


Delta State Government today dismissed claims by some traditional medicine practitioners in the state that they could cure Ebola Virus Disease, EVD and prohibited the broadcast of jingles and promotional programmes that claim to have a cure for the affliction.

The Commissioner for Information in the state, Mr. Chike Ogeah, in a press release he issued said, “The claims are completely false, untenable, dangerous and represent a threat to public health.

“It is hereby restated that there is no known cure yet for the Ebola Virus Disease. The media, especially television and radio broadcast houses should refrain from promoting any claim of cure for EVD by any unorthodox medical practitioner.”

The Commissioner cautioned traditional medical practitioners and spiritual healers to desist from making any claim of cure for EVD, stressing that “anybody that makes such claims again will be considered a threat to public health and arrested by the relevant security agencies.”


デルタ州情報責任者Chike Ogeahはプレスリリースで「そのような主張は全く誤りであり、デタラメであり、危険であり、公衆衛生の脅威である。あらためてここで、エボラの治療法は現在知られていないことを述べておく。メディア、特にテレビやラジオ局は、非正当な治療師たちによるエボラ治療の主張の宣伝を差し控えるべきだ」と述べた。


[Ali Adoyi: "Delta Government warns traditional healers over claims that they cure Ebola" (2014/09/04) on DailyPost Nigeria]

Asaba − The panic over Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) ravaging part of West Africa and giving Nigerians sleepless nights may have got a cure if the claims by traditional healers under the aegis of the Otu Odozi Elu Doctors Association in Akumazi, Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State, is anything to go by.

ナイジェリアのデルタ州Ika北東地方政府地区のAkumaziのOtu Odozi Elu医師会の後援のもとある伝統的治療師たちの主張が看過できないものであれば、西アフリカのエボラ感染パニックと、それにより眠れぬ夜を送るナイジェリア人たちはエボラ治療法を得られるかもしれない。

The traditional doctors numbering over 300 urged Nigerians not to panic but to bring to them any report cases of the disease, which they called isamisan disease to them.


The group led by the Okairoro of Akumazi, Chief Moses Dibie, said isamisan disease is an age long tropical disease which existed before the coming of the white people to African, adding that it the disease is older than yaws which the World Health Organisation (WHO) fought and defeated.

AkumaziのOkairoroであるChief Moses Dibieに率いられたグループは「isamisan病は白人がアフリカに来る前からある古い病気であり、WHOが戦って根絶したyawsよりも古い病気である」と言っている。

Corroborating this view, the Esame of Akumazi Kingdom, Chief Eric Ekabudike, said WHO should not mislead the people because EVD is a recurrence of isamisan or smallpox, which killed many children due to ignorance, poor living conditions, overcrowding and lack of adequate medical attention.

この見方に合わせて、AkumaziのEsameであるChief Eric Ekabudikeは「エボラは、無知と貧しい生活条件と高い人口密度と適切な診察の欠如によって、多くの子供たちを死に至らしめてきたisamisanあるいは天然痘の再発であるので、WHOは人々をミスリードしてはならない」と言っている。

[Felix Igbekoyi: "Nigeria: We Have Cure for Ebola, Say Delta Traditional Healers" (2014/08/30) on Daily Independent (Lagos)]


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