

Now the scientists must determine the precise genetic steps these bacteria took to evolve from glucose-eaters to citrate-eaters. In order to eat a particular molecule, E. coli needs a special channel in its membranes through which to draw it. It's possible, for example, that a channel dedicated to some other molecule mutated into a form that could also take in citrate. Later mutations could have fine-tuned it so that it could suck in citrate quickly.


If E. coli is defined as a species that can't eat citrate, does that mean that Lenski's team has witnessed the origin of a new species? The question is actually murkier than it seems, because the traditional concept of species doesn't fit bacteria very comfortably. (For the details, check out my new article on Scientific American, "What is a Species?") In nature, E. coli swaps lots of genes with other species. In just the past 15 years or so, for example, one disease-causing strain of E. coli acquired hundreds of genes not found in closely related E. coli strains. (See my recent article in Slate.) Another hallmark of E. coli is its ability to break down lactose, the sugar in milk. But several strains have lost the ability to break it down. (In fact, these strains were originally given a different name--Shigella--until scientists realized that they were just weird strains of E. coli.)


Nevertheless, Lenski and his colleagues have witnessed a significant change. And their new paper makes clear that just because the odds of such a significant change are incredibly rare doesn't mean that it can't happen. Natural selection, in fact, ensures that sometimes it does. And, finally, it demonstrates that after twenty years, Lenski's invisible dynasty still has some surprises in store.


Source: Z.D. Blount, C.Z. Borland, and R.E. Lenski, "HI istorical Contigency and the Evolution of a Key Innovation in an Experimental Population of Escherichia coli." PNAS in press (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0803151105)

Carl Zimmer: "A New Step In Evolution"(2008/06/02) on Loom]

  1. Answers in Genesisは個体数の比率が変わっただけで、何も新しいものは出現していないと言う:
    “Evolution” (in a biological sense), strictly defined, is simply a change in a population’s gene frequencies over time (as generations come and go). Thus, even mutations that remove genetic information can spread if they confer some reproductive and survival advantage.


    Thus, any time a biological population is observed undergoing any sort of heritable change -- even a change that keeps genetic information constant or that reduces genetic information -- it is “evolution” in action. This evolution “before our very eyes” is usually then touted as proof for molecules-to-man evolution, even though the latter would require a massive increase in genetic information. It’s the old “bait and switch” tactic, as “evolution” shifts meaning from experimentally shown change to unobservable molecules-to-man change.


    [News to Note, June 14, 2008 on Answers in Genesis]

    話を別なところに持っていく方法で対処したようだ。複数の突然変異の蓄積が必要となる進化が起きることを示した実験について、それは「化学進化から人間に至る進化の証明ではない」と反応する毎度の対応で、反論になっていない。とはいえ、Answers in Genesisが創造論関連商品(書籍・DVD)のリテール販売業であるため、生物学者と戦っても経営上意味はなく、顧客向け声明を定期的に発信することが重要なのだろう。そう考えると、この反応は"適切"かも。

  2. Creation Ministries Internationalはクエン酸消化機能の情報の起源が説明されていないと言う:
    So what happened? It is not yet clear from the published information, but a likely scenario is that mutations jammed the regulation of this operon so that the bacteria produce citrate transporter regardless of the oxidative state of the bacterium’s environment (that is, it is permanently switched on).

    で、何が起きたか? 発表された情報からは、まだ明白ではない。しかし、ありそうなシナリオは、突然変異が、細菌の環境が酸素の量にかかわらず、クエン酸輸送過程を作るようにオペロンの制御系を混乱させたというものだ。すなわち、恒久的にスイッチオンにした。


    Behe is quite right; this is nothing here that is beyond ‘the edge of evolution’, which means it has no relevance to the origin of enzymes and catalytic pathways that evolution is supposed to explain.


    [Don Batten: "Bacteria ‘evolving in the lab’?" (2008/06/13) on Creation Ministries International]
    Creation Ministries Internationalは、Answers in Genesis分裂後のオーストラリア側である。根は同じなのだが、創造論関連商品リテール販売業には徹しきれていないようだ。先走って、ちょっと反論めいたことを言っている。

  3. Discovery InstituteはBeheを引用する。でも、「複数の突然変異を必要とするときダーウィン進化論は問題に直面する」ことを示した実験だというBeheの主張は意味がない。それでも進化したというのが結果だからだ。
    Over at his Amazon blog, Michael Behe has a new post reviewing the work of Richard Lenski on E. coli mutations. While Lenski interprets his findings as showing the quirky nature of evolution, Behe has a different perspective:

    Michael Beheは彼のAmazon blogで、大腸菌突然変異についてのRichard Lenskiの研究のレビューをポストした。Lenskiは自らの発見をごまかした解釈をしているが、Beheは違った見方をしている:

    I think the results fit a lot more easily into the viewpoint of The Edge of Evolution. One of the major points of the book was that if only one mutation is needed to confer some ability, then Darwinian evolution has little problem finding it. But if more than one is needed, the probability of getting all the right ones grows exponentially worse.

    私は、この結果が、"The Edge of Evolution"の見方に容易に適合していると考える。この本[The Edge of Evolution]の主な主張のひとつは、ある能力を得るために一つの突然変異が必要なら、ダーウィン進化にほとんど問題はない。しかし、もし複数の突然変異を必要とするなら、正しいひとつの結果を得る可能性は指数関数的に悪くなるというものである。

    [Anika Smith: "Behe: Lenski's Evolution Lab Work Shows Random Mutation Breaks Genes More Easily Than It Builds Them"]

    Discovery Instituteはインテリジェントデザイン関連商品のリテール販売をほとんどやっていない。自社出版品もほとんどない。むしろ大規模寄付などに依存しているので、表で正面戦闘する(あるいは正面戦闘しているフリをする)必要がある。なので、AiGやCMIとは反応が違ってくるが、それにしても、今回の反論は効果がない。
Common Descentを受け入れるDr. Michael BeheにAnswers in Genesisのような反応は無理かも。こういうときは、進化論破壊を誓って統一教会の援助で博士課程に進んだJonathan Wellsの出番だと思うのだが、何故かこういうときにDiscovery Instituteの補助金分の仕事をしない。
posted by Kumicit at 2008/06/17 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(1) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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大腸菌4万4千世代の進化―Evolution in Test Tube―
Excerpt: 一月ほど前のことになりますが、進化生物学方面のエポックメイキングな論文が発表されました。 中々うまくまとめ切れなかったんですが、ようやく満足のいく記事に起こせたので紹介します。 Historical..
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