このbeneficiary bashingは、他集団に対する敵対性というハードワイヤードな心理に根ざすにではないかと、心理療法士Kyle MacDonaldは指摘する。
I think it’s important to recognize that one of the unfortunate side effects of a capitalist, “work is value” based ethic is prejudice. Nowhere in the west is this more clear than in the United States of America, where some studies suggest that people react with “revulsion and disgust” to those struggling with poverty, and that the strength of their negative prejudice is even greater than that of racism.そして、物事に偶然を排除した因果関係を見出そうという心理も絡んでいると。
To understand prejudice we need to understand in-group/ out-group psychology. At the risk of over simplifying a rather large body of research, basically as human beings we’re hard wired to treat “not like me” with suspicion, and at times outright hostility. This hostility is generally strengthened by increased “in group” identity.
Modern market capitalism has created a new in group, the hard working middle class. ... they are told that their success is because of a system that allows them to profit from hard work, perseverance and their own natural talents. ...
But it is a myth. It’s a myth because our own egos (some more than others) simply don’t allow us to see or acknowledge the role that luck, the help and support of others plays (including the government) and this help is not only necessary, but vital in individual successes. It’s also uncomfortable to acknowledge that “just” being Pakeha, or male, or born into a non-abusive or non-neglectful environment, also gives people an advantage. And this is also, obviously, luck not talent.
The flip side of this myth is: “if you’re poor you must deserve it”. It’s the logical inverse of “hard work equals success.” And it’s this logic that drives welfare policy and the recent welfare reforms that see work as the only “treatment”, and the ultimate, or only measure of success.
この俗説のコインの裏側は「貧乏なのはオマエのせい」 これは「ハードワークは成功」の反対向きの論理である。この論理は「労働こそが唯一の治療法であり、成功ための究極あるいは唯一の手段だ」という福祉政策及び現在の福祉改革を推進する。
[Kyle MacDonald:"Beneficiary Bashing"(2014/04/18) ]