

Zachary Moore によれば、宇宙版インテリジェントデザイン担当Dr. David Berlinskiは、インテリジェントデザインをちっとも信じていなくて、信じているのは本山たるDiscovery Instituteの切る小切手だけだという。

"The Great Debate," as it was billed, was sponsored by St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Fort Worth, Texas. It featured a four-way roundtable format, with a participant from each quadrant of the atheist/theist and pro-ID/anti-ID axes. I was there along with some fellow members of the North Texas Church of Freethought primarily to see Dr. Lawrence Krauss (atheist/anti-ID) and also, somewhat guiltily, to see Dr. David Berlinski (theist/pro-ID) in action.

予定通り"The Great Debate"が、テキサス州Fort WorthのSt. Andrew's Episcopal Church後援で開催された。これは、四角形式の円卓討論で、参加者は無神論/有神論およびインテリジェントデザイン支持/反インテリジェントデザインの軸のひとつの象限を占める。私はNorth Texas Church of Freethoughtのメンバーとともに、主としてDr. Lawrence Krauss(無神論・反インテリジェントデザイン)および、動いている、ちょっとやましいDr. David Berlinski(有神論・インテリジェントデザイン支持)を見に行った。

[Zachary Moore : "ID Was Spanked In Fort Worth" (2008/11/09) on Goosing the Antithesis, via RicahrdDawkins.Net & Pharyngula]
But I don't think the Discovery Institute got what it needed. There was a substantial presence on hand of our friends from Seattle, who had two large tables, posters, and banners in the front lobby to advertise the books and DVDs (including Expelled!) they were selling. I can't help but wonder if the DI was footing part of the bill for the event. At the very least, they were paying the way for Berlinski and Monton. On the former count, I wonder how much of their money's worth they're actually getting. A fellow NTCOF member was seated near me, and ventured over to speak with Drs. Krauss and Berlinski during the break (they had wandered off to a corner of the auditorium, and were engaged in a private discussion). Upon drawing close, he heard Krauss ask Berlinski why he wasted his intellect advocating for intelligent design. To which Berlinski replied that he doesn't believe a word of it, but is happy to cash the checks the Discovery Institute writes him. Strangely enough, this would be consistent with Berlinski's odd statement early on in which he admitted that his own ethical orientation was focused on living as contentedly and as selfishly as possible. It was a weird aside at the time; realizing that he could be exercising that ethic by making chumps of the Discovery Institute seems somehow poetically appropriate.

私はDiscovery Institute[訳注: インテリジェントデザインの本山]が必要なものを手にしたとは思えない。我らがシアトルの友[訳注: Discovery Institute]は、表のロビーに大きなテーブル2個とポスターと旗をおいて、Expelledなど出版している本やDVDの宣伝をして、存在感を主張していた。私には、このイベントの費用の一部をDiscovery Instituteが負担したとしか思えないが、自信がない。少なくとも、Discovery InstituteはBerlinskiとMontonにはお金を出していた。前の会話で、実際に彼らがいくらもらっているのかわからなかった。そこで、私の近くに座っていたNorth Texas Church of Freethoughtの仲間は、休憩中にDr.KraussとDr.Berlinskiともう一度、会話することにした。Dr.KraussとDr.Berlinskiは講演会場の横で個人的な会話をしていた。そして、彼らに近づくと、Dr. KraussがDr. Berlinskiに、何故Dr. Berlinskiがインテリジェントデザインを主唱して、自身の知性を無駄にしているのか問うているのが聞こえた。Belinskiはこれに応えて、まったく信じていないが、Discovery Instituteが切る小切手を現金化できるので満足だと言っていた。不思議なことに、これは早くから認めていた、自分本位に生きるのが自分の倫理方針だというちょっと変わった声明と一致している。それは、まったくすばらしい瞬間だった。Discovery Instituteを馬鹿にするという倫理の実践は、Dr. Berlinskiにとって詩的には適切なようだ。

All in all, a great night for science and rationalism, a poor night for anyone who was hoping to see intelligent design championed in Texas.


[Zachary Moore : "ID Was Spanked In Fort Worth" (2008/11/09) on Goosing the Antithesis, via RicahrdDawkins.Net & Pharyngula]
これについて、まいどおなじみPZ Myers準教授は...
He[David Berlinski] doesn't really have any pro-ID arguments, but mainly seems to be on the side of cashing checks from the Discovery Institute.

PZ Myers: "Another ID debate" (2008/11/10) on Pharyngula]


posted by Kumicit at 2008/11/11 08:36 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | ID: General | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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