- HIV否定論の立場をとったMbeki政権によるAIDS犠牲者数は33万人 (2008/11/17)
2000〜2005年のAIDSに死亡者数は250万と推定されており、Harvard School of Public Health (2008/10/20)によれば、33万人がMbeki政権のHIV否定論によるもの。 - 南アフリカのHIV感染拡大は1990年から (2008/11/18)
しかし、HIV感染拡大は、南アフリカ最後の白人政権から進行しており、Nelson Mandela政権ものとでアウトブレーク。感染拡大に責任はThabo Mbeki前大統領ではなく、Nelson Mandela元大統領にある。
3.2.3 Sample size and sampling periodこの数字と大統領就任をあわせると次のようになる:
In 2006, the National Department of Health doubled the sample size to 36 000. This allowed for district level estimates of HIV prevalence in addition to the national and provincial rates. Sample collection from all the sites started on 1st October 2007 and ended on 31st October 2007.
3.2.1 Sentinel population
This study was conducted as an unlinked anonymous survey amongst pregnant women who attended public health antenatal clinic services for the first time during the current pregnancy. The demographic details of the participants, with the exception of any particulars from which it may be possible to ascertain the identity of the patient, were collected using a standardized collection form. A unique bar code was allocated to each of the participants and it is this number that was recorded on the form and also used for labelling the blood samples. The bar code was used to link the demographic information with the lab results while maintaining anonymity of the survey participant.
[Report: The National HIV and Syphilis Prevalence Survey, South Africa, 2007 by National Department of Health, South Africa 2008]
以上のように、de Klerk政権とNelson Mandela政権のもとでHIVはアウトブレイクしている。[based on Report: The National HIV and Syphilis Prevalence Survey, South Africa, 2007 by National Department of Health, South Africa 2008]
年 妊婦のHIV感染率 大統領就任
1989 ---- 8月15日 Frederik Willem de Klerk(最後の白人政権)
1990 0.7
1991 1.7
1992 2.2
1993 4.0
1994 7.6 4月27日 Nelson Mandela
1995 10.4
1996 14.2
1997 17.0
1998 22.8
1999 22.4 6月14日 Thabo Mbeki
2000 24.5
2001 24.8
2002 26.5
2003 27.9
2004 29.5
2005 30.2
2006 29.1
2007 28.0
2008 ---- 9月25日 Kgalema Motlanthe
AIDS/HIV対策が不十分だったとされるNelson Mandela元大統領も、2005年初頭に悲しい形で、その代償を支払っている:
Nelson Mandela, who has devoted much of his life after leaving South Africa's presidency to a campaign against AIDS, said today that his 54-year-old son had died of the disease in a Johannesburg clinic.この発表に続いて、Nelson Mandela氏の孫であり、AIDS関連疾患で死亡したMakgatho L. Mandela氏の息子であるMandla Mandela氏は2003年に死亡した母Zondiの死因がAIDSだったことを発表した:
南アフリカ大統領職を退いた後の人生の大半をAIDS対策キャンペーンに捧げてきたNelson Mandela氏は今日(2005/01/06)、54歳になる息子がヨハネスブルグの病院で病死したと述べた。
The son, Makgatho L. Mandela, who was a lawyer, had been seriously ill for more than a month, but the nature of his ailment had not been made public before his death today.
彼の息子 Makgatho L. Mandela氏は弁護士であり、過去1か月にわたり重病であったが、その病状は死亡した今日まで公表されなかった。
At a news conference in the garden of his Johannesburg home, the elder Mr. Mandela, 86, said that he was revealing the cause of his son's death to focus more public attention on AIDS, which is still a taboo topic among many South Africans.
ヨハネスブルグの自宅の庭での記者会見で、多くの南アフリカ人にとって未だにタブーとなっているAIDSへの関心を高めるために、86歳のNelson Mandela氏は息子の死因を公表した。、
To keep the illness secret would wrongly imply that it is shameful, he said.
"That is why I have announced that my son has died of AIDS," he said. "Let us give publicity to H.I.V./AIDS and not hide it, because the only way to make it appear like a normal illness like TB, like cancer, is always to come out and say somebody has died because of H.I.V./AIDS, and people will stop regarding it as something extraordinary for which people go to hell and not to heaven."
[Michael Wines: "Breaking Taboo, Mandela Reveals Son Died of AIDS" (2005/01/06) on New York Times]
Yesterday, standing in the sunshine in a remote Eastern Cape field, Mandla Mandela told mourners his mother Zondi died of the same disease. The family had previously said she died of pneumonia - a euphemism for Aids in South Africa as one of a handful of diseases which kill once the HIV virus has destroyed the immune system. ...また、Nelson Mandela氏は大統領退任後にAIDS対策が不十分だったことを認めている:
昨日、遠く離れたEastern Capeの陽光のもとで、Mandla Madela氏は母Zondiが同じ病気で死亡したと発表した。家族は以前、Zondiが肺炎で死亡したと発表していた。南アフリカでは"肺炎"は、HIVに免疫系を破壊されて死亡したときに、AIDSの婉曲表現のひとつとして使われている。
[David Beresford (in Johannesburg):Mandela family united by grief and fight against Aids (2005/01/16) on Guardian]
Indeed, after stepping down from the presidency, Mandela admitted that he had not done enough to fight HIV/AIDS while in office. He had been afraid of the political cost of admitting that the country was facing a massive humanitarian crisis. "AIDS," Mandela says now, "is no longer a disease. It is a human rights issue."だからこそ、退任後の2000年にはAIDSの潜在的危機に直面する多くの国々警告する国際的な指導者たちに加わっている:
大統領職を退任後、Nelson Madela氏は在職中にHIV/AIDS対策が不十分だったことを認めた。彼は国家が人道的危機に直面していると認めることの政治的コスト恐れた。しかし、今やNelson Mandela氏は「AIDSは単に病気なだけではない。人権問題である」と言う。
[Can Mandela's AIDS Message Pierce the Walls of Shame? (2005/01/09) on Peninsula Peace and Justice Center ]
If there is one vocal criticism of Mandela, it is that he failed to make HIV/Aids a national priority during his presidency from 1994-1999. He acknowledges and accepts the criticism.
[South Africa: Mandela Deluged With Tributes as He Turns 85 (2003/07/19) on All Africa]
Former South African President Nelson Mandela has joined international leaders in warning of the potential disaster facing many countries, including his own, from the disease Aids.
[Mandela's stark Aids warning (2000/12/01) on BBC]