

リベリア政府外務省は2014年9月8日に、イタリア政府からエボラ対策支援を受けることを公表した。そこにはには「homeopathic Ebola treatment drugs」という記述があった。
The Government of Italy has begun enhancing the Liberian Government’s fight against the Ebola virus through several assistance packages to include the dispatching of a mobile laboratory team, additional dispatching of homeopathic Ebola treatment drugs and food.


According to the release, the National Institute for Infectious Disease “Lazzaro Spollanzani” (IRCCS) of Italy in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation disclosed the dispatching of a mobile laboratory team to the MSF Treatment Center in Foya, Lofa County, the epicenter of the deadly Ebola disease.

The release further adds that the team of four member medical experts being headed by Dr. Antonino Dicaro, the Director of the Microbiology Laboratory and Infectious Disease Biorepository arrived in the country Friday, September 5, 2014 at the Roberts International Airport in Margibi County and was received upon arrival by the Foreign Ministry Protocol Officers. Other members of the team include Dr. Frances Colavita, Dr. Angela Cannas, and Ms. Serena Quartu, (a laboratory technician).

The release further discloses that a box containing some homeopathic Ebola treatment drugs has been sent to the Liberian Embassy in Rome, Italy by Dr. Alessandra Manini of the International Emergency Management Organization for onward transmission to the Liberian Health Minister, Dr. Walter Gwenigale.

リリースによれば、イタリアの国立感染症研究所"Lazzaro Spollanzani"(IRCCS)は、イタリア外務省とともに、エボラ感染の中心地であるLofa郡のFoyaにある国境なき医師団の治療センターへ移動ラボチームを派遣することを明らかにした。

リリースには、さらに、微生物ラボ感染症バイオレポジトリーのDr. Antonino Dicaroをリーダーとする4名の医療専門家のチームが、2014年9月5日にMargibi郡のRoberts国際空港に到着し、外務省儀典官の出迎えを受けた。チームの他のメンバーは、Dr. Frances ColavitaとDr. Angela Cannasとラボ技術者Ms. Serena Quartuである。

リリースには、さらに、IEMO(国際緊急事態管理機関)のDr. Alessandra Maniniから、イタリアのローマのリベリア大使館に送られたホメオパシーエボラ治療薬一箱が、リベリア保健相Dr. Walter Gwenigaleへ送られていることを明らかにした。

[Italy Enhances Liberia’s Ebola Fight; Dispatches Mobile Lab Team, Food, Drugs (2014/09/08) on Liberia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of the Republic of Liberia via ublftbo]

The IEMO says the consignment is an aqueous alternative medicine that promotes homeopathic cure with no side effect.

IEMO President, Dr. Alessandro Manini, in a phone conversation last Friday with Foreign Minister Ngafuan intimated that once the effectiveness of the remedy is confirmed by the Ministry of Health, his organization is ready to supply more at no cost to Liberia.

Meanwhile, Dr. Manini has lauded President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and her Government for the efforts thus far to curb the Ebola virus, and pledged the full support of the IEMO and his personal commitment to the people of Liberia during this difficult period in arresting the spread of the virus.


先週金曜のリベリアNgafuan外相との電話会話で、IEMO代表Dr. Alessandro Maniniは、レメディの効果が保健省により確認されれば、IEMOはリベリアに対して無償で追加提供する用意があると示唆した。

一方、IEMOのDr. Manini代表は、エボラウィルス抑制のための努力を続けるEllen Johnson Sirleaf大統領と政府を称賛し、ウィルス感染拡大を封じ込める困難な時期において、リベリアに対する、IEMOの全面支援と個人的関与を約束した。

[More experimental Ebola drugs arrive (2014/09/05) on TheNewDawn]


Dovrebbe partire nei prossimi giorni, dall’Istituto “Spallanzani” di Roma, il laboratorio mobile europeo per aiutare a contenere la diffusione del virus ebola nell’Africa occidentale.

Destinazione, la Sierra Leone, uno dei paesi maggiormenti colpiti dalla nuova ondata dell’epidemia per ora localizzata nella zona centro settentrionale del continente nero.

[Ebola, dall’Italia il lab mobile per fermare il virus (2014/08/26) on Europaquotidian]

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