

昨年、ルイジアナ州民主党Ben Nevers州上院議員提案の反進化論州法案SB733州下院修正案が州上院を通過し、ルイジアナ州Bobby Jindal知事が署名し、州法(Act 473)となった。これにあわせて、ルイジアナ州の理科教育規則の改訂が進んでいる。

この背景には、ルイジアナ州民の創造論支持率の高さがあるようだ。Louisiana State Universityによる公共政策についての世論調査によれば、57.5%が公立学校で創造論を教えることを望んでいる:
50. When teaching students about human origins, would you generally favor or oppose teaching creationism along with evolution in public schools? (LANDLINE SURVEY ONLY - N=567).

Valid percent of
landline only
Don’t know 11.4
Favor teaching creationism 57.5
Oppose teaching creationism 31.0
Total 100.0

51. Do you think the scientific theory of evolution is well supported by evidence and widely accepted within the scientific community, or that it is not well supported by evidence and many scientists have serious doubts about it? (LANDLINE SURVEY ONLY - N=567).

Valid percent of
landline only
Don’t know 20.9
Well supported 38.8
Not well supported 40.3
Total 100.0

[THE PUBLIIC POLIICY RESEARCH LAB: Spring 2009 Louisiana Survey (2009/04/01)
via National Center for Science Education}

これについて、ルイジアナ州Baton Rougeの地方紙Baton Rouge Advocateは次のように評している:
This is a free country, and people can choose to believe or not believe in evolution. But the assumption that evolution is widely controversial within the scientific community is simply not true.


That false assumption is part of the propaganda often advanced by creationists who favor teaching the biblical story of the Earth’s creation in public schools under a new name, intelligent design.


["Our Views: La. snubs Darwin" (2009/04/14) on the Baton Rouge Advocate
via National Center for Science Education}

posted by Kumicit at 2009/04/15 08:29 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | News | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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