

[Grand Canyon May Be As Old As Dinosaurs, According To New Geologic Dating Study (2008/04/10) on University of Colorado]

New geological evidence indicates the Grand Canyon may be so old that dinosaurs once lumbered along its rim, according to a study by researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder and the California Institute of Technology.

University of Colorado at Bouldeとthe California Institute of Technologyの研究者の研究によれば、新たな地質学的証拠は、グランドキャニオンが古く、かつて恐竜がその縁に沿って重々しく歩んだかもしれないことを示している。

The team used a technique known as radiometric dating to show the Grand Canyon may have formed more than 55 million years ago, pushing back its assumed origins by 40 million to 50 million years. The researchers gathered evidence from rocks in the canyon and on surrounding plateaus that were deposited near sea level several hundred million years ago before the region uplifted and eroded to form the canyon.


A paper on the subject will be published in the May issue of the Geological Society of America Bulletin. CU-Boulder geological sciences Assistant Professor Rebecca Flowers, lead author and a former Caltech postdoctoral researcher, collaborated with Caltech geology Professor Brian Wernicke and Caltech geochemistry Professor Kenneth Farley on the study, which was conducted while Flowers was at Caltech.

この研究についての論文はGeological Society of America Bulletinの5月号に掲載される。この研究は、第1著者でありCaltechのポスドクだった、University of Coloradoの地質学のRebecca Flowers助教授が、Caltechの地質学のBrian Wernicke教授およびKenneth Farley教授と共同で、Caltech在籍中に行ったものである。

"As rocks moved to the surface in the Grand Canyon region, they cooled off," said Flowers. "The cooling history of the rocks allowed us to reconstruct the ancient topography, telling us the Grand Canyon has an older prehistory than many had thought."

「岩石がグランドキャニオン領域の地表に出てくると、冷却された。岩石の冷却過程から、我々は過去の地形を再構築可能であり、グランドキャニオンがこれまで考えられていたより古い歴史を持っていることを語りかけている」とRebecca Flowers助教授は述べた。

The team believes an ancestral Grand Canyon developed in its eastern section about 55 million years ago, later linking with other segments that had evolved separately. "It's a complicated picture because different segments of the canyon appear to have evolved at different times and subsequently were integrated," Flowers said.

研究チームはグランドキャニオンが東部領域で5500万年前に発達し、その後に、独立に発達していた他の領域とつながったと考えている。「峡谷の異なる領域がそれぞれの時間で発達し、その後に結合したので、かなり状況は複雑である」とRebecca Flowers助教授は述べた。

The ancient sandstone in the canyon walls contains grains of a phosphate mineral known as apatite -- hosting trace amounts of the radioactive elements uranium and thorium -- which expel helium atoms as they decay, she said. An abundance of the three elements, paired with temperature information from Earth's interior, provided the team a clock of sorts to calculate when the apatite grains were embedded in rock a mile deep -- the approximate depth of the canyon today -- and when they cooled as they neared Earth's surface as a result of erosion.

「峡谷の岩壁の中の古代の砂岩はアパタイトとして知られているリン酸塩ミネラルの粒を含む。それらは放射性元素ウランとトリウムのトレースを保持する役割を演じている。そして、崩壊に伴ってヘリウム原子を放出する」とRebecca Flowers助教授は述べた。これら3つの元素の量と、地球内部の温度情報を組み合わせると、いつアパタイトが、今日の峡谷の深さと同程度の1マイルの深さの岩石に取り込まれ、いつ浸食によって地表に現れて冷却されたかがわかる。


[also on Science Daily and EurekAlert]
これについて"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisが、お約束な反応をしている

Creationists Evolutionists
         創造論者 進化論者

Observed fact amount of an isotope amount of an isotope
in a rock in a rock
観測事実 岩石中の同位体の量 岩石中の同位体の量

Unchanging age of the earth rate of decay, starting
isotope levels, etc.
変化しないと仮定 地球の年齢 崩壊率・初期の同位体の

Variable rate of decay, starting age of the earth
conclusion isotope levels, etc. (and Canyon)
変化する結論 崩壊率・初期の同位体の  地球とグランドキャニオンの
         レベル他 年齢

[News to Note, April 19, 2008 on Answers in Genesis]


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