
謝らない謝罪: 遺憾とregret

On the Sunday, May 19 edition of CNN's Reliable Sources, host Howard Kurtz read a statement from Jonathan Karl, chief White House Correspondent for ABC News in response to his reporting on altered emails related to the Sunday talk show talking points following the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya in September 2012. Karl now expresses regret about his original reporting on May 10th on the Benghazi emails. The statement reads:
Clearly, I regret the email was quoted incorrectly and I regret that it’s become a distraction from the story, which still entirely stands. I should have been clearer about the attribution. We updated our story immediately.


-Jonathan Karl, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent
[ABC News' Jonathan Karl addresses criticism on reporting of the Benghazi talking points controversy (2013/05/19)]

Lord Rennard personally accepts the full report of Alistair Webster QC as given to him on March 7th in its entirety.

He would therefore like to apologise sincerely for any such intrusion and assure them that this would have been inadvertent.

He hereby expresses his regret for any harm or embarrassment caused to them or anything which made them feel uncomfortable.

Lord Rennard wishes to make it absolutely clear that it was never his intention to cause distress or concern to them by anything that he ever said or did.

Rennard卿は、Alistair Webster勅選法廷弁護士から3月7日に受け取った報告書全体について個人的に記載内容を認めた。




[quoted in Lord Rennard Says Sorry To 'Harassment' Women (2014/05/29) on skynews]
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