようである。
Well-known writer Hamdi Rizk noted that video clips of the presentation had gone viral on social media, with tweets and blogs saying the military had made a fool of itself and put its reputation in jeopardy.
有名な著作家Hamdi Rizkは、軍は自ら馬鹿をやって、評判を地に落としているというツイートやブログ記事とともに、デバイス発表動画がソーシャルメディアで拡散されていると書いている。
[Egypt army "AIDS detector" instead finds ridicule (2014/02/28) by The Associated Press]