M.J. Behe and D.W. Snoke, “Simulating Evolution by Gene Duplication of Protein Features That Require Multiple Amino Acid Residues,” Protein Science, 13 (2004): 2651-2664.[Full Text]
2005/12/12のエントリで取り上げたDr.Michael Beheの科学論文。"Design"という単語を完全に排除し、遺伝子コピー時の突然変異確率が進化するにはあまりに小さいことを示そうとしたシミュレーションについて書かれたもの。インテリジェントデザイナーの存在にはまったく触れていない。あくまでも、"God of the gaps"論の"gaps"を見つけたというもの。
これをciteしている論文は1本だけ、それもBeheのモデルは間違っているという論文[Michael Lynch 2005]。
W.-E. Lönnig & H. Saedler, “Chromosome Rearrangements and Transposable Elements,” Annual Review of Genetics, 36 (2002): 389-410.[Abstract]
"Annual Review of ...."という学術誌群を専門に出している出版社の年1冊発行誌。新しい成果を発表する場ではないのだが。
D.K.Y. Chiu & T.H. Lui, “Integrated Use of Multiple Interdependent Patterns for Biomolecular Sequence Analysis,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 4(3) (September 2002): 766-775.
S.C. Meyer, “The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories,” Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 117(2) (2004): 213-239. [Discovery Instituteにあるコピー]
これはProceedingなので、学術誌掲載に比べれば値打ちはあまりない。読めばわかるが、長さの割りに論文の体裁をとっていない。普通は、Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusionといった章立てで書くところを、Introductionのあとはだらだらだら...。
M.J. Denton & J.C. Marshall, “The Laws of Form Revisited,” Nature, 410 (22 March 2001): 417.I.
M.J. Denton, J.C. Marshall & M. Legge, (2002) “The Protein Folds as Platonic Forms: New Support for the pre-Darwinian Conception of Evolution by Natural Law,” Journal of Theoretical Biology 219 (2002): 325-342.[全文コピー]
と書いてみたり(下線はKumicitによる)、Introductionの後にさらにIntroductionの続きのような"POST-DARWINIAN BIOLOGY: THE ARTIFACT AS METAPHOR OF LIFE"を書いてみたりしている。Result/Discussionじゃないところに書いてあるのが、せこい。まあ、有名な反進化論屋なので、こんなもんかな。
[Owen had more to fear from such charges than his continental fellow travelers stationed as he was in England where creationism was so prevalent. For Owen was quite aware that according to the Platonic/naturalistic conception of nature, the order of biology was an in-built necessary order and not a contingent artifactual order as the creationist doctrine implied. This clash is nowhere clearer than in On the Nature of Limbs where Owen has to explain that because adaptations are ad hoc functional modifications of the primal patterns given by natural law and not contrivances designed specifically by God to serve particular functions, we should not expect organisms to exhibit perfect adaptations.]
Featured Articles扱いになっているもの
Scott Minnich and Stephen C. Meyer, “Genetic Analysis of Coordinate Flagellar and Type III Regulatory Circuits,” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Design & Nature, Rhodes Greece, edited by M.W. Collins and C.A. Brebbia (WIT Press, 2004).[Discovery Instituteにあるコピー]
Proceedingで、査読もなかったようなので、何でもあり。というかこのコンファレンス「デザインと自然 2004: 自然のデザインと科学・技術の比較」は何だろうか?ウェセックス大学のコンファレンスなんだが、ギリシャのロードス島で開いている。
Jonathan Wells, “Do Centrioles Generate a Polar Ejection Force? Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 98 (2005): 37-62.[Discovery Instituteにあるコピー]
下線はKumicitによる。また、citeしている[Wells 2004]はインテリジェントデザイン関連サイトにある記事。
Instead of viewing centrioles through the spectacles of molecular reductionism and neo-Darwinism, this hypothesis assumes that they are holistically designed to be turbines.
What if centrioles really are tiny turbines? This is much easier to conceive if we adopt a holistic rather than reductionistic approach, and if we regard centrioles as designed structures rather than accidental by-products of neo-Darwinian evolution (Wells[2004]).
Lönnig, W.-E.: Dynamic genomes, morphological stasis and the origin of irreducible complexity, Dynamical Genetics, Pp. 101-119. In i>Dynamical Genetics by V. Parisi, V. de Fonzo & F. Aluffi-Pentini, eds.,(Research Signpost, 2004) [Discovery Instituteにあるコピー]
論文の体裁(Result, Discussion, Conculsionがない)をとっていない。著者はドイツ人で、Publicationを見ると、80本ばかり記事や論文があるが、英文は少なめ。掲載誌はインドものなので、欧米でrejectされた廃物利用かもしれない。
査読つきにしたところで、身内でやってるだけなので、まったく値打ちがない。Discovery InstituteのサイトやDr.William A. Dembskiの個人サイトの記事と変わらない。
- Darwinism, Design, & Public Education (Michigan State University Press, 2003)
- Meyer, S. C. DNA and the origin of life: Information, specification and explanation, DDPE Pp. 223-285.
- Behe, M. J., Design in the details: The origin of biomolecular machines. DDPE Pp. 287-302
- Nelson, P. & J. Wells, Homology in biology: Problem for naturalistic science and prospect for intelligent design, DDPE, Pp. 303-322.
- Meyer, S. C., Ross, M., Nelson, P. & P. Chien, The Cambrian explosion: biology’s big bang, DDPE, Pp. 323-402.
- Dembski, W.A., Reinstating design within science, DDPE, Pp. 403-418.
- Meyer, S. C. DNA and the origin of life: Information, specification and explanation, DDPE Pp. 223-285.
- DEBATING DESIGN: FROM DARWIN TO DNA (Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2004)
- Dembksi, W.A., The logical underpinnings of intelligent design, DEBATING DESIGN, Pp.311-330.
- Bradley, W. L., Information, Entropy, and the Origin of Life, DEBATING DESIGN, Pp. 331-351.
- Behe, M., Irreducible complexity: obstacle to Darwinian evolution, DEBATING DESIGN, Pp. 352-370.
- Meyer, S. C., The Cambrian information explosion: evidence for intelligent design, DEBATING DESIGN, Pp. 371-391.
- Dembksi, W.A., The logical underpinnings of intelligent design, DEBATING DESIGN, Pp.311-330.
- W.A. Dembski, The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).
- Michael Behe, Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (The Free Press, 1996).
- Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. Bradley, Roger L. Olsen, The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories (Philosophical Library, 1984, Lewis & Stanley, 4th ed., 1992).
- Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay W. Richards, The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery (Regnery Publishing, 2004).
- William Dembski, No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot be Purchased without Intelligence (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002).
- Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (Adler & Adler, 1985).
- Behe, M.J., Self-Organization and Irreducibly Complex Systems: A Reply to Shanks and Joplin, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 67:155-162 (March 2000)
- Craig, W.L., “God, Creation, and Mr. Davies.” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (1986): 168-175
- Craig, W.L., “Barrow and Tipler on the Anthropic Principle vs. Divine Design.” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (1988): 389-395.
- Craig, W.L., “The Anthropic Principle.” In The History of Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: an Encyclopedia, pp. 366-368. Ed. G. B. Ferngren.
- Craig, W.L., “Design and the Anthropic Fine-Tuning of the Universe.” In GOD AND DESIGN: THE TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT AND MODERN SCIENCE, pp. 155-177. (ed. Neil Manson. London: Routledge, 2003).