


==>自分の生後9か月の娘を死なせたホメオパシー医 (2009/06/01)

Sydney Morning Heraldによれば、この裁判の陪審は有罪を評決した:
A couple whose baby daughter died after they treated her with homeopathic remedies instead of conventional medicine have been found guilty of manslaughter.


Gloria Thomas died aged nine months after spending more than half her life with eczema.

The skin condition wore down her natural defences and left her completely vulnerable when she developed an eye infection that killed her within days of developing.

Thomas Sam, 42, a homeopath, and Manju Sam, 37, of Earlwood, Sydney, were charged with manslaughter by gross criminal negligence.

Thomas Sam remained passive as the jury delivered its verdict but Manju Sam's face crumpled and she buried it in her husband's shoulder.

After the jury was discharged, the enormity of what had occurred came over her in waves , crying intermittently and then recovering.

Justce Peter Johnson granted them bail on strict reporting conditions, but Thomas Sam was led into the cells to wait for $30,000 to be posted as surety. The couple, who had held hands through much of the case, hugged one another for a long time before he left with security.

Gloria Thomasは9か月の生涯の半分以上を湿疹に費やし、死亡した。皮膚の病気のために自然の抵抗力が弱められ、眼の感染症になったとき、これに抵抗できずに数日で死亡した。これについて、両親であるSydneyのEarlwood在住のホメオパシー医(ホメオパス)Thomas Sam(42)とManju Sam(37)が、重大なネグレクトによる故殺罪の嫌疑を受けた。

陪審が有罪評決を下したとき、夫Thomas Samは沈黙したままだったが、妻Manju Samは顔をゆがめて、夫の肩に顔をうずめた。陪審員退席後、事の大きさに感情を高ぶらせて泣き崩れ、そして気を落ちつけた。

Peter Johnson裁判官は保釈を認めたが、Thomas Samは3万ドルの保釈金調達まで独房に収監された。夫妻は裁判の間、手を握り合うことが多かったが、Thomas Samが警備に連れて行かれる前にも、夫妻は長く抱き合った。

[Harriet Alexander: "Parents guilty of manslaughter over daughter's eczema death" (2009/06/05) on Sydney Morning Herald]
Justice Peter Johnson continued the couple's bail but imposed strict new conditions until their sentencing hearing on July 2.

Margaret Scheikowski: "Couple guilty of daughter's manslaughter" (2009/06/05) on Sydney Morning Herald]
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