When the Missouri legislative session ended on May 15, 2009, House Bill 656 died, without ever having been assigned to a committee. If enacted, HB 656 would have required state and local education administrators to permit teachers to "to help students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of theories of biological and chemical evolution." Otherwise a typical instance of the current spate of antievolution "academic freedom" bills, HB 656 was interestingly expansive about what it was not intended to do: "this section shall not be construed to promote philosophical naturalism or biblical theology, promote natural cause or intelligent cause, promote undirected change or purposeful design, promote atheistic or theistic belief, promote discrimination for or against a particular set of religious beliefs or ideas, or promote discrimination for or against religion or nonreligion. Scientific information includes physical evidence and logical inferences based upon evidence."
[Antievolution bill dead in Missouri ("2009/05/15) on National Center for Science Education]
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
- テキサス州下院に反進化論州法案登場(2009/03/16) [HB4224]
- ルイジアナ州の理科教育規則の改訂 (2009/01/16)
さらに、非認証大学院を持つInstitute for Creation Researchを支援する州法案が1個:
- 若い地球の創造論ミニストリICRの非認証大学院を学位授与可能にする州法案がテキサス州下院に登場 (2009/03/12)
- ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案HB656が廃案 (2009/05/17) [HB656]
- アラバマ州下院の反進化論州法案HB300が廃案 (2009/05/16) [HB300]
- フロリダ州上院の反進化論州法案SB2396が廃案 (2009/05/03) [SB2396]
- ニューメキシコ州上院の反進化論州法案SB433が廃案 (2009/03/023)[SB433]
- アイオワ州下院の反進化論州法案HF183が廃案 (2009/03/14) [HF183]
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案SB320が廃案 (2009/02/18) [SB320]
- ミシシッピ州下院の反進化論州法案HB25が廃案 (2009/02/08) [HB25]