


Oliver Curry[2006]は、「Humeの倫理自然主義の進化論バージョン」が正しいかどうかはさておき、それが自然主義の誤謬には該当しないと論じた。Oliver Curryが言うHumeの倫理自然主義とは「倫理価値は自然な人間の欲求の産物である」という見方である。そして進化論バージョンとは「"情念"は、ある種の進化した誘因システムであり、倫理的情念は協調への進化した誘因システムである」というもの。

David Hume provided the classical statement of the view that moral values are the product of certain natural human desires. Hume argued that human behaviour is a product of passion and reason. Passions set the ends or goals of action; and reason works out the best available means of achieving these ends. Under this view, passions determine what humans find agreeable, desirable and valuable. Values are projected onto the world of objects and events by the passions in much the same way that colors are projected onto the world by the visual system. For this reason, Hume is said to have a subjectivist or projectivist theory of value.

David Humeは、倫理価値は自然な人間の欲求の産物であるという古典的な見方を提示した。Humeは人間の挙動が情念と理性の産物だと論じた。情念はは行動の目的あるいは到達点を設定する。理性はその目的を達成するために可能かつ最善の手段を考える。この見方では、人間が同意可能で、望ましく価値あるものと考えるものを、情念が決定する。色彩が視覚システムによって世界に投影されるのと同じように、価値が情念によって世界に投影される。このような理由により、Humeは価値についての主観主義理論あるいは投影理論を主張したと言われる。

Whereas Hobbes argued that natural human passions were entirely selfish and that morality was an artificial invention, Hume argued that human nature included some passions ? such as familial affection, sexual fidelity, sympathy and pride -- that promoted the common good.[1] Hume called these moral passions, and argued that they constituted the basis of human morality. Hume applied the same subjectivist-projectivist argument to moral passions, and argued that “when you pronounce any action or character to be vicious, you mean nothing, but that from the constitution of your nature you have a feeling or a sentiment of blame from the contemplation of it. Vice and virtue, therefore, may be compar'd to sounds, colours, heat and cold, which . . . are not qualities in objects, but perceptions in the mind” (Hume, 1739/1985, pp. 520-521).

Hobbesは自然の人間の情念はまったく利己的であり、倫理性は人為的な介入だと論じた。Humeは人間の本性が家族愛や忠節や共感や誇りのような、"共通善(common good)"を推進するような情念を含んでいてる。Humeはこれを倫理的情念と呼び、これらが人間の倫理性を構成するものだと論じた。Humeは主観主義-投影主義の論を倫理的情念に適用し、「なんらかの行動や人格を悪徳だと宣告したとしたら、それは君の本性の性質から、それを見て批難の気分あるいは心情を持ったという意味でしかない。したがって、悪徳と美徳は、音や色や熱と冷のようなもの、すなわち対象物の特性ではなく、心の中の認識に比せられるものである」

Recent developments in game theory, evolutionary biology, animal behaviour and neuroscience suggest that Hume was right to think that humans have natural dispositions to act ‘in the common good’. Evolutionary theory leads us to expect that organisms will be social, cooperative and even altruistic under certain circumstances.[2] Under the headings of kin altruism, coordination, reciprocity and conflict resolution, evolutionary theory can explain why and how some organisms care for their offspring and their wider families, aggregate in herds, work in teams, practice a division of labor, communicate, share food, trade favors, build alliances, punish cheats, exact revenge, settle disputes peacefully, provide altruistic displays of status, and respect property (Aureli and de Waal, 2000; Axelrod, 1984; Clutton-Brock and Parker, 1995; Crespi, 2001; de Waal, 1996; Hamilton, 1964, 1971; Harcourt and de Waal, 1992; Hepper, 1991; Johnstone, 1998; Kummer and Cords, 1991; Maynard Smith and Price, 1973; Trivers, 1971; Zahavi and Zahavi, 1997). Given that some of these adaptations for cooperation can be found in every major taxon of the animal kingdom, and seem especially well-developed in primates, it is not unreasonable to suppose that they were present in the common ancestor that humans shared with chimpanzees, and also that humans have retained versions of these adaptations. The search for these human adaptations for cooperation is well underway (Baron-Cohen, 1995; Cosmides and Tooby, 1992; Daly and Wilson, 1988; Lieberman, Tooby, and Cosmides, 2003; Mazur and Booth, 1998; Pinker, 1994; Stone, Cosmides, Tooby, Kroll, and Knight, 2002; Sugiyama, Tooby, and Cosmides, 2002).


