

毎度おなじみMark Isaakの創造論者の主張から「プレートテクトニクス」関連を紹介する。

  • CD740:プレートテクトニクス理論は誤りだ
  • CD750:地球の磁場は反転していない
  • CD750:月の潮汐力による地球の自転の減速

Claim CD740:[backup]
The theory of plate tectonics is false.

Brown, Walt, 1995. In the Beginning: Compelling evidence for creation and the Flood, 6th ed.
Nevins, Stuart E., 1976. Continental drift, plate tectonics, and the Bible. Impact 32 (Feb.).


  1. Plate tectonics was uncertain as recently as the 1960s, but evidence in its favor has become overwhelming:

    • Plate motions are measured directly UDavidson et al. 1997). .
      プレートの動きは直接計測されている[Davidson et al. 1997]。

    • The eastern edge of the continental shelves of North and South America fit closely (within 50 km) with the western continental shelves of Africa and Europe (Bishop 1981). The Mid-Atlantic Ridge has the same shape.
      南北アメリカ大陸の東側海岸線は、アフリカ大陸およびヨーロッパ大陸の西側海岸線と50km以内の差異でフィットしている[Bishop 1981]。大西洋中央海嶺も同じ形状をしている。

    • Plant and animal fossil distributions, geological formations, and indications of ancient climate match up in Africa and South America as if the continents once fit together (Davidson et al. 1997).
      植物および動物の化石の分布と、地質形成と、過去の気候の徴候は、アフリカと南アメリカが、かつてひとつの大陸だったkのようにマッチしている[Davidson et al. 1997]。

    • When new rocks are formed, they record the earth's current magnetic field, which reverses occasionally. The magnetic field pattern recorded in the sea floor rocks shows bands mirrored across a spreading center (Bishop 1981; Davidson et al. 1997). (See also Magnetic reversals.)
      新しい岩石が形成されるときに、形成時点の地球の磁場が記録される。地球の磁場は時々反転する。海底岩石の磁場のパターンの記録は、中央海嶺の両側で対称になている[Bishop 1981; Davidson et al. 1997]。

    • Paleomagnetic studies show different polar wandering on different continents, indicating that the continents moved relative to one another (Bishop 1981; Davidson et al. 1997).
      古地磁気の研究は、大陸ごとに異なる極の移動を示していて、これは大陸が互いに相対的に動いたことを示している[Bishop 1981; Davidson et al. 1997]。

    • Maps of earthquake locations show plate boundaries and the paths of subducting plates (Davidson et al. 1997; Graham 1981).
      海洋堆積物は若くて薄い。これは海底が比較的若いことを示している[Graham 1981]。

    • Hot spots leave trails such as volcanic island chains as the plates move over them (Davidson et al. 1997).
      地震の分布は、プレートの境界と沈み込むプレートのパスを示している[Davidson et al. 1997; Graham 1981]。

    • ホットスポットはその上を通過するプレートの移動とともに火山島の列を残していく[Davidson et al. 1997]。


  1. Alden, Andrew, 2003. Tectonic plate motions, Eurasia/Africa.


  1. Bishop, A. C., 1981. The development of the concept of continental drift. In The Evolving Earth, ed. L. R. M. Cocks, London: British Museum, 155-164.
  2. Davidson, Jon P., Walter E. Reed, and Paul M. Davis, 1997. Exploring Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  3. Graham, A. L., 1981. Plate tectonics. In The Evolving Earth, ed. L. R. M. Cocks, London: British Museum, 165-178.

Further Reading:

  1. Cocks, L. R. M. (ed.), 1981. The Evolving Earth. London: British Museum.
  2. McPhee, John, 1998. Annals of the Former World. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  3. Davidson, Jon P., Walter E. Reed, and Paul M. Davis, 1997. Exploring Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  4. Plate tectonics will be covered in most any basic geology textbook.

Claim CD741:[backup]
Plate tectonics became widely accepted when bands of reversed magnetic orientation were found mirrored on either side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. According to the theory, the sea floor spread gradually from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and periodic flips in the earth's magnetic field were preserved and recorded in the rocks as emerging magma cooled. But these bands of magnetism were misinterpreted; there are no magnetic reversals. Although magnetic intensities fluctuate, these are slight deviations around a high average. A compass needle would not change direction over these bands.


Brown, Walt, 1995. In the Beginning: Compelling evidence for creation and the Flood, 6th ed., p. 79.


