In South Texas, the board's longest serving member, Democrat Mary Helen Berlanga, is being challenged by Republican Peter Johnston, a former educator who now owns a public policy research firm.
Berlanga has been a critic of intelligent design — a recent theory in opposition to evolution that the universe is so complex that science alone cannot explain the origins of life. Johnston has said he believes both strengths and weaknesses of evolution should be included in science curriculum.
テキサス州南部では、長きにわたって州教育委員を務めている民主党Mary Helen Berlangaが、元教職で現在は政策研究事務所を持っている共和党Peter Johnstonの挑戦を受けている。
In Southeast Texas, Republican David Bradley is facing a challenge from Friendswood City Councilwoman Laura Ewing. Bradley, who has far outpaced Ewing in campaign fundraising, has said he's not interested in changing the current requirement for teaching evolution, nor would he support a move to include the theory of intelligent design.
テキサス州南東部では、共和党David BradleyがFriendswood City CouncilwomanのLaura Ewingの挑戦を受けている。Ewingよりも、はるかに潤沢な選挙資金を持っているBradleyは、進化論教育の義務付けの変更や、インテリジェントデザイン理論の理科教育への持ち込みにも関心がない。
Incumbent Democrat Mavis Knight, a longtime community activist in Dallas, is being challenged by Republican Cindy Werner of Duncanville. Knight has been a vocal critic of the social conservatives on the board. Werner did not return a phone call from The Associated Press.
長きにわたるDallasのコミュニティ活動家である現職民主党Mavis Knightは、Duncanvilleの共和党Cindy Wernerの挑戦を受けている。Knightは州教育委員会の"social conservatives"の批判者である。WernerはThe Associated Pressの電話インタビューに答えなかった。
In a north central Texas district that includes Denton and Hillsboro, retired English professor Edra Bogle is challenging Republican incumbent Gail Lowe, a social conservative from Lampasas who has said the state's science curriculum should not be changed to include the teaching of intelligent design.
DentonおよびHillsboroを含むテキサス州中北部では、退職英語教師であるEdra BogleがLampasasの共和党現職Gail Loweに挑戦している。Gail Loweはsocial conservativeであり、州の理科教育カリキュラムをインテリジェントデザインを教えるように変更すべきでないと言っている。
[APRIL CASTRO: "State officeholders face challenges " (2008/10/27) by Associated Press on Dallas News]