


しかし、インテリジェントデザイン運動の始動以後、有神論的進化論の破壊に成功していない。なので、インテリジェントデザイン支持者たちは、繰り返し同じ主張を表明している。たとえば、2008年春には、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery InstituteのBruce Chapman所長が次のように書いている:
Scholars seeking a compromise that brings religion directly into the scientific discussion have offered the comforting possibility that God did the creating, but did it through Darwinian evolution. Guidance of an unguided process is the idea. But this vague proposition contradicts what almost all leading Darwinist scientists, including Dawkins, emphatically contend. In Darwin's universe, natural selection is blind, mutations are undirected and humanity is an unintended outcome. If the evolutionary process is guided, then it no longer is Darwinian. And if the evolutionary process is unguided, it allows no room for God. Logically, not even God can guide an unguided process.


[Bruce Chapman: "An Intelligent Discussion about Life" (2008/04/17) on The Seattle Times]
これと同じネタは11年前の、統一教会信者にしてインテリジェントデザイン支持者Jonathan Wellsの執筆物にも見られる:
Darwin's Denial of Design is a Serious Problem for Christians and Other Theists

If we are undesigned by-products of a purposeless process, then the biblical doctrine that we are created in the image of God is false. Yet it is a central doctrine of Christianity (and of other theistic religions such as Islam and Judaism) that God created human beings by design.


Many people have been given the impression that the chronology of Genesis is the root of the conflict between Christianity and Darwinism. Surprisingly, however, biblical chronology played almost no role in the initial opposition to Darwin's theory, because most Christians in the nineteenth century accepted geological evidence for the age of the earth. Nor was chronology an issue at the 1925 Scopes trial, because creationist William Jennings Bryan accepted the old-earth view. Historically and theologically speaking, the basic conflict between Christianity and Darwinism is not chronology, but design.

多くの人々は創世記の年代がキリスト教とダーウィニズムの対立の根源だという印象を持っている。しかし、驚くべきことに聖書の記述する年代は、ダーウィンの理論についての初期の対立では何の役割も担っていない。というのは19世紀のキリスト教徒の大半は地球の年齢の地質学的証拠を受け入れていたからだ。1925年のScope裁判でも年代は問題になっていない。というのは創造論者William Jennings Bryanは古い地球の見方を受け入れていたからだ。歴史的および神学的に言って、キリスト教とダーウィニズムの対立の基本は年代ではなくデザインだった。

Some theists try to avoid problems by accepting everything that Darwinists tell us except their denial of design. But Darwinism assumes that naturalism has a complete explanation, at least in principle, for all of objective reality; so theists who accept Darwinism are left with a purely subjective religion, and design becomes a figment of our imagination.


Despite the good intentions of those who attempt to reconcile Darwinian evolution and theistic religion, a serious conflict remains between the two. Theists who accommodate themselves to Darwinian evolution generally find themselves patronized and marginalized. But do theists have to accept Darwinian evolution?


[Jonathan Wells: "Evolution and intelligent design" (1997/06/01) on Discovery Institute]



[アウグスティヌス (著), 片柳 栄一 (翻訳):アウグスティヌス著作集 第16巻 創世記注解, 教文館,1994 第2巻第9章20 p.53]

ついでだが、Jonathan Wellsの「驚くべきことに聖書の記述する年代は、ダーウィンの理論についての初期の対立では何の役割も担っていない。...1925年のScope裁判でも年代は問題になっていない。というのは創造論者William Jennings Bryanは古い地球の見方を受け入れていたからだ。」という記述の確認をしておく。

In the course of a two-hours examination, Mr. Bryan confessed his belief that a big fish swallowed Jonah, though he did not insist on the literal interpretation of "men are the salt of the earth." He accepted the Bible story that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, though himself believing that the earth revolved round the sun. Asked what would have happened if the earth had stood still, Mr. Bryan replied that God could have taken care of that occurrence. The Flood story he believed literally, with probable date 2348 B.C., when all living things not contained in the Ark were destroyed, excepting, perhaps, fishes. He had not seen satisfactory evidence that there had been civilizations more than 5,000 years ago, though he had never questioned any scientist about it. Mr. Bryan thought Chinese civilizations would not have preceded the Bible creation 6,000 years ago. He had never tried to discover the number of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt nor read books on primitive religions. Being so well satisfied with Christianity, he had not spent time trying to find arguments against it. From the Bible he inferred that the confusion or tongues began at the Tower of Babel, about 2230 B.C., and that previously all people spoke a single language. The earth's age he would not attempt to guess, nor the date of the last glacial age, but Mr. Darrow's. examination brought out that Mr. Bryan did not believe that the earth was made in six days of 24 hours each. Days there, he said, meant periods, and he admitted that the Creation might have continued for millions of years. He accepted literally the story of Eve's creation from Adam's rib and of the serpent's tempting of Eve with an apple.


[Times (1925/07/22) quoted in Scopes裁判についての当時のTimesの記事]

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