Archbishop Timothy Dolan yesterday said advocates of gay marriage "are asking for trouble," arguing that traditional, one-man/one-woman marriage is rooted in people's moral DNA.聖職が"自然主義の誤謬の変種"を用いた主張をするとは...
Timothy Dolan大司教は昨日(2009/04/22)、伝統的な一夫一婦は人々の倫理DNAに根ざしたものであると論じて、「ゲイの結婚の主唱者たちはトラブルを求めている」と述べた。
"There's an in-built code of right and wrong that's embedded in the human DNA," Dolan told The Post in an exclusive, wide-ranging interview, a week after becoming the New York Archdiocese's new leader.
"Hard-wired into us is a dictionary, and the dictionary defines marriage as between one man, one woman for life, please God, leading to the procreation of human life."
「人間のDNAには善と悪のビルトインコードがある。我々にハードコーディングされた辞書があり、辞書は結婚を出産に先立つ、生涯の一夫一婦と定義している」とThe Postの単独インタビューで、来週、ニューヨーク大司教区に着任するTimothy Dolan大司教は述べた。
[Dan Mangan: "TAMPER WITH MARRIAGE & WE'RE IN BIG TROUBLE" (2009/04/23) on New York Postvia Pharyngula]
これについて、PZ Myers準教授は...
Every word an ignorant lie. There is no genetic basis for a moral code except, perhaps, in the broadest sense of intrinsic rewards for social behavior -- Catholicism is not biologically heritable. There is nothing in us that hardwires simplistic monogamy -- human cultures have had a wide range of different patterns of sexual behavior. And gay people do not have desires in defiance of their biological impulses, but as consequences of them.
[PZ Myers: "Moral DNA?" (2009/04/24) on Pharyngula]