==>忘却からの帰還: ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28)
彼は共和党大統領候補John McCain連邦上院議員の副大統領候補の可能性があるとされてきた。
==>忘却からの帰還: 反進化論州法を成立させた共和党Bobby Jindal州知事の副大統領候補の可能性 (2008/07/16)
しかし、The Washington Independentによれば、ルイジアナ州のBobby Jindal州知事は共和党副大統領候補をあきらめたもよう:
Jindal reassured Louisiana citizens gathered for a Town Hall meeting he would not run for vice president while venting questions from the crowd about speculation that McCain might still make the offer.
"I'll vote for Sen. McCain, but, look, I'm not going to be vice president, I'm not going to be the nominee," Jindal said.
While those around McCain have raised the notion of he running with McCain, Jindal said Thursday, McCain never has asked him directly.
[Is Jindal Too Conservative for McCain? (2008/07/28) on The Washington Independent]