==>Jonathan Witt: Percival Lowell, Mars and Intelligent Design (2006/03/13)
翌日にはPanda's ThumbのAndrea Bottaroがツッコミを入れている。
==>Andrea Bottaro: "Life on Mars? The real lesson from Lowell" (2006/03/14) on Panda's Thumb
そのエントリでAndrea BottaroがPercival Lowellの記述を、"見た目"な論が失敗した例として引用している。
==>Percival Lowell: "MARS" (1885)
ということで、Percival Lowellによる「火星の運河は人為的なもの」という論は根拠は...
Before, however, entering upon this second phase of their description, we may pause to note how, even statically regarded, the aspect of the lines is enough to put to rest all the theories of purely natural causation that have so far been advanced to account for them. This negation is to be found in the supernaturally regular appearance of the system, upon three distinct counts: first, the straightness of the lines; second, their individually uniform width; and, third, their systematic radiation from special points."見た目"の"運河の形状"(直線・一様な幅・放射状)は、それらが自然現象で形成されたことを否定するものだとLowellは言う。すなわちデザインされたと。
[Chapter IV. Canals -- III. Artificiality, MARS by Percival Lowell, 1895.]
Their very aspect is such as to defy natural explanation, and to hint that in them we are regarding something other than the outcome of purely natural causes. Indeed, such is the first impression upon getting a good view of them. How instant this inference is becomes patent from the way in which drawings of the canals are received by incredulously disposed persons. The straightness of the lines is unhesitatingly attributed to the draughtsman. Now this is a very telling point. For it is a case of the double-edged sword. Accusation of design, if it prove not to be due to the draughtsman, devolves ipso facto upon the canals.ここで「自然な説明」とは「超自然の介入がない」というよりは「人為的ではない」を意味している。
[Chapter IV. Canals -- III. Artificiality, MARS by Percival Lowell, 1895.]
Each phenomenon is highly suggestive considered alone, but each acquires still greater significance from its association with the other; for here in the oases we have an end and object for the existence of canals, and the most natural one in the world, namely, that the canals are constructed for the express purpose of fertilizing the oases. Thus the mysterious rendezvousing of the canals at these special points is at once explicable. The canals rendezvous so entirely in defiance of the doctrine of chances because they were constructed to that end. They are not purely natural developments, but cases of assisted nature, just as they look to be at first sight. This, at least, is the only explanation that fully accounts for the facts. Of course all such evidence of design may be purely fortuitous, with about as much probability, as it has happily been put, as that a chance collection of numbers should take the form of the multiplication table.Andrea Bottaroはまさにこの部分がインテリジェントデザインと同じ論法になっていると指摘する。
[Chapter V. Oases -- I. Spots in the light regions, MARS by Percival Lowell, 1895.]