
万能薬な効果(エボラを含む)を宣伝するエッセンシャルオイル業者Young LivingとdōTERRAにFDAが警告

2014年9月22日付で、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は、エッセンシャルオイル製造販売会社Young Living及びdōTERRAの2社に対して、製品を医薬品として宣伝しているとの警告書簡を送った。この2社は15営業日以内に、是正措置をとるか、是正措置の計画を報告しなければならない。

まずYoung Livingへの警告書簡:
[WARNING LETTER: Young Living 2014/09/22 on FDA]

Young Living
Attn: Mr. Gary Young, CEO
3125 Executive Parkway
Lehi, UT 84043

This is to advise you that in August 2014 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed websites and social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest) for several Young Living essential oil consultants that your firm refers to as “Young Living distributors.” FDA also reviewed a 2012-2013 product guide found on your website http://www.youngliving.com. Based on our review, FDA has determined that many of your Young Living Essential Oil products, such as, but not limited to, “Thieves,” “Cinnamon Bark,” “Oregano,” “ImmuPower,” “Rosemary,” “Myrtle,” “Sandalwood,” “Eucalyptus Blue,” “Peppermint,” “Ylang Ylang,” “Frankincense,” and “Orange,” are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)(B)], because they are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. The intended use of a product may be determined by, among other things, its labeling, advertising, and the circumstances surrounding its distribution, 21 C.F.R. § 201.128. As described below, the marketing and distribution of your Young Living Essential Oil products without FDA-approved applications is in violation of the Act.

貴社が"Young Living distributor"(販社)と記載しているYoung Livingエッセンシャルオイルの複数のコンサルタントのウェブサイトおよびソーシャルメディアアカウント(Facebook, Twitter, Pinterstなど)を、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)が2014年8ア月に調査結果を通告する。FDAはさらに、貴社サイト http://www.youngliving.com にある2012-2013年の製品ガイドを調査した。これらの調査に基づき、FDAは、Thieves, Cinnamon Bark, Oregano, ImmuPower, Rosemary, Myrtle, Sandalwood, Eucalyptus Blue, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, OrangeなどのYoung Livingエッセンシャルオイル製品の多くが、病気の診断・治癒・症状緩和・治療・予防を意図しており、連邦食品薬品化粧品法の定める医薬品にあたる宣伝を行っていると判定した。製品使用意図は、ラベル・広告・販売周辺状況から判断した。以下に記載するように、FDAの承認申請なく、Young Livingエッセンシャルオイル製品を流通・販売することは違法である。
We request that you notify this office in writing within 15 working days from your receipt of this letter of the current status of your corrective actions and the specific steps you have taken to correct the noted violations. In your response, include documentation of your corrective actions. If you cannot complete all corrections before you respond, we expect that you will explain the reason for your delay and please include a timetable for the implementation of any remaining corrections.


FDAによれば、Young Living社は自社製品をエボラを含む様々な病気の予防・治療に効果があると宣伝している。ほぼ万能薬状態である。
Cinnamon Barkエボラ
Eucalyptus Blue抗炎症 抗ウイルス作用
Frankensence 関節炎
Frankincense癌 結腸癌 子宮頸癌 膀胱癌 白血病 黒色腫 線維肉腫 脳腫瘍 多発性骨髄腫 関節炎 アルツハイマー病
Freedom ReleasePTSD
Freedom SleepPTSD
Myrtle消毒効果、破傷風予防 パーキンソン病 アルツハイマー病 インポテンツ ED 癌予防・乳癌予防
Orange動脈硬化 高血圧 癌 不眠症
Peppermint喘息 自閉症 脳損傷 クローン病 多発性硬化症 麻痺 関節炎
Rosemary癌予防 心臓病予防 アルツハイマー病 認知症 湿疹 皮膚炎
Thieves抗菌・抗ウイルス作用 エボラ 感染症
Ylang Ylang動脈性高血圧 糖尿病 不眠 動悸 頻脈

