[Casey Luskin: "Leading Theistic Evolutionist Makes Religious Arguments for Evolution" (2008/09/17) on Discovery Institute公式ブログ]まずは、カトリック聖職者である前バチカン観測所長Dr. George Coyneの「現代科学の成果を真剣に考えるなら、神が全知全能だと考えるのは困難だ」の確認Quote Miningから。
In his book Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil, biophysicist Cornelius G. Hunter explains that in Darwin’s day, some of the most commonly used arguments for evolution were theological arguments, not scientific. It seems that little has changed in the past ~150 years. Last year we reported that UC Irvine evolutionary biologist Francisco Ayala was making religious arguments for evolution. Likewise, in a recent news article, George Coyne, a Catholic priest, reportedly said people should oppose intelligent design (ID) and accept evolution because ID allegedly "belittles God." While reflecting upon his new crusade, Coyne said, "I am going to, for better or worse, take on the intelligent design movement in this country … I'm not going to apologize on the statements I make." Last year, when arguing in favor of neo-Darwinian evolution, Coyne stated that “[i]f we take the results of modern science seriously, it is difficult to believe that God is omnipotent and omniscient..."
生物物理学者Cornelius G. Hunterは、自著"Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil"で、ダーウィンの時代には、進化論を支持する論として最も広く使われたものの一つが科学ではなく神学だったと書いている。その状況は150年を経ても変わっていないように見える。昨年、我々はUC Irvineの進化生物学者Francisco Ayalaが、進化論を支持する宗教を使った議論をしたことを報告した。同様に、最近の記事でカトリックの聖職者であるGeorge Coyneは、インテリジェントデザインは神を小さくするので、人々はインテリジェントデザインに反対し、進化論を受け入れるべきだと述べたと伝えられる。彼は自身の聖なる戦いを反映して、「その結果どうなろうとも、私はこの国のインテリジェントデザイン運動に対抗していく。私は自分の出した声明について謝罪しない」と述べている。昨年、ネオダーウィニズムを支持する論で、Coyneは「現代科学の成果を真剣に考えるなら、神が全知全能だと考えるのは困難だ」と述べている。
Now then, I must ask, whose view is it that actually "belittles God"?
Now, the religious believer asks, where does God the creator feature in this scientific scenario? If one believes in God's loving relationship with his creation, and especially with the human beings made in his image and likeness, and if one also respects the science described above, then there are marvellous opportunities to renew one's faith in God's relationship to his creation.「スコラ哲学者の意味においては」を飛ばして、Luskinは引用している。
It is unfortunate that creationism has come to mean some fundamentalistic, literal, scientific interpretation of Genesis. Judaeo-Christian faith is radically creationist, but in a totally different sense. It is rooted in a belief that everything depends upon God, or better, all is a gift from God. The universe is not God and it cannot exist independently of God. Neither pantheism nor naturalism is true. But, if we confront what we know of our origins scientifically with religious faith in God the Creator -- if, that is, we take the results of modern science seriously -- it is difficult to believe that God is omnipotent and omniscient in the sense of many of the scholastic philosophers. For the believer, science tells us of a God who must be very different from God as seen by them.
This stress on our scientific knowledge is not to place a limitation upon God. Far from it. It reveals a God who made a universe that has within it a certain dynamism and thus participates in the very creativity of God. Such a view of creation can be found in early Christian writings, especially in those of St Augustine in his comments on Genesis. If they respect the results of modern science and, indeed, the best of modern biblical research, religious believers must move away from the notion of a dictator God or a designer God, a Newtonian God who made the universe as a watch that ticks along regularly. Perhaps God should be seen more as a parent or as one who speaks encouraging and sustaining words. Scripture is very rich in these thoughts.
[God's chance creation (2005/08/06) on The Tablet]
「神を小さくする」については、Dr. Gorge Coyne前バチカン観測所長の考え「神を愛する者から技術者にしてしまうもの」がわかりやすいかもしれない。
==>忘却からの帰還: バチカンの理系聖職者は語る「インテリジェントデザインは神を小さくする」と (2006/02/19)
If we take the results of modern science seriously, then what science tells us of God must be very different from God as seen by the medieval philosophers and theologians. For the religious believer modern science reveals a God who made a universe that has within it a certain dynamism and thus participates in the very creativity of God. Such a view of creation can be found in early Christian writings, especially in those of St. Augustine in his comments on Genesis. If they respect the results of modern science, religious believers must move away from the notion of a dictator God, a Newtonian God who made the universe as a watch that ticks along regularly. Perhaps God should be seen more as a parent or as one who speaks encouraging and sustaining words. Scripture is very rich in these thoughts. It presents, indeed anthropomorphically, a God who gets angry, who disciplines, a God who nurtures the universe. God is working with the universe. The universe has a certain vitality of its own like a child does. It has the ability to respond to words of endearment and encouragement. You discipline a child but you try to preserve and enrich the individual character of the child and its own passion for life. A parent must allow the child to grow into adulthood, to come to make its own choices, to go on its own way in life. Words which give life are richer than mere commands or information. In such wise does God deal with the universe. It is for reasons of this description that I claim that Intelligent Design diminishes God, makes her/him an engineer who designs systems rather than a lover.続いて、「その結果どうなろうとも、私はこの国のインテリジェントデザイン運動に対抗していく。私は自分の出した声明について謝罪しない」について。
[Text of talk by Vatican Observatory director on ‘Science Does Not Need God. Or Does It? A Catholic Scientist Looks at Evolution’" (2006/01/31) on Catholic Online
これは、2008年9月4日のMildred and Ernest E. Mayo Concert Halでの"Evolution and Intelligent Design: Who Needs God?"という講演についての報道で...
"I am going to, for better or worse, take on the intelligent design movement in this country," Coyne began the lecture. "I'm not going to apologize on the statements I make."こっちの講演で言っていることは特に目立ったものもなく、カトリックサイドの標準的な対反進化論な表現である。特に切り取ってQuote Miningできるようなネタでもないのだが。おそらく、Casey Luskinは今月(2008年9月)のネタからの引用という形をとりたかっただけだろう。
The lecture, which began with a brief history of the universe, narrowed down the 14 billion year-old universe into one year, with human existence only coming in during the last two seconds of the year.
Coyne said it is impossible for science to fully embrace God.
"We seek for natural explanations of natural events. God is beyond this kind of explanation," he added.
[Kerry Fiallo: "Priest doubts accuracy of creationism -- God should stay out of classroom" (2008/09/10) on Signal Online]
Casey Luskinは「カトリックの聖職者であるGeorge Coyneは、インテリジェントデザインは神を小さくするので、人々はインテリジェントデザインに反対し、進化論を受け入れるべきだと述べたと伝えられる」を書きたかったが、元記事が「最近」じゃなくて、3年前だったので、「最近」がほしかっただけかな。
で、結局、Casey Luskinは、創造論者の主張「創造論が宗教なら、進化論も宗教だ」のような主張を書いてみただけ。
ということで、Francisco AyalaについてのCasey Luskinの引用はまた次回に。