[KEVIN McGILL: "ACLU wants La. to ban creationism in public schools" (2009/06/10) on Daily Comet by The Associated Press]「超自然の存在が人類を創造した」や「クリティカルシンキングの推奨を偽装した宗教信条」を禁じたら、事実上、ルイジアナ州反進化論州法Act473は無力化される。
BATON ROUGE — New rules for teaching science in Louisiana should include specific prohibitions on the teaching of scientific creationism and intelligent design, the American Civil Liberties Union said today.
The ACLU urged the state education board to revisit the issue.
The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education voted in January on the rules, which were drawn up to implement 2008 legislation.
That legislation allowed local school systems and teachers to introduce into science classes supplemental teaching materials in addition to state-approved textbooks.
The rules were published in the state register in April for public viewing and comment before they are formally adopted.
In its comment, the ACLU complained the board in January rejected language specifically forbidding the teaching of creation science and intelligent design — concepts knocked down by federal courts as religion-based.
The board also rejected draft language prohibiting teaching materials that "advance the religious belief that a supernatural being created humankind" and another sentence stating, "Religious beliefs shall not be advanced under the guise of encouraging critical thinking."
The ACLU said those prohibitions should be restored as well.
- ルイジアナ州の反進化論州法SB733/Act473成立 (2008/06/28) [Act473]
- アラバマ州の反進化論ステッカー
==>Information about the Alabama "Evolution Warning Label" on Alabama Citizens for Science Education
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