

ルイジアナ反進化論州法Act473(SB733)が2008年6月25日にBobby Jindal知事が署名して成立した。

David Tate, a Livingston Parish School Board member, said after the meeting, "I believe that both sides -- the creationism side and the evolution side -- should be presented and let students decide what they believe." Tate said the bill is needed because "teachers are scared to talk about" creation, even when students bring it up.

Livingston学区教育委員David Tateは会議のあとで次のように述べた「私は両サイド、創造論サイドと進化論サイドが提示されるべきで、生徒たちに何を信じるか決めさせるべきだと信じている。この州法が必要なのは、たとえ生徒が話を持ち出したとしても、先生が創造について語ると職を脅かされるからだ。」

Panel OKs bill on science texts (2008/04/18) on nola.com -- Everything New Orleans
via National Center for Science Education]

このような状況に対して、Barry W. Lynn牧師率いるAmericans United for Separation of Church and State(AU)は次のような声明を出した。
Americans United Will Monitor Implementation Of New Louisiana Anti-Evolution Law
Friday, June 27, 2008


National Watchdog Group Says Litigation Will Follow If Measure Is Used To Promote Religion In Public Schools

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today warned Louisiana officials that lawsuits will result if the state’s new anti-evolution law is used to introduce religion into public school classrooms.


Gov. Bobby Jindal this week signed the legislation (SB 733), which allows teachers to use “supplemental materials” when discussing evolution. The measure was pushed by the Louisiana Family Forum and the Discovery Institute, two Religious Right groups that advocate creationist concepts, and is widely seen as an effort to water down instruction about evolution.

Bobby Jindal州知事は今週、進化論を論じるときに教師に副教材の使用を認める州法案SB733に署名した。この州法案は創造論の考えを支持するLouisiana Family ForumとDiscovery Instituteという宗教右翼団体によって推進されたものであり、これは進化論教育を弱めようという広く見られる動きのひとつである。


Lynn urged Louisiana residents to monitor the situation in their local communities and report any potential violations to Americans United. He noted that the organization has a new chapter in Louisiana and that activists on the ground will be watching developments in the state very closely.

posted by Kumicit at 2008/06/29 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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