  1. The magnetic field preserved in the rocks themselves does change direction. The magnetism measured in the 1950s was measured at the ocean surface, so the earth's present magnetic field was added to the magnetism from the rocks below (Bishop 1981).
    岩石そのものに記録された地磁気の方向は変化している。1950年代の地磁気測定は海洋表面での測定であり、海底の岩の磁場の上に、現在の磁場が重ね合わさっていた[Bishop 1981]。

  2. The main significance of the data was that the pattern was mirrored on either side of the midocean ridge. This is just the pattern one would expect from sea-floor spreading.

  3. There is a great deal more evidence for plate tectonics


  1. Bishop, A. C., 1981. The development of the concept of continental drift. In The Evolving Earth, ed. L. R. M. Cocks, London: British Museum, pp. 155-164.

Claim CD750:[backup]
Plate tectonics occurred, but catastrophically. Slabs of oceanic crust broke loose and subducted along continental margins. This lowered the viscosity of the mantle, leading to meters-per-second runaway subduction. The earth's magnetic field rapidly reversed several times. Steam caused a global rain. Flood basalts erupted. The lighter mantle material of the new ocean floors made them rise, causing the oceans to flood the continents. The flood carried and redistributed sediments. The process slowed almost to a stop when nearly all the old ocean floor had been subducted. Subsequent cooling of the ocean basins caused them to sink to where they are today.

プレートテクトニクスは起きたが、カタストロフィックに。海洋地殻のスラブが緩やかに壊れて、大陸縁辺部に沿って沈み込む。これがマントルの粘性を小さくして、秒速数メートルのrunaway subduction(超速の沈み込み)を起こす。地球の磁場が急速に複数回、反転する。蒸気が地球全域に雨を降らせた。洪水玄武岩が噴出した。新しい海底のマントルの軽い物質が持ち上がり、海洋が大陸に洪水を起こす。洪水は堆積物を運んで別の場所に堆積させた。ほぼすべての古い海底が沈み込んだところで、この過程は減速して停止した。それに続いて、海底の冷却により、海底は現在の場所に沈んだ。

Austin, S. A., J. R. Baumgardner, D. R. Humphreys, A. A. Snelling, L. Vardiman and K. P. Wise, 1994. Catastrophic plate tectonics: A global flood model of earth history. Proceedings of the third international conference on creationism. Pittsburgh, PA: Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., pp. 609-621.


  1. Much geological evidence is incompatible with catastrophic plate tectonics:

    • Island chains, such as the Hawaiian islands, indicate that the ocean floor moved slowly over erupting "hot spots." Radiometric dating and relative amounts of erosion both indicate that the older islands are very much older, not close to the same age as catastrophic tectonics would require.
    • Catastrophic plate tectonics says that all ocean floor should be essentially the same age. But both radiometric dating and amounts of sedimentation indicate that the age changes gradually, from brand new to tens of millions of years old.
    • As sea-floor basalt cools, it becomes denser and sinks. The elevation of sea floors is consistent with cooling appropriate for its age, assuming gradual spreading.
    • Guyots are flat-topped underwater mountains. The tops were eroded flat from a long time at the ocean surface, and they sank with the sea floor. Catastrophic tectonics does not allow enough time for the sea mountain to form, erode, and sink.
    • Runaway subduction does not account for continent-continent collisions, such as between India and the Eurasian plate.
      "Runaway subduction"(超速な沈み込み)は、インド亜大陸とユーラシアプレートの衝突のような、大陸と大陸の衝突を説明できない。

  2. Catastrophic plate tectonics has no plausible mechanism. In particular, the greatly lowered viscosity of the mantle, the rapid magnetic reversals, and the sudden cooling of the ocean floor afterwards cannot be explained under conventional physics.

  3. Conventional plate tectonics accounts for the evidence already and does a much better job of it. It explains innumerable details that catastrophic plate tectonics cannot, such as why there is gold in California, silver in Nevada, salt flats in Utah, and coal in Pennsylvania (McPhee 1998). It requires no extraordinary mechanisms to do so. Catastrophic plate tectonics would be a giant step backwards in the progress of science.
    通常のプレートテクトニクスは、証拠について既に、そして、はるかにうまく説明を付けている。金がカリフォルニアにあり、銀がネバダにあり、ユタに塩の平坦地があり、石炭がペンシルバニアにある理由など、カタストロフィックプレートテクトニクスが説明できない、数えきれない現象を、通常のプレートテクトニクスは説明できている[McPhee 1998]。それらの説明のために、さらなる普通でないメカニズムは必要でない。カタストロフィックプレートテクトニクスは科学の発展における、巨大な後退である。


  1. McPhee, J., 1998. (See below)

Further Reading:

  1. McPhee, John, 1998. Annals of the Former World. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

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