



その"momma2girls82"という女性のHIV否定論のMSNコミュに書き込みとレス[MSN Community - AIDS Myth Exposed: 1-9, 10,12]に、HIV否定論によろめく過程が少し見てとれる[via Denialism Blog]。この女性は:

  • HIV検査で陽性判定が2007年11月17日に出た
  • 夫は陰性、生後3か月の娘は未検査
  • 自然妊娠・自宅出産だったため、HIV検査を事前に受けていなかった
  • 母乳で育てたいと思っている
  • 既にChristine Maggioreのページを見て、メールも出した



momma2girls82 -- 2007/11/17 13:36

I'd really appreciate any information, informative links, etc. on what my rights are in my situation.

I just tested HIV+. My husband is negative. We have a three month old daughter who has not yet been tested. As I had a homebirth and a natural pregnancy, I was not tested at that time. I know that I need to have my daughter tested, but I want to know what my rights are in the case that she is positive too.

I'm just learning about this - it's been less than 24 hours since I found out and I'm utterly overwhelmed. We're having to make decisions about things we never thought we would have to, and I want to make sure those decisions are the right ones. I also want to make sure that if I discuss those decisions with someone in the health care field that I won't be criticized or end up having to fight to keep my daughter.

Thanks for any information you can point me to.




それから、10時間48分後に、HIV否定論活動者であるAIDSMythExposed.comのRod Knollが反応した:
aidsmythexposed-dot-com -- 2007/11/18 0:24


Do NOT do ANYTHING until you speak with Christine of Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives (www.aliveandwell.org).

The fastest way to reach her is by phone at #########.

何かをするのは、"Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives"のChristine [Maggiore}に連絡をとってからくにしてください。

急いで連絡を取るなら、彼女の電話番号 ######## に電話してください。

Rod Knoll,
Softrat -- 2007/11/18 0:31

One thing you should also understand is that even the AIDS orthodoxy admits that pregnancy can cause you to test HIV+. The antibodies that are causing you to test HIV+ could also have been passed on to your child. Given time those antibody levels will likely fall off and both you and your child will test HIV negative.


momma2girls82 -- 2007/11/18 1:50

Thanks so much for your responses. I did email Christine already, having read about her and her story in Mothering.com's archives. I will try calling Monday as well. I hate that I had to find all this out on a Friday afternoon.

Yesterday, within hours of finding out, my first immediate question was regarding whether or not to breastfeed. You'll understand, I'm sure, that at that point I was still convinced that I was going to die, that my daughter might as well. And so I called the number for a Children's Hospital AIDS specialty clinic and asked the nurse practitioner for more information about nursing. She informed me that I must immediately stop breastfeeding and switch the baby to formula. My husband - bless him - told me he wanted me to nurse until we got more information, and so I still am. Now I realize I'm not necessarily sentenced to death, nor is she. I would like to know though, whether or not she actually has the virus, because that might convince me that I at least ought to pump and heat my milk and feed it to her through a bottle. (I will not, under any circumstances, give her formula. That thought disgusts me.)

So anyway... now I'm scared because that nurse practitioner has my name and my number. She's all the way across the state, but I'm sure she can still get involved. I did also call and give only my first name to an AIDS specialty clinic that I was referred to and also mentioned that I have a baby who may be positive.

Oy vey. Now I'm so mad at myself. I was just panicking - any time a mother feels her child is in danger, she does anything and everything she can think of to try to stop it, ya know? I just wish I'd stopped and learned a little bit first.

Alright, I wont' vent anymore. I know this isn't necessarily an 'HIV support' board, though I suppose that's not what I'm really looking for. Is there an article or anything that someone could point me to about where to start in all of this? Thanks to everyone for your responses - it feels good to just not feel so completely alone right now. It helps that 'fight' response stay in gear, which is where I need it to be right now until I really understand everything I'm reading.

