Here is a dialogue between a theodicist and a sceptic, 18th century style. We might today replace T with ‘ID theorist’ and S with ‘Darwinist’, at least if they’re speaking frankly.「いっしょにすれば、どんな可能か組み合わせよりも、うまく機能する部分最適なパーツで満ちている実現可能な最善の世界かもしれない」は、Leibnizの主張に近い。JH.ブルックによれば、Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)は、次のようなポジションをとっていた:
以下は、神義論者と懐疑論者の18世紀スタイルの対話である。これは今日であれば、フランクに話しているとするなら、Tをインテリジェントデザイン理論家、Sをダーウィニストに置き換えられるだろう。T: I see design in nature
S: Oh yeah? How do you know that it’s not an illusion?
T: Well, because I’ve been designed to detect design and, more importantly, to design things myself. And nature looks like the sort of thing I could have designed if I were super-smart. Indeed, if I thought nature had no design, or was designed by an intelligence radically different in kind from my own, I wouldn’t bother to do science at all.
S: But unfortunately, things aren’t so well-designed, if you look closely. (And presumably that’s one of the things you’re doing, when you do science.) They could have been better designed, so maybe you’re just imagining the design after all - making the best of a bad situation through some psychological tricks you’re playing on yourself. This in turn would suggest that you’re not so well-designed either.
T: Hey, but who says that a well-designed world has to be well-designed in all its parts? It may be that the best possible world would be full of suboptimal parts that nevertheless, when put together, function better than any other possible combination would.
しかし、うまくデザインされた世界が、世界の全パーツがうまくデザインされているはずだと、誰が言ったか? いっしょにすれば、どんな可能か組み合わせよりも、うまく機能する部分最適なパーツで満ちている実現可能な最善の世界かもしれない。
S: Oh, and I suppose you believe that this is such a world?
T: I do - though this is not to say that we have quite figured out how all of nature fits together to constitute an intelligible whole. But then who says science has completed its inquiries? And even if you’re right that the world’s design could be better realized, could we not be the beings exactly created to get the job done?
[Steve Fuller: "ID and the Science of God: Part II" (2009/01/10) on Uncommon Descemt]
[J.H. ブルック:"科学と宗教"]
Steve Fullerはこの後で、デザインの検出と、この世界が不完全である理由を次のように書いている:
In this dialogue, I am drawing attention to two crucial features of theodicy that are relevant to ID:Steve Fullerの神義論は、「世界は未完成であり、人間は世界を完成させるために創造されており、これから完全にしていく」というもののようだ。ただし、これだと、神による自然界への超自然的介入を排除しないにしても、積極的に肯定することにはならない。
- Evidence for the intelligence behind nature’s intelligent design can be inferred from the nature of our own creative intelligence, which means examining how our own minds work.
自然界のインテリジェントデザインの背後にインテリジェンスが存在する証拠は、我々自身の創造的インテリジェンスの性質から、すなわち我々の心がどう働くかを調べることによって、推論できる。- There is no reason to think that if nature is intelligently designed, the design has been already fully realized - it may still be for us to discover and/or complete nature’s intelligent design.
[Steve Fuller: "ID and the Science of God: Part II" (2009/01/10) on Uncommon Descemt]
- 機械論についてのメモ (2006/04/04)
- 「悪いデザインは進化だ」by Jay W. Richards (2008/02/15)
- 慈悲深い神と魂の存在を信じる者に幸いあれ (2007/06/07)