毎度おなじみMark Isaakの創造論者の主張から「デザインと目的」関連を紹介する。
Claim CI100.1:
Design is self-evident. You just need to open your eyes and see it.
Wells, Jonathan, 2006. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design. Washington DC: Regnery, 83.
Anon, Jan. 2003. Feedback. (2nd from end)
- This claim lacks any substance. It is nothing more than a subjective assertion. That design is far from self-evident is demonstrated by the difficulty people have in trying to describe the objective evidence for it.
この主張は中味がない。主観的な根拠なき主張にすぎない。デザインの客観的証拠を記述しようとしたときの困難さが、デザインが自明では全然ないことを示している。- There are good reasons why people should see design that is not there.
- Humans anthropomorphize. We tend to attribute our humanlike qualities to all sorts of things. Since design is what humans do, we attribute it far and wide.
- Evolution and some human design both involve complex systems dealing with the same physical constraints (Csete and Doyle 2002).
- Evolution has much in common with a design process. It generates trial-and-error modifications of existing forms and discards the inferior versions.
- Csete, Marie E. and John C. Doyle, 2002. Reverse engineering of biological complexity. Science 295: 1664-1669.
Further Reading:
- Isaak, Mark, 2003. What design looks like. Reports of the National Center for Science Education 23(5-6): 25-26,31-35.
Claim CI120:
A purpose for an object indicates that the object is designed.
Paley, William, 1802. Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. London: J. Faulder, p. 2.
- When somebody designs something, he or she usually has a purpose for it, but the purpose is that of the designer, not the object designed. For example, people have a purpose for windows and airbags in automobiles, but the automobile itself has no such purpose. When the purpose argument is applied to life, though, the designer is intentionally left entirely unknowable, and thus the purpose of the designer is not part of the picture. We know only the object's purpose for part of the object, which is not relevant unless you want to claim that the object designed itself.
何かをデザインするとき、通常は目的があるが、目的はデザイナーの目的であって、デザインされた物の目的ではない。たとえば、人は自動車の窓やエアバッグについて目的を持っているが、自動車自身はそんな目的は持っていない。目的な論を生物に適用するとき、デザイナーは意図的に完全に未知なので、目的は議論の対象外になる。我々はその物の一部に対する目的のみを知っていて、その物が自分自身をデザインしたと主張したくないのであれば、それは何の関連もない。- To the extent that traits of living things have a purpose, that purpose, ultimately, is the reproductive success of the organism's genes. Such purpose is entirely consistent with evolution.
生物の特徴には目的があるとするなら、その目的は、最終的には生物の遺伝子の繁殖の成功である。そのような目的は、進化とまったく一致している。- It is not uncommon for undesigned objects to have a purpose. The North Star, for example, has a purpose in navigation, but it got that purpose entirely through the chance of its being in a certain spot.
Even with designed things, it is common for purposes to come and go. The same object can have different purposes at different times or even multiple purposes at the same time. It will gain and lose its purposes as conditions change.
デザインされていない物が目的を持つことは珍しいことではない。たとえば、北極星は航行では目的を持つが、その目的を持っているのは、特定の位置にあるからだ。デザインされた物であっても、目的は変わっていく。同じ物が、違う時には違う目的を持ったり、同時に複数の目的を持ったりする。条件が違えば、目的を得たり失ったりする。- Some life forms have no apparent purpose. There have been species in isolated caves discovered quite by chance (Decu et al. 1994). Very likely, there have been species similarly isolated that were never discovered.
Some parts of life forms also appear to have no purpose: junk DNA, for example.
Life also exists at cross-purposes. A bobcat's purpose for a rabbit is likely to be quite different from the rabbit's purpose.
- Decu, V., M. Gruia, S. L. Keffer and S. M. Sarbu, 1994. Stygobiotic waterscorpion, Nepa anophthalma, n. sp. (Heteroptera: Nepidae), from a sulfurous cave in Romania. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 87: 755-761.
Claim CB130:
So-called junk DNA is not really junk. Functions have been found for noncoding DNA which was previously thought to be junk, and we cannot be sure that the rest of the junk DNA is not functional as well.
Behe, Michael J., 2003. A functional pseudogene?: An open letter to Nature.
- It has long been known that some noncoding DNA has important functions. (This was known even before the phrase "junk DNA" was coined.) However, there is good evidence that much DNA has no function:
- Sections of DNA can be cut out or replaced with randomized sequences with no apparent effect on the organism (Nóbrega et al. 2004).
DNAの一部はランダムなシーケンスで置き換えても、生物に影響がない。- Some sections of DNA are corrupted copies of functional coding DNA, but mutations in them, such as stop codons early in the sequence, show that they cannot have retained the same function as the coding copy.
DNAのあるセクションは、機能を持つコーディング領域の壊れたコピーであるが、途中でストップコドンが突然変異で入っていたりして、コピー元と同じ機能を実現できない。- The fugu fish has a genome that is about one third as large as its close relatives.
フグのゲノムは近接種の1/3の長さである。- Mutations in functional regions of DNA show evidence of selection -- nonsilent changes occur less often that one would expect by chance. In other sections of DNA, there is no evidence that any changes are selected against.
- EvoWiki, 2004. Junk DNA. http://www.evowiki.org/wiki.phtml?title=Junk_DNA
- Nóbrega, Marcelo A., Yiwen Zhu, Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, Veena Afzal and Edward M. Rubin, 2004. Megabase deletions of gene deserts result in viable mice. Nature 431: 988-993.
Further Reading: