
2014年7月の共和党Todd Akin元連邦下院議員の"legitimate rape"

  • Todd Akin共和党連邦下院議員(連邦上院に鞍替え立候補)
    First of all, from what I understand from doctors, (pregnancy from rape) is really rare, If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. ... But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child. [WashingtonPost 2012/09/19]


    ==>2012/11 連邦上院落選 [Politico 2012//11/07]

  • Richard Mourdock共和党連邦上院議員候補
    I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God," Mourdock said. "And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen. [CBSNews 2012/10/24]


    ==>連邦上院落選 [BusinessWeek 2012/11/06]

  • Celeste Greig, President of California Republican Assembly(共和党支持団体代表)
    "Granted, the percentage of pregnancies due to rape is small because it's an act of violence, because the body is traumatized. I don't know what percentage of pregnancies are due to the violence of rape. Because of the trauma the body goes through, I don't know what percentage of pregnancy results from the act." [MercuryNews 2013/03/01 ]


    ==> 2013/05 代表を解任 [MercuryNews 2013/05/06]

  • Trent Franks共和党連邦下院議員
    The incidence of rape resulting in pregnancy are very low.[Politico 2013/06/12]


    ==>中絶禁止法案の修正に失敗[AP 2014/06/14]

このような状況について、レイプに言及することで、女性の共和党支持者を失う可能性があり、レイプに言及しないことが正しい対応となると、ブッシュ政権のときに大統領のカウンセラーだったKaren Hughesは書いている。
And if another Republican man says anything about rape other than it is a horrific, violent crime, I want to personally cut out his tongue. The college-age daughters of many of my friends voted for Obama because they were completely turned off by Neanderthal comments like the suggestion of “legitimate rape.”


[Karen Hughes:"Communication lessons from the election"(2012/11/09) on Politico]

しかし、" legitimate rape"発言で選挙に負けた共和党Todd Akin(ミズーリ州)は、2014年7月に2012年の自らの発言を擁護した。
Akin was on MSNBC to promote his new book, Firing Back, but he also took it as an opportunity to explain his earlier flub. “Legitimate rape is a law enforcement term, it’s an abbreviation for ‘legitimate case of rape,'” he told Chuck Todd. “A woman calls a police station, the police investigate, she says ‘I’ve been raped,’ they investigate that. So before any of the facts are in, they call it a legitimate case of rape,” explained Aike

Todd Akinは自分の新刊書"Firing Back"の宣伝をMSNBCで行ったが、彼はそれを、以前の失言の説明機会であると受け取った。Todd Akinは「正当なレイプ(ligitimate rape)は法執行用語であり『レイプの正当な事案』の短縮形である。女性が警察に連絡し、警察が捜査し、女性が『レイプされた』と言い、警察は捜査する。事実となる前は、警察はレイプの正当な事案と呼ぶ」と述べた。

[Charlotte Alter:"Todd Akin Still Doesn’t Get What’s Wrong With Saying ‘Legitimate Rape’" (2014/07/17) on Time]
“I’ve taught police officers, and worked with police officers on every continent in the world, and that’s something I’ve never heard in my 50 years in law enforcement,” says Dr. James A. Williams, former Chief of Organized Crime Drugmunicipal law enforcement Enforcement Task Forces for the U.S Department of Justice, who also worked in in New Jersey. “I’ve never heard of that. Never.”

米国司法省の組織薬物犯罪対策タスクフォースの元責任者であり、ニュージャージ州の法執行でも仕事をしていたDr. James A. Williamsは「世界中で私は警察官を教育し、警察官とともに活動してきた。法執行で過去50年間、そんなことを聞いたことはない。まったく聞いたことはない」と述べた。

Richard Lichten, a veteran of the LA County Sheriff’s Department and expert on sexual assault investigations agree: “I have 30 years of experience, I’m qualified to testify in federal court on the way to investigate sexual assault crimes, and I’ve never heard of that,” said Lichten. “In all my life I’ve never heard of that.”

LA郡元保安官のRicahrd Lichtenは「私には30年の経験がある。私は強姦操作方法について連邦法廷で証言資格を持っている。私は生涯、そんなことを聞いたことはない」

[Charlotte Alter:"Todd Akin Still Doesn’t Get What’s Wrong With Saying ‘Legitimate Rape’" (2014/07/17) on Time]
Todd Akin共和党元下院議員は、わざわざ批判を再燃させてしまった。どうやら、彼は、間違った発言をしたとも思っておらず、いわば真意が伝わらなかった程度に考えているようである。

posted by Kumicit at 2014/09/22 07:31 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Others | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする