


[China's smogs have surprise climate benefit (2008/08/07) on NewScientist]

Who would have thought that smog had an upside? It may be the scourge of China's urban citizens and a prickly PR problem during the Olympics, but surprisingly, the pea-soupy fallout from Chinese industrial pollution could be reducing the country's contribution to climate change from at least one greenhouse gas.

スモッグに利点があると誰が想像しただろうか? 中国の都市住民に被害を与え、檻ピック期間中のやっかいな宣伝問題かもしれないが、驚くべきことに、中国の産業の汚染による霧状粒子降下物が、少なくとも一種類の温室効果ガスによる温暖化の抑制に効果があるかもしれない。

A British team has been adding sulphate to laboratory rice paddies in an effort to mimic the effect of acid rain on Asia's most important food crop. This equivalent of typical acid rain reduced methane emissions from flooded paddies by up to 25 per cent, says Vincent Gauci of the Open University in Milton Keynes in the UK (Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1029/2007JG000501).

英国の研究チームは、実験室内の稲に硫化塩を加えて、アジアにおける重要な食料生産地域の酸性雨の効果を模擬した。典型的な酸性雨と同等の効果により、稲からのメタン排出を25%抑制したと、英国Milton KeynesのOpen UniversityのVincent Gauciは述べた。

Methane from agriculture is the second most important human-made greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide, and by some estimates up to a third of it comes from methane-generating bacteria lurking in rice paddies. So Asia's thickening smogs could be good news, in one respect, for the global climate. That's as long as the acid rain does not simultaneously reduce the yield of rice fields, causing farmers to flood more and more fields to maintain production.

[Vincent Gauci et al: "Suppression of rice methane emission by sulfate deposition in simulated acid rain", J. Geophys. Res., 113, G00A07, 2008.]

Sulfate in acid rain is known to suppress methane (CH4) emissions from natural freshwater wetlands. Here we examine the possibility that CH4 emissions from rice agriculture may be similarly affected by acid rain, a major and increasing pollution problem in Asia. Our findings suggest that acid rain rates of SO42- deposition may help to reduce CH4 emissions from rice agriculture. Emissions from rice plants treated with simulated acid rain at levels of SO42- consistent with the range of deposition in Asia were reduced by 24% during the grain filling and ripening stage of the rice season which accounts for 50% of the overall CH4 that is normally emitted in a rice season. A single application of SO42- at a comparable level reduced CH4 emission by 43%. We hypothesize that the reduction in CH4 emission may be due to a combination of effects. The first mechanism is that the low rates of SO42- may be sufficient to boost yields of rice and, in so doing, may cause a reduction in root exudates to the rhizosphere, a key substrate source for methanogenesis. Decreasing a major substrate source for methanogens is also likely to intensify competition with sulfate-reducing microorganisms for whom prior SO42- limitation had been lifted by the simulated acid rain S deposition.


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