

The Ipsos/Mori poll of 923 primary and secondary teachers found that 29% of science specialists agreed with the statement: "Alongside the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory, creationism should be TAUGHT in science lessons"

Some 65% of science specialists disagreed with the statement. When asked if creationism should be "discussed" alongside evolution and the Big Bang 73% of science specialists agreed.
The Ipsos/Mori poll also canvassed support for the more hardline position of only mentioning creationism in the context of dismissing it. It found that only 26% of all teachers and 46% of science specialists agree with Professor Chris Higgins, vice-chancellor of the University of Durham, who is quoted as saying "the only reason to mention creationism in schools is to enable teachers to demonstrate why the idea is scientific nonsense".
The poll was conducted between 5 November and 10 December and the results are statistically weighted by sex, age and teaching phase to the known profile of primary and secondary school teachers in England and Wales. Many of the primary teachers polled for the survey may have a science specialism, but teach a range of subjects day to day.

[James Randerson: "Would you Adam and Eve it? Quarter of science teachers would teach creationism" (2008/12/23) on Guardian]

  1. 「Alongside the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory, creationism should be TAUGHT in science lessons(理科の授業で進化論とビッグバン理論とともに、創造論を教えるべきである。)」に対して、理科教師 29%が同意・65%が不同意
  2. 「Alongside the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory, creationism should be DISCUSS in science lessons(理科の授業で進化論とビッグバン理論とともに、創造論を論じるべきである。)」に対して、理科教師 73%が同意
  3. 「the only reason to mention creationism in schools is to enable teachers to demonstrate why the idea is scientific nonsense(学校で創造論に言及する唯一つの理由は、創造論が科学的にナンセンスである理由を提示するためである」に対して、理科教師の46%が同意



Strongly Tend to Neither Tend to Strongly Don't | Agree DisAgree
agree Agree agree Disagree disagree Know |
nor agree |
Q1 TAUGHT 14 23 12 17 30 4 | 37 47
Q2 DISCUSSED 24 42 8 9 14 3 | 65 23
Q3 UNSUPPORTABLE 12 14 14 24 30 6 | 26 54

[Teachers Dismiss Calls For Creationism To Be Taught In School Science Lessons]
このような調査結果について、Richard Dawkinsと、University College Londonの遺伝学の教授で、生物学科長であるSteve Jonesは次のように論評した:
Steve Jones

I find this very depressing. Do those teachers believe that they should also teach the possibility that water is H3O, that Bacon wrote Shakespeare and that babies are brought by storks?
The logic is exactly the same: and there is just as little, or as much, scientific controversy about the idea of evolution as there is about those of physics and chemistry.


Next year is, of course, Darwin Year – the 200th anniversary of his birth and 150th anniversary of publication On The Origin of Species). It is my profound hope (likely to be disappointed) that teachers and everyone else should learn to stop treating him as a prophet, or a pariah, or a philosopher, or even as a trained ecclesiastic who turned to atheism – and just take him for what he was, the greatest biologist in history.
He made biology into a single science linked by the idea of evolution, rather than a bunch of ideologies.

来年は、もちろん、Darwin Yearである。Darwin生誕200年と「種の起源」出版150年である。私の深い望みは、いささか失望しそうだが、教師たちやその他の人々が、「Darwinを預言者や、のけ者や、哲学者や、無神論に転向した聖職者ではなく、Darwinのありのままの姿たる、歴史上もっとも偉大な生物学者であると考えること」を学ぶべきである。

Richard Dawkins

The 'Michael Reiss position' is defensible. Just as a chemistry teacher might discuss the phlogiston theory, or a physics teacher might discuss the Ptolemaic theory of the planets as history of science, so it is defensible to teach that there are people called creationists, and they believe what they believe.

Michael Reissのポジションは擁護可能だ。科学誌として、化学の教師がフロぎストン理論を論じたり、物理学教師がプトレマイオスの惑星理論を論じるように、創造論者が創造論を信じていることを教えることは擁護できる。

But if teaching creationism 'alongside' evolution means what it seems to mean, it is no more defensible than teaching the stork theory alongside the sex theory of the where babies come from.


If 29% of science teachers really think creationism should be taught as a valid alternative to evolution, we have a national disgrace on our hands, calling for urgent remedial action in the education of science teachers. We are failing in our duty to children, if we staff our schools with teachers who are this ignorant – or this stupid.


[Richard Dawkins and Steve Jones give their views on creationism teaching pol (2008/12/23) on Guardian]
まさしく、そのとおりである。既に欧州評議会は、主としてHarun Yahyaによる欧州への創造論の展開に対抗する決議を成立させている。それにしたがって、英国政府は対処する必要があるだろう。
タグ:創造論 poll
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