10/21/2014 Update: Team in Liberia Using Homeopathy for EbolaOne of the homeopaths posted an entry about this "Mission Ebola", which is protected by password.
A team of homeopathic physicians sponsored by the LIGA (Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)) left from Brussels and arrived in Monrovia, Liberia, on Friday evening, Oct 17. There was only one other plane at the airport, a plane used by the United Nations. Dr. Richard Hiltner (US), Dr. Edouard Broussalian (Switzerland), Dr. Medha Durge (India), and Dr. Ortrud Lindemann (Germany) have a pharmacy of 110 remedies in multiple potencies with them. They were greeted warmly by representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Health Department, and were provided comfortable lodging. The filmmaker who had planned to be with them was denied permission to film because the Liberian government has banned filming of Ebola-related topics. The group plans to appeal to Liberian officials to allow filming. (Here is a link to a film that the same filmmaker has already made about Ebola in Liberia: CLICK HERE) The team will be working at Ganta Hospital, which apparently has only three Liberian doctors on staff. Many doctors have reportedly fled the country. Initial indications are that the Board of Trustees from the hospital is highly interested in their mission.
Our prayers are with the Liberian people and our homeopathic colleagues who deserve the greatest of respect for their courage and kindness.
Larry Malerba, DO, DHt – author of Metaphysics & Medicine and Green Medicine. Website: www.SpiritScienceHealing.com
On October 21, 2014 / Homeopathic Medicine, Medical Conditions
[SpiritScienceHealing(already deleted, cache, Archive.Today]
Kloptdatwel has found it. So you can read this entry (but in French).
[ACTUALITÉS12/10/2014 -- Protégé : Mission Ebola]Surely at least Dr. Edouard Broussalian is now in Liberia.
L es évènements se sont un peu précipités, mais la nouvelle a fini par arriver: je dois rejoindre une équipe de médecins homéopathes Allemands pour le Liberia où nous avons une invitation officielle du gouvernement.
Emak-Ebola-310714eL’expédition est coordonnée par mon ami André Saine qui a rassemblé de nombreux documents relatifs au traitement de la fièvre jaune, notamment aux USA, par nos prédécesseurs. Entre leurs mains la mortalité tombait à pratiquement 0%. Basiquement Ebola est une sorte de fièvre jaune, et tout comme elle, présente de très nombreuses manifestations diverses, mais son évolution est très rapide, il n’y a pas de seconde semaine, en général.