Galileo Fallacyあるいは
Galileo Gambitと呼ばれるものがある。
[RationalWiki: Galileo Fallacy]
The Galileo fallacy is the idea that if you are widely vilified for your ideas, you must therefore be right.
They made fun of Galileo, and he was right.
They make fun of me, therefore I am right.
In "reality", in order to wear the mantle of Galileo, not only must one be scorned by the establishment, but one must be correct.
Or as Carl Sagan put it;
But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
笑われた天才たちがいたことは、笑われた者が天才であることを意味しない。人々はコロンブスを笑った。フルトンを笑った。ライト兄弟を笑った。しかし、人々はBozo the Clown[米国のテレビの道化キャラ]も笑った。
[wikipedia: Galileo Gambit]
The Galileo Gambit is a rhetorical technique sometimes used by proponents of denialist or pseudo-scientific positions, such as the Intelligent Design/Creationist movement.
"Galileo Gambit"とはインテリジェントデザインや創造論運動のような否定論や疑似科学の支持者たちが使うことがあるレトリックである。
The technique consists of pointing out that important scientific theories were often dismissed out of hand when they were first proposed. A commonly used example is the Heliocentric Theory.
The writer or speaker then compares their own theory with that of Galileo and implies that they are similarly advancing a valid theory which is being rejected without being fully considered. They also seek to imply that those rejecting their theory are close-minded and lacking vision.
The term seems to have been originated by Respectful Insolence
このGalileo Gambitの初出Respectful Insolenceによる。
In specialist fields, other terms such as the "Semmelweis Gambit" have been used to describe similar techniques.
専門分野では、"Semmelweis Gambit"[イグナーツ・ゼンメルワイス]のような他の用語が同様のレトリックに使われる。
インテリジェントデザインや創造論者が使う"Galileo Fallacy"の変種として、
Think of Semmelweiss and puerperal fever. Think of Goldberger and pellagra. Even Gore’s favorite example of continental drift highlights the folly of the scientific consensus that mocked Alfred Wegener’s theory of Pangaea for half a century.
[Good news, Mr. Gore, the Apocalypse has been postponed on Discovery Institute]
これに対して、言うべきことは、"Galileo Fallacy"についての
Greta Christinaの記述で尽きている:
Galileo wasn't Galileo because he pissed a lot of people off. And he wasn't Galileo because he had a new idea that nobody agreed with and that the establishment violently opposed. Galileo was Galileo because... well, among other things, because he was right. He didn't just have a new idea that tried to upend everything we thought we knew about the world. He had a new idea that successfully upended everything we thought we knew about the world -- because it was right. He had the evidence, he did the work, he crunched the numbers, and he was right. And being right is a lot harder, and means a lot more, than just disagreeing with the establishment and pissing people off.
[Greta Christina: "The Galileo Fallacy, and the Gadfly Corollary" (2007/09/23) on Greta Christina's Blog]
posted by Kumicit at 2008/10/13 00:01