

米国の進化論教育を守るNational Center for Science Educationによれば、アラバマ州下院に、反進化論州法案が提案された:
House Bill 300, introduced in the Alabama House of Representatives on February 3, 2009, by David Grimes (R-District 73) and referred to the House Education Policy Committee, is the latest in a string of "academic freedom" bills aimed at undermining the teaching of evolution. Previous such bills in Alabama -- HB 923 (which Grimes also sponsored) in 2008; HB 106 and SB 45 in 2006; HB 352, SB 240, and HB 716 in 2005; HB 391 and SB 336 in 2004 -- failed to win passage. In 2004, a cosponsor of SB 336 told the Montgomery Advertiser (February 18, 2004), "This bill will level the playing field because it allows a teacher to bring forward the biblical creation story of humankind."

2009年2月3日にアラバマ州下院に、District 73選出の共和党David Grimes州下院議員がHB300を提案し、州下院教育方針委員会に委ねられた。HB300は、進化論教育を蝕もうとする"Academic Freedom"州法案である。アラバマ州では同様の法案が提案されている。2008年には同じくGrimes州下院議員提案のHB923が廃案。2006年にHB 106とSB 45が、2005年にはSB 240とHB 716が、2004年にはHB 391とSB 336が提案され、廃案になった。2004年にはSB 336の作成者がMontgomery Advertiser紙(2004/02/18)に「この州法案は教師に聖書創造論を持ち出すことを許すもので、段差をなくして競争条件を同じにするものである」と語っている。

[Antievolution legislation in Alabama (2009/02/06) on National Center for Science Education]
州法案内容は他州の"Academic Freedom on Evolution"(進化論についての学問の自由)州法案と同様である:
Section 3. Every K-12 public school teacher or teacher or instructor in any two-year or four-year public institution of higher education, or in any graduate or adult program thereof, in the State of Alabama, shall have the affirmative right and freedom to present scientific information pertaining to the full range of scientific views in any curricula or course of learning.

Section 4. No K-12 public school teacher or teacher or instructor in any two-year or four-year public institution of higher education, or in any graduate or adult program thereof, in the State of Alabama, shall be terminated, disciplined, denied tenure, or otherwise discriminated against for presenting scientific information pertaining to the full range of scientific views in any curricula or course of learning, provided, with respect to K-12 teachers, the Alabama Course of Study for Science has been taught as appropriate to the grade and subject assignment.

Section 5. Students may be evaluated based upon their understanding of course materials, but no student in any public school or institution of higher education, shall be penalized in any way because he or she may subscribe to a particular position on any views.

Section 6. The rights and privileges contained in this act apply when topics are taught that may generate controversy, such as biological or chemical origins....

[via National Center for Science Education]
ただし、アイオワ州法案が化学進化と生物進化のみを対象としているに対して、アラバマ州法案では「such as」が入っていて「化学進化と生物進化」は例示扱いとなっている。



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