[WARNING LETTER: dōTERRA 2014/09/22 on FDA]

dōTERRA International, LLC
Attn: David Stirling
389 South 1300 West
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062

This is to advise you that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviewed websites and social media accounts (e.g. www.anytimeessentials.com, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube) used to promote your dōTERRA Essential Oil products in August 2014. Based on our review, FDA has determined that several of your dōTERRA Essential Oil products including, but not limited to, “Melaleuca,” “Oregano,” “On Guard,” “Clove,” “Eucalyptus,” “Frankincense,” “Geranium,” “Lavender,” “Lemongrass,” “Myrrh,” “Peppermint,” “Rosemary,” “Wintergreen,” “Clary Sage,” and “Vetiver” are promoted for conditions that cause them to be drugs under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)(B)]. The therapeutic claims establish that these products are drugs because they are intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. The intended use of a product may be determined by, among other things, its labeling, advertising, and the circumstances surrounding its distribution, 21 C.F.R. § 201.128. As described below, the marketing of your dōTERRA Essential Oil products with drug claims and without FDA approved-applications is in violation the Act.

貴社がdōTERRAエッセンシャルオイル製品を宣伝するために使っているウェブサイトとソーシャルメディアアカウント( www.anytimeessentials.com, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTubeなど)を米国食品医薬品局(FDA)が2014年8ア月に調査結果を通告する。この調査に基づき、FDAは、Melaleuca, Oregano, On Guard, Clove, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Peppermint, Rosemary, Wintergreen, Clary Sage, VetiverなどのdōTERRAエッセンシャルオイル製品のいくつかが、連邦食品薬品化粧品法の定める医薬品にあたる宣伝を行っていると判定した。病気の診断・治癒・症状緩和・治療・予防を意図しることから、治療を主張している。これらの製品使用意図は、ラベル・広告・販売周辺状況から判断した。以下に記載するように、FDAの承認申請なく、dōTERRAエッセンシャルオイル製品を流通・販売することは違法である。
We request that you notify this office in writing within 15 working days from your receipt of this letter of the current status of your corrective actions and the specific steps you have taken to correct the noted violations. In your response, include documentation of your corrective actions. If you cannot complete all corrections before you respond, we expect that you will explain the reason for your delay and please include a timetable for the implementation of any remaining corrections.


全般エボラ 抗ウイルス
Melaleucaインフルエンザ 風邪 水虫 口内炎 水痘 ヘルペス 真菌感染症 単純ヘルペス MRSA 帯状疱疹 いぼ ウイルス感染 気管支炎 感染症 炎症 抗ウイルス
OreganoMNV 水虫 カンジダ 口内炎 エボラ 腸内寄生虫 MRSA 白癬 ブドウ球菌感染症 真菌感染症 炎症 黄色ブドウ球菌感染症 ウイルス感染症 いぼ 百日咳 潰瘍
On Guard抗ウイルス インフルエンザ 風邪 狼瘡 MRSA 肺炎 いぼ
Clove関節リウマチ 単純ヘルペス C型肝炎 カンジダ 狼瘡 ウィルス感染 いぼ
Eucalyptus単純ヘルペス インフルエンザ 麻疹 神経痛 神経炎 肺炎 呼吸器系ウイルス性鼻炎 帯状疱疹 副鼻腔炎 結核 気管支炎 耳の炎症 虹彩炎 一般的な炎症
Frankincenseクローン病 アルツハイマー病 消化器疾患 肝臓の懸念 肝硬変 炎症 癌 神経性疾患 腫瘍 高血圧 関節炎 クローン病 癲癇 坐骨神経痛 不安 鬱病 感染症
Peppermint 喘息 充血 自閉症 細菌感染 脳損傷 口唇ヘルペス 発熱 抗発癌
Geranium糖尿病 子宮内膜症 変形性関節症 関節リウマチ
Lavender癌 炎症 不眠症 疼痛 関節リウマチ
Lemongrassグレーブス病 慢性甲状腺炎
Myrrh歯周病 甲状腺機能亢進症 感染症 皮膚潰瘍
Peppermint喘息 クローン病 過敏性腸症候群
Rosemary関節炎 ベル麻痺 糖尿病 炎症 変形性関節症
Wintergreen関節痛 骨痛 関節痛
Clary Sage痙攣 子宮内膜症 エストロゲンバランス ホルモンバランス PMS 閉経前期
VetiverADD/ADHD 不安
Rosemary喘息 抗菌 気管支炎 利尿
Wintergreen鎮痛 抗炎症 関節痛 節炎

posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/30 07:31 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Quackery | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


まだ以前の水準にまで静かにはなっていない (Update 〜2014/09/26)

震源(北緯24-50, 東経122-152)のM≧4の地震の推移(週次)を見てみた。(2010年12月あたりのピークは父島近海の地震である。)(回数が少ないところは、最大値50回/週の下図で)

posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/28 06:25 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Earthquake | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする





Dr. David Heymann, an Ebola expert, said reaching so many people with information about Ebola could be crucial to stopping the outbreak. Six months into the world's largest-ever Ebola outbreak, confusion, fear and misunderstanding about the disease is still hindering efforts to control it.

"It's important for African governments to innovate and find new ways of getting messages out to the people," said Heymann, professor of infectious diseases at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. "(The lockdown) seemed to pass without violence and it went against much of international advice. Maybe it's the innovation that will make a difference."

エボラの専門家である、ロンドン大学衛生熱帯医学大学院の感染症研究の教授であるDr David Heymannは「エボラについての情報をこれだけの数の人々に届けることは、エボラアウトブレイクを止めるのに重要となるうる。6か月にも及ぶ世界最大のエボラアウトブレイクでは、エボラについての混乱と恐怖と誤解によって、いまだコントロールの努力が妨害されている。」と述べた。


[CLARENCE ROY-MACAULAY and MARIA CHENG: "Serra Leone: 130 Ebola cases found in lockdown" (2014/09/23) by The Associated Press]


CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) − A Red Cross team was attacked while collecting bodies believed to be infected with Ebola in southeastern Guinea, the latest in a string of assaults that are hindering efforts to control West Africa's current outbreak.

One Red Cross worker is recovering after being wounded in in the neck in Tuesday's attack in Forecariah, according to Benoit Carpentier, a spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Family members of the dead initially set upon the six volunteers and vandalized their cars, said Mariam Barry, a resident. Eventually a crowd went to the regional health office, where they threw rocks at the building.


国際赤十字連盟の広報担当Benoit Carpentierによれば、赤十字の作業者1名は2014/09/23のForecariahでの襲撃で受けた首の負傷から回復中である。

近隣住民Mariam Barryによれば、遺族はまず6人のボランティアを襲撃し、彼らの自動車を破壊した。そして最後に群衆は地域の医療事務所におしかけて、投石した。

In April, Doctors Without Borders briefly pulled out its team from the Guinean town of Macenta after their clinic was stoned. In Liberia, the homes of some of the infected have been attacked. Last week, Red Cross workers were threatened in Sierra Leone, Carpentier, the Red Cross spokesman, said.


["Red Cross team attacked while burying Ebola dead" (2014/09/24) by The Associated Press]
posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/25 08:22 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Disease | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


2014年7月の共和党Todd Akin元連邦下院議員の"legitimate rape"

  • Todd Akin共和党連邦下院議員(連邦上院に鞍替え立候補)
    First of all, from what I understand from doctors, (pregnancy from rape) is really rare, If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. ... But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child. [WashingtonPost 2012/09/19]


    ==>2012/11 連邦上院落選 [Politico 2012//11/07]

  • Richard Mourdock共和党連邦上院議員候補
    I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God," Mourdock said. "And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen. [CBSNews 2012/10/24]


    ==>連邦上院落選 [BusinessWeek 2012/11/06]

