

最もアクティブな"若い地球の創造論"サイトAnswers in Genesis(AiG)には、突然変異が進化論の証拠にはならないと主張するMutations Questions and Answers(突然変異FAQ)がある。けっこうマニアックなところまで進化の証拠ではないと言い張っている。かなり気がかりなようだ。今回はその中から3つ紹介しよう。


A major problem for Darwinists is that the Ancon mutation (a Mendelian recessive), as is true with most other mutations, is a loss mutation. This type of mutation does not result in an information gain, as Darwinism requires, but an information loss (often of a complete structure or protein). A chief difficulty in arguing for macroevolution by mutations is the fact that most expressed mutations are either lethal or semi-lethal. Either they kill the organism outright, or they prove harmful, so that in the ordinary course of life they are eliminated.


(Jerry Bergman: "Ancon sheep: just another loss mutation", Creation Magazine 2003/4)


  • 突然変異は情報を増やさない
  • 突然変異のほとんどは致死的あるいは半致死的

であるので、進化は起きないというもの。突然変異であることがわかっているAncon Sheep[1791年にマサチューセッツで生まれた羊の品種(dict.die.net)]は進化の証拠ではないのは「情報が増えていない」からだと言う。



Duplication of a single chromosome is normally harmful, as in Down’s syndrome. Insertions are a very efficient way of completely destroying the functionality of existing genes. Biophysicist Dr Lee Spetner in his book Not By Chance analyzes examples of mutational changes that evolutionists have claimed to have been increases in information, and shows that they are actually examples of loss of specificity, which means they involved loss of information (which is to be expected from information theory).

ダウン症候群ののように、一つの染色体の重複は、通常有害である。挿入は、既存の遺伝子の機能を完全に無効化する非常に効率的な方法である。生物学者Dr. Lee Spetnerは彼の本"Not By Chance"(Amazon)で、突然変異の例を分析して、進化論者が情報の増加だと主張したことが、実際には特性の損しであることを示した。それは情報の損失(情報理論から期待される)を意味する。

(Argument: Some mutations are beneficial,2002)


One amino acid has been replaced with a cysteine residue in a protein that normally assembles high density lipoproteins (HDLs), which are involved in removing ‘bad’ cholesterol from arteries. The mutant form of the protein is less effective at what it is supposed to do, but it does act as an antioxidant, which seems to prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). In fact, because of the added -SH on the cysteine, 70% of the proteins manufactured bind together in pairs (called dimers), restricting their usefulness. The 30% remaining do the job as an antioxidant. Because the protein is cleverly designed to target ‘hot spots’ in arteries and this targeting is preserved in the mutant form, the antioxidant activity is delivered to the same sites as the cholesterol-transporting HDLs. In other words, specificity of the antioxidant activity (for lipids) does not lie with the mutation itself, but with the protein structure, which already existed, in which the mutation occurred. The specificity already existed in the wild-type A-I protein before the mutation occurred.


Now in gaining an anti-oxidant activity, the protein has lost a lot of activity for making HDLs. So the mutant protein has sacrificed specificity. Since antioxidant activity is not a very specific activity (a great variety of simple chemicals will act as antioxidants), it would seem that the result of this mutation has been a net loss of specificity, or, in other words, information. This is exactly as we would expect with a random change.


(A-I Milano mutation—evidence for evolution?,2003/2)


posted by Kumicit at 2006/01/14 21:27 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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