この状況のもと、"cdesign proponentsists"でおなじみBarbara Forrest教授などが設立したLouisiana Coalition for Scienceがプレスリリースを出した:
[Louisiana Coalition for Science: "Creationist bill clears Louisiana legislature" (2008/06/16)]この動きを当然ながら、米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Education"も支援する:
Louisiana Coalition for Science calls on Governor Jindal to veto SB 733 (拒否権発動をJindal知事に求める)
Baton Rouge, LA, June 16, 2008 The Louisiana Senate has passed SB 733, a bill that creationists can use to force creationism into public school science classes. The vote accepts an amendment approved by the Louisiana House of Representatives. The amendment allows the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) to prohibit certain supplementary instructional materials but gives no guidance about the criteria BESE should use for such prohibition. The LA Coalition for Science (LCFS), a group of concerned parents, teachers and scientists, has called on Gov. Jindal to veto the bill through an open letter on its website at http://lasciencecoalition.org.
ルイジアナ州上院は、創造論者が公立学校の理科の授業に創造論を押し込むのに使えるSB733を可決した。この採決は州下院による修正を承認した。修正は州初等中等教育委員会に特定の副教材の使用を禁止する権限を与えるものだが、このれを行使すべき基準が定められていない。"LA Coalition for Science"と懸念を持つ保護者・教師・科学者はJindal州知事に対して、拒否権発動を求める公開書簡を出した。...
[National Center for Science Education: "Louisiana Coalition for Science calls for veto of creationist bill" (2008/06/17)]さらに、LA Coalition for ScienceはJindal州知事に拒否権発動を求める公開書簡を送った:
The Louisiana Coalition for Science released an open letter to Governor Bobby Jindal on June 16, 2008 calling for the Governor to veto SB 733, a creationist bill recently passed by the state legislature. The press release announcing the open letter reads: ...
"Louisiana Coalition for Science"は、つい最近に州議会を通過した創造論州法案SB733に拒否権を発動するように求める公開書簡をBobby Jindal州知事に送った。公開書簡についてのプレスリリースによれば...
[LA Coalition for Science: "Open Letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal: Veto SB 733" (2008/06/16) ]これで署名が止まるとは思えない。
Honorable Bobby Jindal
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Re: Veto of SB 733
Dear Governor Jindal:
SB 733, recently passed by both houses of the legislature, purports to enable teachers to help students “develop critical thinking skills, and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues.” This is a seemingly noble-sounding but deceptive goal.
You have repeatedly stressed your commitment to making Louisiana a place where our young people can build families and careers. You can help to make Louisiana that place by proving that you support the hundreds of science teachers and thousands of students in the public schools and universities across the state. You can demonstrate your commitment to improving both Louisiana’s image and our educational system by vetoing SB 733. The state and the nation are watching.
We call upon you to veto SB 733 in the best interests of our children and to protect the reputation of our state.
ということで、これまたおなじみのBarry Lynn牧師率いるAmericans Union for Separation of Church and State(政教分離のための米国人連盟が動き出す:
[Will Sentell: "Senate sends Jindal bill on evolution" (2008/06/17) on 2 the advocate.com]
However, officials of the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana and Americans United for Separation of Church and State in Washington, D.C., said the bill represents an intrusion of religion into public schools that may warrant a lawsuit.
しかしながら、"American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana"およびワシントンDCの"Americans United for Separation of Church and State"は、「この州法案は公立学校に宗教を侵入させるという、訴訟対象となることを記述している。」と述べた。
“It is the ACLU’s position that we intend to do whatever is necessary to keep religion out of our science classrooms.” said Marjorie R. Esman, executive director of the group in New Orleans.
「ACLUの立場は、理科の授業から宗教を締め出すために必要なことは、何でもやるというものだ」とNew Orleansのグループ(American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana)の責任者Marjorie R. Esmanは述べた。
The Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said in a prepared statement that the bill “is clearly designed to smuggle religion into the science classroom, and that’s unwise and unconstitutional.” Joe Conn, a spokesman for the group, said attorneys will review the bill.
"Americans United for Separation of Church and State(AU)"の責任者Barry Lynn牧師は、用意された声明において、「この州法案が明らかに宗教を理科の授業にこっそり持ち込むことを意図したものだ」と述べた。このグループ(AU)のスポークスマンJoe Connは、弁護士にこの州法案をレビューさせると述べた。...