Let us assume, for argument’s sake, that humans are in possession of a suitably-modified suite of primate adaptations for cooperation. Such a discovery would update Hume’s psychology and moral philosophy in the following ways. “Passions” would be revealed as a certain kind of evolved motivational system (Lawrence and Calder, 2004); and moral passions would be revealed as evolved motivational systems for cooperation. And an updated psychology would lead to an updated meta-ethics. So, values would come to be seen as the proximate goals of adaptations; and moral values would come to be seen as the proximate goals of adaptations for cooperation. Looking further ahead, such a discovery would suggest that, as Hume envisaged, moral philosophy should begin with the investigation of the moral passions and, as such, should be seen as a branch of biology, psychology or anthropology.[3]

Oliver Curryはこれが自然主義の誤謬にあたらないことを、自然主義の誤謬の変種8つを挙げて説明している。

  • Moving from is to ought (Hume’s fallacy). ("である"から"べき"へ)
  • Moving from facts to values. (事実から価値へ)
  • Identifying good with its object (Moore’s fallacy).
  • Claiming that good is a natural property. 
  • Going ‘in the direction of evolution’.(進化の方向へ向かって進め)
  • Assuming that what is natural is good. (自然なものは良いと仮定)
  • Assuming that what currently exists ought to exist. (現に存在するものは、存在すべきと仮定)
  • Substituting explanation for justification.
The question here is whether any of these objections constitute arguments against the Humean-Darwinian meta-ethical thesis that “moral values are the products of certain natural human passions”. And again, the answer is: no. First, according to the orthodox evolutionary theory on which the Humean-Darwinian thesis is based, evolution has no direction. And so the notions of ‘moving in the direction of evolution’ or of being 'more or
less evolved' have no content, and play no role in the thesis. Second, the Humean-Darwinian thesis argues that ‘all moral values are natural phenomena’, but it does not argue, and nor does it follow, that ‘all natural phenomena are moral’ or even ‘all natural values are moral’.



インテリジェントデザイン運動のアジェンダであるWedge Documentのイントロダクションは、以下のようにダーウィンが[打倒すべき]リベラルにつながったと論じている:
Debunking the traditional conceptions of both God and man, thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud portrayed humans not as moral and spiritual beings, but as animals or machines who inhabited a universe ruled by purely impersonal forces and whose behavior and very thoughts were dictated by the unbending forces of biology, chemistry, and environment. This materialistic conception of reality eventually infected virtually every area of our culture, from politics and economics to literature and art.


The cultural consequences of this triumph of materialism were devastating. Materialists denied the existence of objective moral standards, claiming that environment dictates our behavior and beliefs. Such moral relativism was uncritically adopted by much of the social sciences, and it still undergirds much of modern economics, political science, psychology and sociology.


Materialists also undermined personal responsibility by asserting that human thoughts and behaviors are dictated by our biology and environment. The results can be seen in modern approaches to criminal justice, product liability, and welfare. In the materialist scheme of things, everyone is a victim and no one can be held accountable for his or her actions.

To defeat scientific materialism and its destructive moral, cultural and political legacies.

To replace materialistic explanations with the theistic understanding that nature and hurnan beings are created by God.