  • Celeste Greig, President of California Republican Assembly(共和党支持団体代表)
    "Granted, the percentage of pregnancies due to rape is small because it's an act of violence, because the body is traumatized. I don't know what percentage of pregnancies are due to the violence of rape. Because of the trauma the body goes through, I don't know what percentage of pregnancy results from the act." [MercuryNews 2013/03/01 ]


    ==> 2013/05 代表を解任 [MercuryNews 2013/05/06]

  • Trent Franks共和党連邦下院議員
    The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low.[Politico 2013/06/12]


    ==>中絶禁止法案の修正に失敗[AP 2014/06/14]

このような状況について、レイプに言及することで、女性の共和党支持者を失う可能性があり、レイプに言及しないことが正しい対応となると、ブッシュ政権のときに大統領のカウンセラーだったKaren Hughesは書いている。
And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


[Karen Hughes:"Communication lessons from the election"(2012/11/09) on Politico]

しかし、" legitimate rape"発言で選挙に負けた共和党Todd Akin(ミズーリ州)は、2014年7月に2012年の自らの発言を擁護した。
Akin was on MSNBC to promote his new book, Firing Back, but he also took it as an opportunity to explain his earlier flub. “Legitimate rape is a law enforcement term, it’s an abbreviation for ‘legitimate case of rape,'” he told Chuck Todd. “A woman calls a police station, the police investigate, she says ‘I’ve been raped,’ they investigate that. So before any of the facts are in, they call it a legitimate case of rape,” explained Aike

Todd Akinは自分の新刊書"Firing Back"の宣伝をMSNBCで行ったが、彼はそれを、以前の失言の説明機会であると受け取った。Todd Akinは「正当なレイプ(ligitimate rape)は法執行用語であり『レイプの正当な事案』の短縮形である。女性が警察に連絡し、警察が捜査し、女性が『レイプされた』と言い、警察は捜査する。事実となる前は、警察はレイプの正当な事案と呼ぶ」と述べた。

[Charlotte Alter:"Todd Akin Still Doesn’t Get What’s Wrong With Saying ‘Legitimate Rape’" (2014/07/17) on Time]
“I’ve taught police officers, and worked with police officers on every continent in the world, and that’s something I’ve never heard in my 50 years in law enforcement,” says Dr. James A. Williams, former Chief of Organized Crime Drugmunicipal law enforcement Enforcement Task Forces for the U.S Department of Justice, who also worked in in New Jersey. “I’ve never heard of that. Never.”

米国司法省の組織薬物犯罪対策タスクフォースの元責任者であり、ニュージャージ州の法執行でも仕事をしていたDr. James A. Williamsは「世界中で私は警察官を教育し、警察官とともに活動してきた。法執行で過去50年間、そんなことを聞いたことはない。まったく聞いたことはない」と述べた。

Richard Lichten, a veteran of the LA County Sheriff’s Department and expert on sexual assault investigations agree: “I have 30 years of experience, I’m qualified to testify in federal court on the way to investigate sexual assault crimes, and I’ve never heard of that,” said Lichten. “In all my life I’ve never heard of that.”

LA郡元保安官のRicahrd Lichtenは「私には30年の経験がある。私は強姦操作方法について連邦法廷で証言資格を持っている。私は生涯、そんなことを聞いたことはない」

[Charlotte Alter:"Todd Akin Still Doesn’t Get What’s Wrong With Saying ‘Legitimate Rape’" (2014/07/17) on Time]
Todd Akin共和党元下院議員は、わざわざ批判を再燃させてしまった。どうやら、彼は、間違った発言をしたとも思っておらず、いわば真意が伝わらなかった程度に考えているようである。

posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/22 07:31 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



Eight bodies, including those of three journalists, were found after an attack on a team trying to educate locals on the risks of the Ebola virus in a remote area of southeastern Guinea, a government spokesman said on Thursday.

"The eight bodies were found in the village latrine. Three of them had their throats slit," Damantang Albert Camara told Reuters by telephone in Conakry.


