

Dutch Newsによればオランダ人の20%が、世界は6日間で神が創造したと信じている:
One in five Dutch people believe God created the world in six days, according to research quoted in Friday’s Trouw.


Protestants are much more likely than Catholics to believe in the Biblical creation story, the figures from research bureau Synovate show.


Synovate questioned 908 people about their beliefs. Their answers showed that young people are just as likely as their elders to believe in creationism. Some 25% of low skilled people believe the world was made in six days, as do 19% of those with university education.


A similar survey from the Maurice de Hond polling organisation also showed around 20% believe in creationism.

世論調査機関Maurice de Hondによる同様の調査でも、約20%が創造論を信じているとの結果が出ている。

[One in five believe in creationism (2009/02/27) on Dutch News]

なので、Dutch Newsの報道によれば、キリスト教民主連合の指導者Arie Slobが、公立学校で創造論を教えるべきと発言している:
Creationism should be taught in Dutch public schools alongside evolution, Arie Slob, leader of the orthodox ChristenUnie party in parliament says in an interview with website nu.nl.

議会のキリスト教民主連合の指導者であるArie Slobが nu.nlのインタビューで、オランダの公立学校で進化論とともに創造論を教えるべきと述べた。

'It is as if there are no other ideas and theories,' Slob was quoted as saying. 'There are more thoughts about the beginning of this earth than the one printed in the text books.'

「他の考えや理論がないかのようである。教科書に書かれた以外に、地球の起源について多くの考えがある」とArie Slobは述べた。

Slob, a former teacher, said both Christian and non-denominational schools should teach a broader curriculum.

元教師であるAlie Slobはキリスト教学校も非宗教学校も、幅広いカリキュラムを教えるべきだと述べた。

The Netherlands has a number of fundamentalist Christian schools where creationism is taught as fact. Some one in five Dutch people believe God created the world in six days.


[Teach creationism, Christian leader says (2009/05/12) on Dutch News]
タグ:創造論 poll
posted by Kumicit at 2009/05/13 00:01 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | Creationism | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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