Senate Bill 873, introduced in the South Carolina Senate on May 21, 2009 and referred to the Senate Committee on Education, would, if enacted, require the state board of education to "examine all curriculum in use in this State that purports to teach students about the origins of mankind to determine whether the curriculum maintains neutrality toward religion." The bill further provides, "Related to non-religion, the examination must include a review as to whether the curriculum contains a sense of affirmatively opposing or showing hostility to religion, thus preferring those who believe in no religion over those who hold religious beliefs." The first year of the current two-year legislative session ended on May 21, 2009, so S. 873 is not likely to be considered until the second year begins in 2010.反進化論州法案SB873では、州教育委員会への義務付けの理由として次のように記述されている:
S. 873 was introduced by Senator Michael Fair (R-District 6), who spearheaded a number of previous antievolution efforts in South Carolina. In 2003, he sought to establish a committee to "determine whether alternatives to evolution as the origin of species should be offered in schools." ...
SB873はこれまでもサウスカロライナ州で反進化論州法案を成立させようとしてきた、District-6選出共和党Michael Fair州上院議員によって提案された。2003年には、「種の起源として進化論の代替理論を学校で教えるべきかを判断する」委員会をつくろうとした。...
[AAntievolution legislation in South Carolina (2009/05/26) on National Center for Science Education]
(A) The General Assembly finds:神の不在に言及することを容認しない立場を強く打ち出している。
(1) that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution makes wholly applicable to the states the First Amendment's mandate that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of or prohibiting the free expression of religion;
(2) that the individual freedom of conscience protected by the First Amendment embraces the right to select any religious faith or none at all;
(3) a proper respect for the First Amendment compels the State to pursue a course of neutrality toward religion, favoring neither one religion over other religions, nor religion over non-religion or the inverse;
(4) that atheism is a school of thought that takes a position on religion and the existence and importance of a Supreme Being;
(5) that the United State Supreme Court recognizes atheism as equivalent to a religion for the purposes of the First Amendment; and
(6) that teaching atheism or any of its principals, including, but not limited to, the denial of the existence of a Supreme Being, as a philosophical system of beliefs or in a manner that affirmatively opposes or shows hostility to religion, thus exhibiting a preference for those who believe in no religion over those who hold religious beliefs, violates the First Amendment.
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
- サウスカロライナ州上院に反進化論州法案登場 (2009/05/28) [SB873]
- テキサス州下院に反進化論州法案登場(2009/03/16) [HB4224]
- ルイジアナ州の理科教育規則の改訂 (2009/01/16)
さらに、非認証大学院を持つInstitute for Creation Researchを支援する州法案が1個:
- 若い地球の創造論ミニストリICRの非認証大学院を学位授与可能にする州法案がテキサス州下院に登場 (2009/03/12)
- ミズーリ州下院の反進化論州法案HB656が廃案 (2009/05/17) [HB656]
- アラバマ州下院の反進化論州法案HB300が廃案 (2009/05/16) [HB300]
- フロリダ州上院の反進化論州法案SB2396が廃案 (2009/05/03) [SB2396]
- ニューメキシコ州上院の反進化論州法案SB433が廃案 (2009/03/023)[SB433]
- アイオワ州下院の反進化論州法案HF183が廃案 (2009/03/14) [HF183]
- オクラホマ州上院の反進化論州法案SB320が廃案 (2009/02/18) [SB320]
- ミシシッピ州下院の反進化論州法案HB25が廃案 (2009/02/08) [HB25]