


==>James Stambaugh: "Creation’s original diet and the changes at the Fall" on TJ 5(2):130–138, 1991/08

"若い地球の創造論"ミニストリAnswers in Genesisが発行しているオンライン創造論"学術誌"Answers Research Journalに、同様のネタが掲載された。
[Luke Kim: "Bacterial Attenuation and its Link to Innate Oncolytic Potential -- Implications for Creation and the Fall" (2008/10/1) on Answers Research Journal]


Although bacteria have been mainly recognized as disease causing agents since the discovery of their identity, there are abundant scientific evidences that bacterial pathogenicity is not the major biological function of bacteria. Microbiologists have traditionally focused on disease studies rather than on the diverse beneficial functions of bacteria. Recently, cancer/micro-biologists serendipitously discovered an important beneficial function of bacteria as anti-cancer agents. This is consistent with the idea that bacteria were originally created to perform beneficial functions. In order to maximize the medical benefits of bacterial oncolysis, genetic attenuation of bacteria (reduction of pathogenicity) can be used to help reduce the pathogenecity of bacteria while not diminishing oncolytic activity. The oncolytic role of bacteria within the creation model will be examined in this paper.


Summary and Conclusions ...

In the pre-Fall world, tumorigenesis would not have existed since Creation was perfect. Therefore, bacterial oncolysis was not required in the pre-Fall world. Thus, it is likely that, in the pre-Fall biological world, bacterial tropism on normal tissues was an essential part of the normal physiological relationship between bacteria and various host tissues (possibly playing a role in differentiation, apoptosis, signal transduction, etc). However, after the Fall, bacterial tropism became altered such that bacteria likely began to selectively propagate in tumors and kill them due to abnormal tumor environments (Kim 2007) (in addition to the emergence of microbial pathogenicity). This could be an example of the Creator’s incredible methodology to reduce the adverse impact of the fallen biological world.

楽園追放以前の世界では、創造が完璧であったため、腫瘍は存在しなかった。従って、細菌の腫瘍退縮は楽園追放以前の世界では必要なかった。であるので、楽園追放以前の生物学世界では、通常の組織に対する細菌の向性は、細菌と多様な宿主組織の通常の生理学的関係(分化・アポトーシス・信号伝達など)の重要な部分であったことは、十分にありそうである。しかし、楽園追放以後の世界では、細菌がおそらく選択的に腫瘍で繁殖し、微生物病原性の出現に加えて、異常な腫瘍環境のもとで、腫瘍を殺すように細菌の向性は変えられた[Kim 2007]。これは楽園追放後の生物学的世界の悪影響を削減する創造主の驚くべき方法の例である。

Taken together, bacteria were originally created to propagate non-pathogenically and to assist host physiology. After the Fall, bacteria became subject to limited genetic change, which sometimes led to an emergence of microbial pathogenicity throughout human history. However, the original beneficial functions of bacteria including microbial oncolysis are ubiquitous even in the fallen biological world.


[Luke Kim: "Bacterial Attenuation and its Link to Innate Oncolytic Potential -- Implications for Creation and the Fall" (2008/10/1) on Answers Research Journal]


まだまだ、創造論"学術誌"Answers Research Journalは原稿難の状態のようで、Dr. Andrew Snell編集長は、こんなものを掲載するしかないようだ。
posted by Kumicit at 2008/11/14 00:00 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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