[Ana Ribeiro: "No place for creationism in science class, state says" (2008/09/17) on StarNewsOnline.comn]これについて、州政府教育当局は、創造論やインテリジェントデザインを理科の授業に持ち込んではならないが、選択項目として宗教か哲学の一部にすることは排除しないと述べた:
Keep creationism out of science class, the state school system says.
At its meeting Tuesday, the Brunswick County school board began discussions on teaching creationism alongside evolution – something all four board members present showed a strong interest in. The talk began after Joel Fanti, a parent and graduate of the school system, told the board that he considered it a problem to teach evolution as a fact and that science teachers should include creationism in the curriculum, as well.
Brunswick郡の教育委員会は火曜日(2008/09/16)の会議で、4人の委員全員が強い関心を持っている件である、進化論とともに創造論を教えることについての議論を始めた。Brunswick郡学校を卒業し、Brunswick郡学校に子供を通わせているJoel Fantiが郡教育委員会に「進化論を事実として教えるのは問題であり、理科の教師はカリキュラムに創造論を加えるべきだ」と告げたことにより、この議論は始まった。
The audience applauded. The school board and staff said they would research whether creationism is allowed in the classroom.
But neither creationism nor the related “intelligent design,” which says life forms are so complex only a higher power could have created them, may be taught as a required course of study, Edd Dunlap, science section chief for the N.C. Department of Public Instruction, said Wednesday. These are considered religious teachings and may not be taught in science class or as fact, although they may be included as part of an elective, such as a course on religion or philosophy, he said.とは言うものの、ノースカロライナ州は宗教色が濃いところらしく、生徒たちの保護者への配慮も必要なもよう。教育内容は進化論だが、生徒たちが何を信じるかは別という妥協点を示している。
」とノースカロライナ州政府公教育省の理科部門のEdd Dunlapは水曜日の述べた。
In a religious state such as North Carolina, teachers must plan carefully, Dunlap said. “They must make sure they’re teaching the standard course of study and not stray from it, and also not impose their beliefs on their students,” Dunlap said.既に、同じノースカロライナ州New Hanover郡でも似たような妥協をしているらしい:
Dunlap said teachers should present evolution to students as a theory substantiated by scientific evidence, but students should not be taught what to believe.
In New Hanover County, which does not teach creationism, “teachers don’t really focus on what’s in the beginning” of the evolutionary process, said Valita Quattlebaum, the county school system’s spokeswoman. Teachers have alternative assignments for students whose parents have objections about evolution, but students are still assessed on the topic in state tests, she said.国民の半数近くが"若い地球の創造論"を信じている米国では、このあたりが限界なのか?
創造論を教えないNew Hanover郡の郡学校当局のスポークスマンValita QUattlebaumは「教師は進化過程の始まりについてフォーカスしていない。両親が進化論に反対している生徒たちには代替内容をあてている。しかし、生徒たちは州の試験によって、この課題について達成度を試験される」と述べた。