Oh wait, one more question - I'd love some more information about pregnancy causing a positive HIV test, can anyone tell me where I'd find documented studies and such? And on the thought that this could be a false positive (I'm still trying to decipher the likelihood of that) one other question - a friend of mine slept with the same man that I'm nearly certain I could've contracted the virus from (I had sex with only two men, one of whom is my husband who is negative, so it kind of narrows it down there. Sorry if that's considered excessive detail.) Anyhow, she's going to be tested Monday. If she's positive as well, does that not sort of guarantee that I really do have the virus?

I apologize if these are stupid questions... the thought of HIV being a myth, or at least not nearly as awful as the media has made it out to be, is still a very new concept to me.

I'm done for now. Sorry that ended up so long.


みなさんのレス、ありがとうございます。私はChristine [Maggiore]とその物語について、Mothering.comのアーカイブで読んでいて、既に彼女にメールしました。月曜には電話をしてみようと思います。これらに気がついたのが金曜午後だったのが、とても残念です。




言ってしまいましょう。私はここがHIV支持コミュでないことはわかっていますが、たぶん、それは私がさがしているものではありません。そもそも何から始めたらよいか書いてある記事か何かはありませんか? 皆さんのレスのおかげで、私は孤独だという気分がなくなって、気分が楽になっています。おかげで私は、戦闘モードのままでいられます。それは、私がいま読んでいるものを本当に理解するまで、私に必要なものです。

あと、もうひつと質問があります。妊娠によってHIV検査が陽性になることについての情報をもっと知りたいです。誰か、それを立証した研究結果などが、どこにあるか知りませんか? あと、フォルスポジティブの可能性についてはどうでしょうか。(私はまだ、その可能性をはっきりさせようとしています。)それから、もうひとつ質問があります。私の友人が、私が寝た男性と寝ています。私はウィルスにその男性から感染したのはほぼ確実だと考えています。(私は二人の男性としかセックスしたことがありません。そのうち一人は私の夫で、HIV陰性です。なので可能性が限られます。余計なことならすいません。)私の友人は月曜にHIV検査を受けます。もし、私の友人がHIV陽性だったら、私が本当にHIVに感染しているということにならないでしょうか?



ここで、11時間33分後にRod Knollは、momma2girls82とその友人が通常医療機関と接触しないように強く奨める:
aidsmythexposed-dot-com --2007/11/18 13:23


First of all, if I were you, I would tell your friend NOT to get tested! You must know by now that that could lead to all sorts of problems.

Here is a link to important information about the tests:


"Pregnancy in multiparous women" is a potential cause of a so-called "positive" reaction on the so-called "HIV" test. I believe you have had more than one child, correct?

Also, even if your friend were to get tested (GOD FORBID!) and she were to register "positive" on the test (whatever that actually DOES mean) one thing it clearly does NOT mean is that EITHER of you "really do have the virus".

Please take a deep breath, take your time to read and learn and, above all, do not take any more actions until you do the first steps.

And, hopefully you will connect with Christine pretty soon.

Rod Knoll,







うまくいけば、あなたはすぐにChristine [Maggiore]に連絡がつきます。
HIV陽性判定はHIVに感染したことを意味しないと強調するRod Knollである。

なお、Rod Knollがあげたサイトvirusmythは有名なHIV否定論サイトで、インテリジェントデザインの父たるPhillip JohnsonもHIV否定論な記事を寄稿している。

momma2girls82 -- 2007/11/18 13:35

I have read that link... and more others than i can count. i'm just still trying to make heads or tails of all this information, ya know? I'm sort of afraid to give myself false hope at this point, as more than one devastating blow may be more than i can handle right now.

I will certainly keep reading. I hope you here aren't offended if I have questions, I'm just trying to figure out where I stand in all of this still. I read these papers and such, but at some point the 'technobabble' starts blurring together in my head and stops registering. I may need some explanations in normal people terms occasionally.




