Capuchin Father Raniero Cantalamessa, offering a Lenten meditation to Pope Benedict XVI and top Vatican officials March 13, said the controversy that has arisen between scientists supporting evolution and religious believers promoting creationism or intelligent design is due mainly to a confusion between scientific theory and the truths of faith.ここまでは、通常通り。この後、特に米国で強い温暖化否定論を意識したと思われる発言を報じている。
The arguments, Father Cantalamessa said, are due to the fact that, "in my opinion, there is not a clear enough distinction between intelligent design as a scientific theory and intelligent design as a truth of faith."
While science and evolution can explain part of the history of creation and how life exists, they cannot explain why, he said.
"Even those who eliminate the idea of God from the horizon don't eliminate the mystery," the preacher said.
"We know everything about the world, except how it started. The believer is convinced that the Bible furnishes precisely this missing first page. There, as on the title page of every book, is the name of the author and the title of the work," he said.
2009年3月13日に教皇ベネディクト16世とヴァチカン上層部に対して、四旬節の黙想会を行う、カプチン修道会士Raniero Cantalamessa神父は次のように述べた。「科学者が支持する進化論と、宗教信者が推進する創造論やインテリジェントデザインの論争は、主として科学理論と信仰の真理を混同することによって起きている。私の意見では、科学理論としてのインテリジェントデザインと信仰の真理としてのインテリジェントデザインを明確に区別できていないことによる論争である。
[Cindy Wooden: "Papal preacher says intelligent design is truth of faith, not science" (2009/03/13) on Catholic News Service]
Father Cantalamessa's Lenten reflection focused on a verse from St. Paul's Letter to the Romans: "All creation is groaning in labor pains even until now."米国では、これまでの多くの反進化論州法案が生物進化・化学進化とともに、地球温暖化を対象としてきた。たとえば、2008年に成立したルイジアナ州反進化論州法Act473などは「生物進化・化学進化・地球温暖化・ヒトクローン」を対象としている。
The text, he said, is an indication that St. Paul believes that the entire cosmos -- not just humanity -- is waiting to be saved and restored to its original beauty by Christ.
The suffering of the cosmos "is not closed and definitive. There is hope for creation, not because creation is able to hope subjectively, but because God has a redemption in mind for it."
Christians contribute to keeping hope alive by respecting and defending nature, he said.
"For the Christian believer, environmentalism is not only a practical necessity for survival or a problem that is only political or economic; it has a theological foundation. Creation is the work of the Holy Spirit," he said.
Christians have an obligation to recognize that the moans of creation described by St. Paul "today are mixed with the cry of agony and death" because of "human sin and selfishness," he said.
[Cindy Wooden: "Papal preacher says intelligent design is truth of faith, not science" (2009/03/13) on Catholic News Service]
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