妻が3人いる南アフリカ新大統領Jacob Zumaがまたもセックスに関して告発された
Jacob Zuma, who was sworn in as president last weekend, stands accused by Helen Zille, the leader of the opposition, of putting his three wives at risk of contracting HIV.これは「AIDS予防はシャワー」ネタである:
先週末に大統領に就任したJacob Zumaが3人の妻にHIV感染のリスクに曝したとして、野党党首Helen Zilleによって告発された。
Zille, who heads the Democratic Alliance, questioned Zuma's moral fitness to lead the country by referring to an incident in which he had sex with an HIV-positive woman. He was accused of rape but cleared.
ZumaがHIV陽性の女性とセックスした件で、野党民主同盟の党首ZilleはZumaは、Jacob Zumaが大統領として倫理的にふさわしいか疑問だという。Zuma大統領は強姦でも告発されたが、無罪になった
Zille was quoted by the Sowetan newspaper as saying: "Zuma is a self-confessed womaniser with deeply sexist views, who put all his wives at risk by having unprotected sex with an HIV-positive woman."
Sowetaの新聞によればZilleは「Zumaは性差別主義な見方をする女たらしを自認し、HIV陽性の女性と避妊具を使わずセックスして、 複数の妻をリスクに曝した」と述べた。
[David Smith: "Opposition leader accuses South African president Jacob Zuma of sexism" (2009/05/13) on Guardian]
Zuma, who once led South Africa's national AIDS council, added to the party's grief when he testified in his 2006 rape trial that he had showered to protect himself from the disease after having sex with his HIV-positive female accuser.与党ANCは、これに対して応えるのではなく、報復攻撃に入った:
The Zulu politician, who leads Mbeki in local branch nominations for the ANC presidency, was acquitted of rape but, like Mbeki, thrashed in the court of public opinion for poor judgement and a lack of awareness on AIDS.
[AIDS crisis looms over ANC ahead of leadership vote (2007/12/07) on Reuters Africa]
The African National Congress's Youth League today returned fire, criticising Zille, who is white, for picking an all-male executive team in the Western Cape, the only province to vote against the ANC in the election.選挙前から懸念材料だった女性問題に、ごり押しで対処しようとする与党。このごときで政権がゆらぐわけではないと思うのだが...
与党ANCのYouth Leagueは本日、Zilleは白人であり、直近の選挙で与党ANCに反対票を投じた下図の多かったあるWestern Capeの全員が男性であるエグゼクティブチームから男を摘み取っていると、報復砲撃を行った。
The Youth League said that it was "disgusted by remarks attributed to the racist girl Helen Zille, who when failing to defend her stupid and sexist decision to appoint predominantly white males into her cabinet, attacks the president of the republic of South Africa".
It threatened "militant action" against the Western Cape premier, adding: "The fake racist girl who was dropped on a head as child should understand that South Africa will never be a Mickey Mouse republic like she wants to portray it."
[David Smith: "Opposition leader accuses South African president Jacob Zuma of sexism" (2009/05/13) on Guardian]