

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ordered traffic to be channeled through a few entry points where people can be monitored and tested for Ebola. She said the airport would remain open, with passengers similarly screened. Arik Air Ltd., West Africa's largest carrier, canceled flights to Liberia on Sunday in response to the epidemic.

The president also banned large gatherings such as demonstrations. She is considering quarantining certain urban neighborhoods, said Tolbert Nyenswah, the assistant health minister.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf大統領はエボラを監視・検査できるように、交通を少数の入国ポイントを通過するように命令を下している。大統領は空港は閉鎖しないが、乗客は同様にスクリーニングしていると述べた。アフリカ西部で最大の航空会社Arik Airは感染拡大に対応して、日曜日からリベリア便を休止している。

[DREW HINSHAW :"West Africa Strains to Contain Ebola Virus" (2014/07/29) on WSJ]
The outbreak has been raging off and on ever since, frustrating health officials on the ground and internationally who are up against sizable populations that move between countries and cities and harbor suspicions of Western medicine. Local belief systems encourage family members to care personally for the infected sick and engage in burial rites that bring them in contact with the still-contagious deceased.
Funerals in particular are a point of transmission: Custom among West Africa's Muslim population holds that bodies should be buried within 24 hours of death, with family members often handling the corpse.
Government attempts to alter funeral rites meet resistance from Liberians who refuse to let doctors in protective suits deal with the bodies of their loved ones. Quarantining sections of the capital, Monrovia, a densely packed city of 1.2 million people, would prove difficult as neighborhoods blend together, demarcated from one another by hard-to-police back alleys cutting between shacks.

エボラのアウトブレイクは断続的に猛威をふるい、大きな集団が国間や都市間を移動し、人々は西洋医学に疑いの目を向け続けていて、地元及び国外からの医療関係者たちを苛立たせている。地元の宗教は、病気に感染した人を家族が看護し、埋葬の時には未だ感染力を持つ遺体に触れることを奨めている。・・・ 特に葬儀は感染の機会となっている。アフリカ西部のイスラム教徒たちの習慣では、遺体は24時間以内に家族の手で葬らなければならない。... 葬儀の方法を変更しようとしている政府は、愛する家族を防護服に身を固めた医師たちが取り扱うのを拒否するリベリア人からの抵抗に直面している。


[DREW HINSHAW :"West Africa Strains to Contain Ebola Virus" (2014/07/29) on WSJ]

Local pastors and medicine makers have all claimed the power to cure the disease, facilitating its spread.


[DREW HINSHAW :"West Africa Strains to Contain Ebola Virus" (2014/07/29) on WSJ]

Liberian officials on Monday were hoping that the rising death toll had begun to persuade Liberians otherwise.

"I'm not sure people are prepared to stay in a state of denial for much longer," said the president's spokesman Jerolinmek Piah. "There'll be a change in attitude."

2014/07/28にはリベリア政府当局者が、いずれにせよ、増え続ける死者の数が、リベリア国民を説得することに望みをかけている。「さらに長い間、人々が否定を続けるとは思えない。国民は態度を変えるだろう」と大統領報道官Jerolinmek Piahは述べた。

... convincing Liberians that Ebola exists remains a challenge in a country where rumors fill the void left by the lack of formal education. Large numbers there believe Ebola is an evil spirit. One Liberia senator recently called it a scam by his government.

"People love rumors," said Mr. Nyenswah, the assistant health minister. "We're trying to do what we can."

Liberian government workers have been screening videos showing the effects of the disease in local movie theaters. The government has been airing constant radio spots explaining the Ebola virus. It has helped to change minds, Mr. Nyenswah said.




[DREW HINSHAW :"West Africa Strains to Contain Ebola Virus" (2014/07/29) on WSJ]
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