これに対して、HIV否定論者Rod Knollは、momma2girls82が通常医療機関への接触を断つことを求める。
aidsmythexposed-dot-com -- 2007/11/18 14:09


I understand, and, no, questions are not a problem. Of course I think you should continue reading. I also think, though, that instead of trying to overload yourself with information at this stage, you just need to calm down. You have plenty of time to explore and learn.

In addition, with regard to taking actions, I would strongly suggest that you CEASE further interaction with ANY orthodox "AIDS" entity. I think you are aware by now what they will tell you and how they will treat you. You shouldn't take ANY steps which you may ultimately regret.

Talk to Christine; that should help. You may have to be patient, though. I think she will be busy on Monday. Call her anyway--and as SOON as you can, and just leave a message so that she knows about you and knows that you want to speak to her.

All the best,
Rod Knoll,



Christine [Maggiore]と話をしてください。助けになるはずです。しかし、あなたはちょっと我慢しなければならないかもしれません。Christineは月曜は忙しいと思います。でも、可能な限り早く、Christineに電話してください。そして、連絡がとりたいと言う伝言を残していください。

SlickWill85 -- 2007/11/18 19:38


I know this is a very difficult time for you, especially as you have so much "disinformation" that must be purged out of your mind in order for you to understand dissident views.

I don't know what you have read yet, but know that a positive test does NOT mean you have any virus. There is tons of information for you to read. Christine is an invaluable resource; she has lived through what you are going through. You can learn from her experiences.

Also, I would like to second Rod's suggestion that you stay very far away from all AIDS Inc. entities. I would further the suggestion that you stay away from all Western Medicine until you get all the facts sorted to your satisfaction. Even if the virus does exist and your child and you are infected, "it still takes years to gestate." The whole "hit hard hit early" anit-retroviral treatment strategy was made up because it "sounded good." There is no proof for it's efficacy at all.

Take a deep breath, your life is not over and your daughter is perfectly safe as long as you don't make any rash decisions.

Good luck,



私はあなたが何を読んだかは知りませんが、検査陽性はウィルスに感染していることを意味しないことはわかっています。あなたに読んでほしい情報は山ほどあります。Christine [Maggiore]はかけがえのない情報源です。Christineはあなた歩む道を先に歩んでいます。あなたはChristineの経験から多くを学べるでしょう。



Softrat -- 2007/11/18 19:52

"a friend of mine slept with the same man that I'm nearly certain I could've contracted the virus from"

It's possible that neither man is HIV+.


momma2girls82 -- 2007/11/18 23:22

So I've always been one to go 'against the grain'. I firmly believe that one should question everything they are told 'just is' and determine their own beliefs based on their own research. And so here I am, questioning, learning everything I can because my life (or quality thereof) and that of my husband and children truly depends on it.

It seems so.... EASY to just believe HIV doesn't really exist. I've just essentially been told that I have a fatal disease and that I will certainly die, quite possibly along with my beloved infant. Having that hanging over my head may likely cloud my judgment. I want desperately to really believe that this really is all a myth, but I'm afraid it's just that I'm really seeking a feasible source for denial. Am I alone there - that this is all just too easy?

What I've come to understand is that the basic belief of a dissident is that HIV is in fact NOT the cause of an immune system debilitation that is killing people all around the world, but that HIV is just a form of antibodies found (naturally or otherwise) in some people but is not actually detrimental. The true cause of all the illness and immune deficiency is more likely caused by the toxins people are constantly bombarding their bodies with. So if everyone in the entire world ate healthful diets consisting of whole, raw foods, we would find that no one died of AIDS. Am I getting this right?

For those of you who are "positive" - do you ever question yourself and ask yourself "what if I'm wrong?" What if HIV really does exist, really does cause AIDS, and without medication, you might die? Are there some of you out there that truly believe, without any doubt, that you are right? Does just reading other people's stories about 'feeling better than ever before' even with a t4 count of like, 25, convince you that this is all really true? What did it take to really convince you?

