

Dallas Observerなどの報道によれば、Texas Freedom Networkはテキサス州内の生物学および生物人間学の研究者たちに対する世論調査を行った:
[It's Science: Ninety-Nine Percent of Texas Science Professors Surveyed Don't Believe in Intelligent Design (2008/11/17) on Dallas Observer]

Moments ago, the Texas Freedom Network posted to its Web site a study conducted by Dr. Raymond Eve, a professor of sociology and anthropology at the University of Texas at Arlington, titled Evolution, Creationism & Public Schools: Surveying What Texas Scientists Think about Educating Our Kids in the 21st Century. It reveals the results of a survey sent to biology and "biological anthropology" faculty members from "all 35 public universities plus the 15 largest private institutions in Texas," in which they were asked to take the following taste test: evolution or intelligent design? As Eve writes in the introduction, the reason for the survey was simple:

つい先ほど、Texas Freedom Networkは自サイトに、University of Texas at Arlingtonの社会学および人間学のDr. Raymond Eve教授による「進化論・創造論・公立学校:テキサスの科学者が21世紀に子供たちの教育について考えること」という調査結果をポストした。これはテキサス州内の35の公立大学と15の大きな私立大学の生物学および生物人間学部のメンバーに対象とした調査で、「進化論かインテリジェントデザインか」を問うもの。Eye教授が書いているように、この調査の目的は以下のとおり:

"In the spring of 2009, the Texas State Board of Education will vote to adopt new curriculum standards for the teaching of science in grades K – 12 in Texas public schools. (These guidelines are formally known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS.) Many observers, both within Texas and around the country, anticipate a vigorous push by certain interest groups to make the debate over the Texas science curriculum the latest front in the running battle over evolution."

2009年春にテキサス州教育委員会はテキサス州公立学校のK-12の理科教育の新しいカリキュラム採択の投票を行う。このガイドラインは公式にはTexas Essential Knowledge and Skillsと呼ばれるものであえる。テキサス州内外のオブサーバーたちは、テキサス州の理科カリキュラムを、進化論争の新たな前線とするため、特定の利益団体による圧力が予期している。


“Modern evolutionary biology is largely correct in its essentials, but still has open questions for active scientific research.”

“Modern evolutionary biology is correct in some respects. While further scientific research will require some major alterations to current theory, these advances will not invoke intervention by any supernatural agent.”

“Modern evolutionary biology is right about the common ancestry of all extant organisms, but it is necessary to supplement it by invoking periodic intervention by an intelligent designer.”

“Modern evolutionary biology is mostly wrong. Life arose through multiple creation events by an intelligent designer, although evolution by natural selection
played a limited role.”

“Modern evolutionary biology is completely wrong. Life was created essentially as we see it today.”
[Evolution, Creationism & Public Schools: Surveying What Texas Scientists Think about Educating Our Kids in the 21st Century]
Huston Chronicleによれば、これに対して、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDIscveory InstituteのCasey Luskinは次のように述べた:
This self-selecting survey shows just how ideological the Darwinists have become because they are now resorting to scientific votes to reinforce a climate of intimidation that shuts down scientific criticism of evolution.

それなら、ネット署名なA Scientfic Dissent from DARWINISMを何故やっているのやら。

posted by Kumicit at 2008/11/19 09:50 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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