「8人の遺体は村の便所で見つかった、うち3人は喉を切り裂かれていた」とConakryでReutersの電話インタビューにDamantang Albert Camera報道官は述べた。

However, Guinea's Prime Minister Mohamed Saïd Fofana, speaking in a television message that had been recorded earlier, said 7 bodies of 9 missing people had been found.

He said six people have been arrested following the incident, which took place on Tuesday in Wome, a village close to the town of Nzerekore, in Guinea's southeast, where Ebola was first identified in March.

しかし、それより前に録画されたテレビメッセージで、ギニア首相Mohamed Saïd Fofanaは「行方不明の9名のうち7名が遺体で発見された。3月にエボラの感染者が最初に特定されたNzerekoreの町の近くの村Womeで、火曜日(2014/09/16)に事件が起きた後、6名が逮捕された。」と述べた。

[Eight bodies found after attack on Guinea Ebola education team (2014/09/19) by Reuters]
On Thursday night, government spokesman Albert Damantang Camara said the victims had been "killed in cold blood by the villagers".

The bodies showed signs of being attacked with machetes and clubs, officials say.

Albert Damantang Camara政府報道官は木曜夜(2014/09/18)に「犠牲者は村人たちに残虐に殺された」と述べた。当局者によれば、遺体にはマチェットや棍棒で襲われた形跡があった。
The motive for the killings has not been confirmed, but the BBC's Makeme Bamba in Guinea's capital, Conakry, says many villagers accuse the health workers of spreading the disease.

Others still do not believe that the disease exists.

殺害の動機は未確認だが、ギニアの首都ConakryにいるBBCのMakeme Bambaによれば、多くの村人は医療従事者がエボラ感染を広めていると批難している。その一方で、エボラは存在を信じない者もいる。

["Ebola outbreak: Guinea health team killed" (2014/09/19) on BBC]
また、The Guardianが得た目撃者の証言によれば...
Witnesses said the team were set upon by angry residents in the remote village of Womey, where many remain in denial about the disease, or suspicious of foreign health workers. Several failed to return following the visit on Tuesday. Officials earlier said some – including three journalists and the director and two senior doctors of the main local hospital – were being held captive. Atempts to reach them stalled when angry residents destroyed bridges leading to the village.

"The meeting started off well; the traditional chiefs welcomed the delegation with 10 kola nuts as a traditional greeting," said a resident who was present at the meeting and gave only his first name, Yves. "It was afterwards that some youths came out and started stoning them. They dragged some of them away, and damaged their vehicles."



[Monica Mark: "Bodies found after Ebola health workers go missing in Guinea" (2014/09/18) on The Guardian]
The district of Nzérékoré, where the team disappeared, exploded in clashes after health workers tried to spray the local market last month. About 50 people were arrested and two dozen police officers who were sent to quell the riots were injured.


[Monica Mark: "Bodies found after Ebola health workers go missing in Guinea" (2014/09/18) on The Guardian]
Back in Guinea, in the village of Wabengou, residents placed a tree in the road to block outsiders. They also attacked an official delegation from Conakry, rushing its cars, banging on the vehicles and brandishing machetes, according to Doctors Without Borders.

“We don’t want them in there at all,” said Wabengou’s chief, Marcel Dambadounou. “We don’t accept their presence at all. They are the transporters of the virus in these communities.”
“We are absolutely afraid, and that’s why we are avoiding contact with everybody,” he said, “the whole world.”


Wabengou村長Marcel Dambadounouは「彼らに村に絶対に入ってほしくない。我々は彼らの存在をまったく認めていない。彼らはウィルスを村に持ち込んでくる。... 我々はまったく怯えている。世界の誰とも接触したくない」と述べた。

ADAM NOSSITER: "Fear of Ebola Breeds a Terror of Physicians"
(2014/07/27) on NY Times via Washington Post]


posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/20 06:22 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Disease | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

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