I'm agnostic when it comes to religion. I don't really believe God exists because no one can prove it to me in hard and fast terms. But I don't know for sure that he doesn't exist either. I feel very much the same way about this whole thing. I'm hoping that I'll find that, after reading more and more, I'll be able to feel certain about it.

As for where I'm at right now... we are avoiding speaking to anyone except those from dissident groups until we can really get a good grasp on this incredible amount of information. I intend to learn quickly how to eat a truly healthful diet - my husband was raised on whole/raw foods so he'll be a good resource - and I will make the necessary changes to ensure my family is getting the right foods. I have told my friend that was going to be tested tomorrow not to go, though I'm afraid she will anyway. I've ordered Stephen Allen's video, I intend to speak with Christine as soon as possible, and order a copy of her book as well. I'm nursing my baby and have no plans to stop as of yet.

Is there anything else I ought to be doing or considering? Anyone that someone here can point me to as far as Colorado state laws regarding my rights as a mother?





HIV陽性な人々は、「自分自身が間違っていたら、どうなのだろうか」と自分自身に問いかけたことがあるでしょうか? もし本当にHIVが存在していて、本当にAIDSを引き起こし、治療しなければ死ぬかもしれない? 何の疑いも無く、自分が正しいと本当に信じている人がいるでしょうか? たとえ、T4細胞数が25だとしても、以前よりも気分が良くなる話を読むだけで、それが正しいと納得できるのでしょうか?自分自身を納得するために何をしましたか?


この信じられないほど大量の情報を把握できるまでは、批判者グループ以外とは誰とも話さないというのが、今の私の立場です。その代りに、私は取り急ぎ、本当に健康的な食事がどんなものか学ぼうと思います。私の夫はホールフォード・ローフード(生食)で育ったので、よい情報源になるでしょう。そして、私は家族が正しい食事を取れることを確実に使用と思います。私は友人に明日の検査に行かないように言いました。でも私の友人は検査を受けてしまうかもしれません。私はStephen Allenのビデオを注文しました。私はできるだけ早く、Christine [Maggiore]と話すつもりです。それから、Christine [Maggiore]の本も注文します。私は赤ちゃんに自分の母乳を飲ませています。それを止めるつもりはありません。

これ以外に、私がやるべきことや、考えるべきことがあるでしょうか? 母親としての私の権利についてコロラド州法について、何か知っている人はいませんか?
ここで、UC-BerkeleyのPeter Duesberg教授とともに、HIV否定論者リストに並ぶRebecca Veronica Culshaw教授(University of Texas-Tyler)が登場する[via Denialism Blog]。
RebeccaVeronica -- 2007/11/20 2:46


First of all, I just want to say that I'm sorry you've had so much crap thrown at you all of a sudden -- it must be utterly overwhelming. I wanted to add my 2 cents to this discussion, plus I figured you could probably stand to hear from another woman/mother (I have a five month old son).

Regarding breastfeeding, you should know that even among the "orthodoxy", there is very little agreement as to the efficiency of hiv transmission by this route (or even if it occurs at all - if you want hard references you might contact David Crowe of Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society, he has a wealth of knowledge on this particular issue). Most sources say it happens "rarely" - regardless I know you are aware that the benefits of breastfeeding are enormous.

I don't know if you have already, but Mothering magazine is a great source of support, and they are very pro-dissident as well. And I'm sure Christine will be of immeasurable help.

I also want to second something that Darin said -- although it is true that many dissidents came to this because of their own personal hiv test results, it is also true that many, many of us approach it as scientists with no personal stake in the issue other than the clear evidence that there is something terribly wrong with the hiv/aids hypothesis.

