仕掛け人Philip Davisによれば...
Would a publisher accept a completely nonsensical manuscript if the authors were willing to pay Open Access publication charges? After being spammed with invitations to publish in Bentham Science journals earlier this year, I decided to find out.で、生成された原稿はこんなかんじ:
出版料金を払えば、出版社は完全に無意味な原稿をacceptするだろうか? Bentham Science journalsへの投稿を勧誘するスパムをくらったので、私はこれを確かめることにした。
Using SCIgen, a software that generates grammatically correct, “context-free” (i.e. nonsensical) papers in computer science, I quickly created an article, complete with figures, tables, and references. It looks pretty professional until you read it.
The manuscript, entitled “Deconstructing Access Points” was submitted on January 29th, 2009, to The Open Information Science Journal (TOISCIJ), a journal that claims to enforce peer-review.
"Deconstructing Access Points"という題の原稿を2009年1月29日に査読付だというThe Open Information Science Journalに投稿した。
[Philip Davis: "Open Access Publisher Accepts Nonsense Manuscript for Dollars" (2009/06/10) on the scholarly kitchen]
Deconstructing Access Pointsどうみても十分におかしい。
David Phillips and Andrew Kent
The synthesis of the Ethernet is a confusing grand challenge. Given the current status of knowledgebased archetypes, statisticians particularly desire the refinement of superpages, which embodies the practical principles of software engineering. In order to address this riddle, we investigate how web browsers can be applied to the construction of the Ethernet.
In conclusion, in our research we explored TriflingThamyn, a method for virtual methodologies. To accomplish this ambition for unstable models, we constructed new metamorphic algorithms. Continuing with this rationale, our algorithm has set a precedent for suffix trees, and we expect that systems engineers will analyze TriflingThamyn for years to come. We expect to see many futurists move to studying TriflingThamyn in the very near future.これがどうなったかというと、仕掛け人Philip Davisによればacceptされた:
Bentham confirmed receipt of my submission the very next day (January 30, 2009). Nearly four months later, I received a response — the article was accepted. The acceptance letter read:これを報道したNew ScientistがBenthamにacceptした理由を質問している。これに対する回答は...
Benthamからは当行の翌日(2009年1月30日)に受取確認が届いた。そして4か月近くたって、私は原稿がacceptされたという手紙を受け取った:This is to inform you that your submitted article has been accepted for publication after peer-reviewing process in TOISCIJ. I would be highly grateful to you if you please fill and sign the attached fee form and covering letter and send them back via email as soon as possible to avoid further delay in publication.The letter was written by a Ms. Sana Mokarram, the Assistant Manager of Publication. She included a fee schedule and confirmation that I would pay US$800, to be sent to a post office box in the SAIF Zone, a tax-free complex in the United Arab Emirates.
手紙は出版のアシスタントマネージャであるMs. Sana Mokarramによって書かれていた。手紙には出版料金支払い予定と、UAEの無税ゾーンであるSAIF Zoneにある私書箱へ送り返す私が800米国ドルを支払確認書が同封されていた。
[Philip Davis: "Open Access Publisher Accepts Nonsense Manuscript for Dollars" (2009/06/10) on the scholarly kitchen]
Mahmood Alam, Bentham's director of publications, responded to queries from New Scientist by email: "In this particular case we were aware that the article submitted was a hoax, and we tried to find out the identity of the individual by pretending the article had been accepted for publication when in fact it was not."なにやら苦しい言い訳にも聞こえる出版社Bentham側の回答である。
Benthamの出版部門長であるMahmood Alamは、メールによるNew Scientistからの質問に対して「今回の件では、我々は投稿された原稿がhoaxであることはわかっていた。我々は投稿者が誰か知るために、実際にはacceptされていないが、acceptされたように見せかけた。」と回答してきた。
"Why hasn't he attempted to contact me directly in order to determine my true identity?" Davis responds.
[Peter Aldhous: "CRAP paper accepted by journal" (2009/06/12) on New Scientist]
The revelation that a journal had apparently accepted a nonsensical computer-generated paper submitted by hoaxers has led to the resignation of the publication's editor-in-chief.学術論文誌は通常は、購読者の支払う購読料金と、投稿者の支払う論文掲載料金によって成り立っている。論文掲載数を確保することは経営上は不可欠である。したがって、投稿数不足に苦しむ状況だと、経営側はいんちき論文でも掲載したくなる。
Bambang Parmanto, a health information scientist at the University of Pittsburgh, resigned yesterday from The Open Information Science Journal after being contacted by a reporter from The Scientist asking for his comments on the hoax.
University of Pittsburghの医療情報科学者であるBambang Parmantoは昨日、The Scientistが本件のhoaxについてコメント求めた後、The Open Information Science Journalの編集長を辞任した。
"I never saw the paper," says Parmanto. "It's a breakdown in the process."
Parmanto says that he first learned of this explanation from Alam yesterday. In his resignation letter, Parmanto says that he suggested that all editorial decisions in future must be taken by scientific editors, rather than Bentham staff.
[Peter Aldhous: "Editor of journal targeted by hoaxers resigns" (2009/06/12) on New Scientist]
Bambang Parmanto編集長が席を蹴飛ばしたことから見て、Bentham側の言い訳は偽りで、実際は掲載料金目当てに、出版社スタッフが本当にacceptしたように思える。