なぜ、「自然主義の誤謬」ではなく「ダーウィニズム」なのか? インテリジェントデザイン支持者たちは「自然主義の誤謬」という言葉を知らないわけでもなく、その意味を知らないわけでもないのだが....
Many biologists, of course, disagree with Singer and Dawkins. From the late nineteenth century to today they have assured us that Darwinism has no implications for morality. They allege that those trying to apply Darwinism to morality are committing the "naturalistic fallacy" by deriving "ought" from "is." Darwin's friend and defender, Thomas Henry Huxley, vigorously opposed the attempts of his contemporaries to seek ethical guidance in natural evolutionary processes. More recently, Steven Jay Gould often butted heads with evolutionary psychologists, arguing that morality was a separate realm from biology. In his view Darwinism has nothing to say about how humans should act.

もちろん、多くの生物学者はSingerやDawkinsに反対する。19世紀後半から今日まで、生物学者たちはダーウィニズムに倫理性への含意がないことを保証した。彼らはダーウィニズムから倫理性を引き出すことは、"である"から"べき"を導く"自然主義の誤謬"を侵すものだと主張してきた。ダーウィニズムの擁護者たるThomas Henry Huxleyは、自然の進化過程から倫理を指針を見出そうとする同時代人たちを強くに反対してきた。さらに最近も、Steven Jay Gouldは進化心理学者たちと戦ってきた。そして、倫理と生物学が別々の領域であると主張してきた。Steven Jay Gouldの意見では、ダーウィニズムは人間が為すべきことについて、言うべき言葉を持たない。

[Richard Weikart:Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life?]
一見、もっともらしく書かれていて、"自然主義の誤謬"についてもわかってるように見えるが、この後、ひっくりかえされる。(なお、「 disagree with Singer and Dawkins」については、またの機会に)

ここで、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery Instituteのフェローである歴史学者Richard Weikartは、Stephen Jay Gouldの"Wonderful Life"から以下を引用する:
And so, if you wish to ask the question of the ages-why do humans exist?-a major part of the answer, touching those aspects of the issue that science can treat at all, must be: because Pikaia [a Burgess shale chordate] survived the Burgess decimation. This response does not cite a single law of nature; it embodies no statement about predictable evolutionary pathways, no calculation of probabilities based on general rules of anatomy or ecology. The survival of Pikaia was a contingency of 'just history.' I do not think that any 'higher' answer can be given, and I cannot imagine that any resolution could be more fascinating. We are the offspring of history, and must establish our own paths in this most diverse and interesting of conceivable universes-one indifferent to our suffering, and therefore offering us maximal freedom to thrive, or to fail, in our own chosen way.


[渡辺政隆 訳 pp.570-571]
これは、カンブリア爆発について、Steven Jay Gouldが生前、繰り返していた主張である。「過去に遡って進化をやり直したら、現在の状態にはたどりつことはないだろう」という偶発性に強調するポジションである。

これが歴史学者Richard Weikartから見ると、倫理についての主張に見えるらしい。
Does Gould really think this conclusion has no religious or moral implications? Does he really believe that his claim that biology demotes humans from the image of God to a naked ape is a purely scientific statement that has no bearing on moral issues, such as abortion and euthanasia?

Stephen Jay Gouldは本当に、この結論に宗教的あるいは倫理的な含意がないと考えているだろうか? 彼は生物学が神の似姿から裸の猿に人間を降格する、彼の主張が(例えば妊娠中絶と安楽死のような)倫理的な問題と関係ない、まったくの科学の言明だと本当に思っているのだろうか?
論理的にはつながっていない主張だが、これはインテリジェントデザイン運動からすれば自明なことである。Wedge Documentのイントロダクションの最初の文はこうである:
The proposition that human beings are created in the image of God is one of the bedrock principles on which Western civilization was built. Its influence can be detected in most, if not all, of the West's greatest achievements, including representative democracy, human rights, free enterprise, and progress in the arts and sciences.


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