

米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationによれば、アイオワ州下院に、反進化論州法案が提案された:
House File 183, introduced in the Iowa House of Representatives on February 3, 2009, and referred to the House Education Committee, is the latest antievolution "academic freedom" bill. Entitled the "Evolution Academic Freedom Act," HF 183 contains three sections. In the first, it is contended that "current law does not expressly protect the right of instructors to objectively present scientific information relevant to the full range of scientific views regarding chemical and biological evolution," that "instructors have experienced or feared discipline, discrimination, or other adverse consequences as a result of presenting the full range of scientific views regarding chemical and biological evolution," and that "existing law does not expressly protect students from discrimination due to their positions or views regarding biological or chemical evolution."

アイオワ州下院に2009年2月3日に提案され、州下院教育委員会に委ねられた州法案HF183は、最新反進化論"Academic Freedom"州法案である。"Evolution Academic Freedom Act"(進化論学問の自由州法案)という名称のHF183は、3つのセクションから構成される。第1セクションには、「現行州法では、化学進化および生物進化に関するフルレンジの科学的見方についての科学的情報を客観的に提示する教師を明示的に保護できておらず、教師たちは、化学進化および生物進化に関するフルレンジの科学的見方を提示した結果として、懲戒や差別待遇やその他の敵対的処遇を経験もしくは恐れてきた。現行州法は明示的に、生物進化および化学進化についての立場あるいは見方によって生徒たちが差別待遇を受けないように保護されていなかった」と書かれている。

The following sections of the bill provide that teachers in the state's public schools and instructors in the state's public community colleges and state universities may "objectively present scientific information relevant to the full range of scientific views regarding biological and chemical evolution in connection with teaching any prescribed curriculum regarding chemical or biological evolution" and that they "shall not be disciplined, denied tenure, terminated, or otherwise discriminated against" for doing so. Also, the bill adds, although students "shall be evaluated based upon their understanding of course materials through standard testing procedures," they "shall not be penalized for subscribing to a particular position or view regarding biological or chemical evolution."


The bill's sponsor is Rod A. Roberts (R-District 51), one of the four assistant minority leaders in the Iowa House of Representatives. The Sioux City Journal (February 5, 2009) reports that Roberts, an ordained minister in the Church of Christ, is contemplating a bid for the Republican nomination for governor in 2010. HF 183 is apparently the only antievolution bill to be introduced in Iowa within at least the past ten years.

州法案の提案者はDistcit 51選出の共和党Rod A. Roberts州下院議員で、アイオワ州下院の4人の少数政党の院内総務のひとりである。2009年2月5日付のSioux City Journalは「

Church of Christで牧師に叙任されたRobertsは、2010年の州知事選挙の共和党候補をねらっている。HF183は過去10年でアイオワ州議会に提案された唯一の反進化論州法案である。」と報道している

[Antievolution legislation in Iowa (2009/02/05) on National Center for Science Education]




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