[Miranda Marquit: "Texas School Standards: Age of the Universe Erased" (2009/04/07) on PhyOrg.com]テキサス州教育委員会Don McLeroy委員長を含む"若い地球の創造論"支持者たちは、進化論とともに宇宙の年齢やビッグバンとも敵対するのは当然の流れ。創造論を教えることを可能とする用語「Strength and Weakness of theory of evolution」は消えたものの、"若い地球の創造論"に反する記述の削除を進めようとするのも、もっともなこと。
Originally in the Texas school standards was this phrase: "concept of an expanding universe that originated about 14 billion years ago." However, board member Barbara Cargill thought this wasn't good enough. It was too definite. The standards now read, "current theories of the evolution of the universe including estimates for the age of the universe." You can bet that the age of the earth is not listed in the Texas curriculum as about 4.5 billion years old -- in spite of the fact that most of the people my age and older have known (or rather, estimated) this for years.
当初のテキサス州教育標準には次の表現があった「140億年前に始まった膨張する宇宙」 しかし、州教育委員Barbara Cargillはこれは適切ではないと考えた。明示的すぎると。教育標準は現在こうなっている「宇宙の年齢の推定を含む宇宙の進化についての現在の理論たち」 この時代の大半の人々が地球の年齢を45億歳だと知っているにもかかわらず、テキサス州教育標準には地球の年齢が45億歳だとは書かれていない。
There certainly are many different theories about the formation of the universe. Whether it was a big bang or a big bounce are two of them. Cosmologists and astronomers wonder about the rate of expansion in the early universe, and they debate the effects of gravity (not to mention its nature) as well as consider questions about the composition of the universe and the kinds of particles that exist. However, despite the questions that do exist about the origination of the universe, there is very little debate about its age.
Until now, matters of space have been very little addressed in terms of religion. After all, couldn't God have created the universe well before putting humans on Earth? But it appears that by working from Earth outward, some are becoming concerned. If God created humans on Earth just a few millennia ago, then Earth can't be 4.5 billion years old. And if Earth isn't as old as all that, surely the universe isn't, either. It's an interesting train of logic. And one that could result in all we know about space science being brought under attack.
これまで、宇宙の問題が、宗教に絡んだことはほとんどなかった。結局は、神は人間を地球上に置く前に、宇宙をうまく創造できなかったか? しかし、地球から外へ向かって考えを進めれば、それが問題になるだろう。神が人間を地球上に数千年前に創造したとしたら、地球は45億歳ではありえない。地球の年齢がそうでないなら、宇宙の年齢もまた。これは興味深い論理の連鎖だ。そしてその帰結は、我々が宇宙科学について知っていることすべてが、攻撃の対象になる。