Depyed security personnel of the company ≪Falcon≫ tasked with securing the University of Cairo, intensely on the doors on the first day of the new academic year. and hired ≪Falcon≫ sniffer dogs to inspect the cars and make sure they are free of explosives, other than portals to make sure not to carry any student for firearms or white and flammable materials. officers also used the company's security, detection devices for separate waste to inspect the cars and the walls and doors of the university, for fear of violence in the first days of the study. comes in conjunction condensation security by the police forces in the field of the Renaissance and the door of the Faculty of Commerce. [translated by google translate]新学期の開始とともに爆発物や銃器の持ち込みをゲートで検査するのに、探知犬とともに"だうじんぐマシン"が使われているという報道。これを行っているのはFalcon Group Internationalの警備サービスであり、当該サイトにある、それらしい記述は...
[cairoportal 2014/10/11 via asmaaghazall via nofrills]
Security surveillance equipments"hand held"な"metal and explosive material detectors"とあり、これが"だうじんぐマシン"ぽい。
-Metal and explosive materials detectors (x-rays, walk through gates, hand held, etc)
-Voice and video surveillance (Bugs, spy cam and microphones.etc)
-Intrusion systems
-Radio and GSM surveillance
[Falcon Group - Technical System & Security]
ههههههههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههههه هههههههه
Hahahahahahahah Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha ĺĺĺĺĺĺĺĺ
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