


[Deaths Associated with Hypocalcemia from Chelation Therapy --- Texas, Pennsylvania, and Oregon, 2003--2005 (2006/03/03) on CDC]

In 2005, the Texas Department of Health childhood lead poisoning surveillance program reported a death attributable to chelation-associated hypocalcemia to CDC. Subsequently, CDC queried state and local lead-surveillance programs regarding chelation-related fatalities; additional deaths were identified in Pennsylvania and Oregon.


Case Reports 症例報告

Texas. In February 2005, a girl aged 2 years who was tested for blood lead during routine health surveillance had a capillary BLL of 47 μg/dL. A venous BLL of 48 μg/dL obtained 12 days later confirmed the elevated BLL. A complete blood count and iron study conducted concurrently revealed low serum iron levels and borderline anemia. On February 28, 2005, the girl was admitted to a local medical center for combined oral and IV chelation therapy.

The patient's blood electrolytes at admission were within normal limits. Initial medication orders included IV Na2EDTA and oral succimer (an agent primarily used for treatment of lead poisoning). The medication order subsequently was corrected by the pediatric resident to IV CaEDTA. At 4:00 p.m. on the day of admission, the patient received her first dose of IV CaEDTA (300 mg in 100 mL normal saline at 25 mL/hr). At 4:35 p.m., she was administered 200 mg of oral succimer. Her vital signs remained normal throughout the night. At 4:00 a.m. the next day, a dose of IV Na2EDTA (instead of IV CaEDTA) was administered. An hour later, the patient's serum calcium had decreased to 5.2 mg/dL (normal value for pediatric patients: 8.5--10.5 mg/dL). At 7:05 a.m., the child's mother noticed that the child was limp and not breathing. Bedside procedures did not restore a normal cardiac rhythm, and a cardiac resuscitation code was called at 7:25 a.m. The child had no palpable pulse or audible heartbeat. Repeat laboratory values for serum drawn at 7:55 a.m. indicated that the serum calcium level was <5.0 mg/dL despite repeated doses of calcium chloride. All attempts at resuscitation failed, and the girl was pronounced dead at 8:12 a.m.

An autopsy revealed no results of toxicologic significance. A postmortem radiologic bone survey indicated areas of sclerosis at the metaphyses (growth arrest and recovery lines compatible with lead exposure). The cause of death was recorded as sudden cardiac arrest resulting from hypocalcemia associated with chelation therapy. The hospital's child mortality review board findings indicated that a dose of IV Na2EDTA was unintentionally administered to the child.

テキサス州。 2005年2月に、定期健康診断で血中鉛濃度の試験を受けた2歳の少女の血中鉛濃度が47μg/dLだった。12日後にも血中鉛濃度が48μg/dLであり、高血中鉛濃度が確認された。並行して行われた全血球数と鉄分の検査で、低血清鉄レベルと境界線貧血が明らかになった。2005年2月28日に、少女は経口及びIVによるキレーション療法のために地域医療センターに入院した。

入院時の患者の血液電解質は正常範囲内であった。最初の投薬指示はIV(静脈注射)Na2EDTAと経口サクシマー(鉛中毒治療にまず使われる薬品)だった。その後、小児科レジデントがIV CaEDTAに変更した。入院した日の4:00pmに、患者は最初のIV CaEDTA(25mL/hrの生理食塩水中に300mg)投与を受けた。4:35pmに患者は200mgの経口サクシマー投与を受けた。彼女のバイタルサインは一晩中正常だった。翌日、4:00amに、IV CaEDTAの代わりにIV Na2EDTAの投与を受けた。1時間後、患者の血中カルシウム濃度は5.2mg/dL(小児の正常値は8.5-10.5mg/dL)だった。7:05amに子供の母親が、子供がぐったりしていて、息をしていないのに気付いた。ベッドサイドでの蘇生措置では正常な心拍数を回復できず、7:25amに心肺蘇生チームが呼ばれた。子供にはまったく心拍がなかった。塩化カルシウムを繰り返し登用されたが、繰り返し行われた検査は、7:55am時点で、血中カルシウム濃度は5.0mg/dL以下であったことを示していた。蘇生の試みは失敗し、少女の死が8:12amに確認された。

剖検では、有意な毒学の存在を示す結果がないことが明らかになった。死後の放射線による骨の検査で、骨幹端での多発性硬化症の領域(鉛曝露と合致した、成長停止回復線)が示された。死因は、キレーション療法に関連した低カルシウム血症に起因する突然の心停止と記録された。病院の小児死亡審査委員会の調査結果はIV Na2EDTA投与が意図せずして小児に対しておこなわれたことを示している。

Pennsylvania. In August 2005, a boy aged 5 years with autism died while receiving IV chelation therapy with Na2EDTA in a physician's office. During the chelation procedure, the mother noted that the child was limp. The physician initiated resuscitation, and an emergency services team transported the child to the hospital. At the emergency department (ED), further resuscitation was attempted, including administration of at least 1 and possibly 2 doses of IV calcium chloride. Subsequently, the boy's blood calcium level was recorded in the ED as 6.9 mg/dL. The child did not regain consciousness. The coroner examination indicated cause of death as diffuse, acute cerebral hypoxic-ischemic injury, secondary to diffuse subendocardial necrosis. The myocardial necrosis resulted from hypocalcemia associated with administration of Na2EDTA. The case is under investigation by the Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine.

ペンシルバニア州。医院でIV Na2EDTAによるキレーション療法を受けていた自閉症の5歳の男の子が2005年8月に死亡した。キレーション療法中に、子供がぐったりしているのに母親が気づいた。医師は蘇生を開始し、緊急医療チームが病院に子供を搬送した。ED(救急治療室)では、さらに蘇生が試みられ、少なくとも1回、あるいは2回のIV 塩化カルシウム投与が行われた。その後、EDでの子供のカルシウム濃度の記録は6.9mg/dLだった。子供は意識を回復しなかった。検死官の調査では、主因は急性低酸素性虚血性脳障害、副因は心内膜下壊死だった。この症例はペンシルバニア州医療委員会により調査中である。

Oregon. In August 2003, a woman aged 53 years with no evidence of coronary artery disease, intracranial disease, or injury was treated with 700 mg IV EDTA in a naturopathic practitioner's clinic. The EDTA was provided by a compounding laboratory (Creative Compounding, Wilsonville, Oregon) and was administered by the practitioner to remove heavy metals from the body. The practitioner had provided a similar treatment to the patient on three previous occasions, once in June 2003 and twice in July 2003. Approximately 10--15 minutes after treatment began, the patient became unconscious. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated, and an emergency services team was contacted. Attempts to revive the patient en route to and in the ED were unsuccessful. The medical examiner determined the cause of death to be cardiac arrhythmia resulting from hypocalcemia associated with EDTA infusion and vascuolar cardiomyopathy. The patient's ionized calcium level during code was 3.8 mg/dL (normal value for adult patients: 4.5--5.3 mg/dL) after one IV injection of calcium gluconate administered by emergency medical technicians en route to the hospital and another IV injection of calcium chloride in the ED. The Oregon State Naturopath Licensing Board is conducting an investigation to determine whether Na2EDTA or CaEDTA was administered to this patient.

オレゴン州。2003年8月に、冠動脈疾患や頭蓋内疾患あるいは損傷の証拠のない、53歳の女性がナチュロパスのクリニックで700mg IV EDTA治療を受けた。EDTAはオレゴン州WilsonvilleにあるCreative Compoundingが配合したものであり、人体から重金属を除去するためにナチュロパスによって投与された。ナチュロパスは同様の療法を、過去の3人の患者に投与している(2003/6に1人, 2003年7月に2人)。療法が始まって10-15分後に、患者は意識不明となった。心肺蘇生を開始し、緊急医療チームに連絡した。EDへの移送途中及びED内での蘇生の試みは成功しなかった。監察医は、死因はEDTA投与と血管心筋症に関連した低カルシウム血症に起因する心臓不整脈であると判断した。EDへ移送中のグルコン酸カルシウム投与及びEDでの塩化カルシウム投与後の患者のカルシウムイオン濃度は3.8mg/dL (通常の成人の値は4.5-5.3mg/dL)だった。オレゴン州ナチュロパス免許委員会は、ナチュロパスがNa2EDTAかCaEDTAのどちらを投与したか調べている。
[FDA issues warnings to marketers of unapproved ‘chelation’ products (2010/10/14) on FDA]


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today warned eight companies that their over-the-counter (OTC) chelation products are unapproved drugs and devices and that it is a violation of federal law to make unproven claims about these products. There are no FDA-approved OTC chelation products.


The companies must take prompt action to correct the legal violations cited in the warnings letters or face possible legal action, including seizure and injunction. The FDA issued warning letters to the following companies:

World Health Products, LLC: Detoxamin Oral, Detoxamin Suppositories, and the Metal Detector test kit
Hormonal Health, LLC and World Health Products, LLC: Kelatox Suppositories, and the METALDETECTOR Instant Toxic Metals Test
Evenbetternow, LLC: Kids Chelat Heavy Metal Chelator, Bio-Chelat Heavy Metal Chelator, Behavior Balance DMG Liquid, AlkaLife Alkaline Drops, NutriBiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract, Natur-Leaf, Kids Clear Detoxifying Clay Baths, EBN Detoxifying Bentonite Clay, and the Heavy Metal Screen Test
Maxam Nutraceutics/Maxam Laboratories: PCA-Rx, PC3x, AFX, AD-Rx, AN-Rx, Anavone, AV-Rx, BioGuard, BSAID, CF-Rx, CreOcell, Dermatotropin, Endotropin, GTF-Rx, IM-Rx, Keto-Plex, Natural Passion, NG-Rx, NX-Rx, OR-Rx, Oxy-Charge, PN-Rx, Ultra-AV, Ultra Pure Yohimbe, and the Heavy Metal Screening Test
Cardio Renew, Inc: CardioRenew and CardioRestore
Artery Health Institute, LLC: Advanced Formula EDTA Oral Chelation
Longevity Plus: Beyond Chelation Improved, EndoKinase, Viral Defense, Wobenzym-N
Dr. Rhonda Henry: Cardio Chelate (H-870)

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