Really though I just want to send you this message of support. I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. The most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself and that precious daughter of yours, and it sounds like you are doing just that.

with utmost empathy,



授乳に関して言えば、AIDS正統派の中でも、この感染経路のHIV感染効率ついて、ほとんど合意がないこと(あるいは感染しない)を知っておいてほしいです。難しい記述がほしければ、Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society[アルバータAIDS再評価協会]のDavid Croweに連絡を取るとよいでしょう。彼はこの問題についてよく知っています。多くのソースが授乳による母子感染は稀にしか起きないといっています。それとは関係なく、授乳の良い効果が非常に大きいことはご存知でしょう。

あなたが既にご存知か知りませんが、Mothiering誌は非常に役に立ちます。そして彼らはHIV/AIDS否定論支持です。そして、私はChristine [Magggiore]が、非常に大きな助けになると確信しています。


Really though I just want to send you this message of support. I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now. The most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself and that precious daughter of yours, and it sounds like you are doing just that.


あっち側には行かなかった? Momma2Girls82

momma2girls82 -- 2007/12/18 23:47

Just a quick note... We were forced to get her tested. It came back negative. We have two or three more tests in the next year before we're in the clear, but at least we're hopeful now.


momma2girls82 -- 2007/12/23 20:49

Softrat - we don't vax so that shouldn't be an issue.
first - yes, they said they would turn us into cps for neglect - denying her adequate medical care.
We're just hoping she stays negative so that drugging her will not be an issue.


Momma2Girls82’s Profile
Female, 26, CO
Member since December 1, 2007

About Me
I'm married to the greatest man I could ever know. I have two beautiful daughters. And I'm HIV positive. I found out in November of 2007. Now it's just a matter of trying to live my life, and reorganizing my dreams a little bit.


Recent Activity
December 24, 2008
December 16, 2008
December 5, 2008

Support Groups

I had a couple of one night stands after my divorce. I was stupid and reckless. I am remarried now, and found out Nov. of 07 that I'm HIV positive. And here I am.


This is total nonsense. Breastfeeding causes HIV transmission at rates as high as 15% and is responsible for as many as half of all infant HIV infections worldwide. It is only recommended in locations in which there is no viable alternative, and in the US there are viable alternatives which could save her child's life.

They're also encouraging her to avoid talking to the CDC, refuse to treat her child, and put her in touch with Christine Maggiore - whose own HIV-positive daughter died of PCP pneumonia when Maggiore refused to test or treat her for HIV.

The behavior of the HIV/AIDS denialists is monstrous. The result of their advice to this woman may very well be the death of her and her child (they may join the ranks of other HIV/AIDS denialists who died of AIDS). There is no question, HIV/AIDS denialism is deadly. Sadly there is very little one can do in this instance. The woman is anonymous, and there is no reasoning with these people. I am left feeling helpless as the HIV/AIDS denialists claim another victim with their aggressive ignorance.


さらに彼ら[HIV否定論者たち]は、彼女[Momma2Girls82]にCDCとの連絡を避け、子供の治療を拒否し、娘のHIV検査およびHIV治療を拒否して、PCP[AIDS関連]肺炎で死なせたChristine Maggioreにコンタクトさせようとしている。


[MarkH: "HIV/AIDS denialism is deadly - The sick bastards have another victim" (2007/12/03) on Denialism Blog]
[ Kevin M. De Cock, MD et al.: "Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Resource-Poor Countries Translating Research Into Policy and Practice", JAMA, 283(9), 1175-1182, 2000.]

Each year, an estimated 590,000 infants acquire human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) infection from their mothers, mostly in developing countries that are unable to implement interventions now standard in the industrialized world. In resource-poor settings, the HIV pandemic has eroded hard-won gains in infant and child survival. Recent clinical trial results from international settings suggest that short-course antiretroviral regimens could significantly reduce perinatal HIV transmission worldwide if research findings could be translated into practice. This article reviews current knowledge of mother-to-child HIV transmission in developing countries, summarizes key findings from the trials, outlines future research requirements, and describes public health challenges of implementing perinatal HIV prevention interventions in resource-poor settings. Public health efforts must also emphasize primary prevention strategies to reduce incident HIV infections among adolescents and women of childbearing age. Successful implementation of available perinatal HIV interventions could substantially improve global child survival.


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